Musselburgh Support from the Start

Note of meeting held on 9th October 2017


Margaret St.Clair Gunn (H.V team), Anna potter, (Active Schools), Claire Gillespie (First Step), Tina Pollock (First Step), Carol-ann Withington (SFTS family worker), Stuart Baxter ( Area Partnership) Janice Macleod (SFTS), Jane Cumming (CLD), Steven Wray (Public health)

Apologies - Pamela martin

Previous note of meeting – accepted as read.

Matters Arising

-Area partnership communities day was very busy and a positive networking experience for local agencies.

-First Step communities consultation has had a 110 family responses so far + responses from practitioners. It is hoped the feedback from the consultation will be available to be shared at end of November


Noted that the funds for bursaries in the Musselburgh cluster is now exhausted and the group agreed to continue this service with the addition of a further £750.

Parent pathway

-Noted that the current pathway is need of some updating because of changes to some contact information. Action: Carol-ann to update contacts

-Agreed that a reduced size version which highlights key supports and where to find more information could be helpful particularly for new parents who are faced with a lot of information from agencies

-Anna Potter agreed to help with circulation of parent pathway information through active school networks

-Noted that Peep groups provided by CLD and First Step remain over booked and demand is high for future groups

-Referrals for the Bookbug in the home role have been slow to build up and it is felt that the worker can now support more group based work.

-A proposal to the Common Good Fund in Musselburgh to support the delivery of Peep and Bookbug groups in the community is to be developed and discussed with members of the Common Good fund prior to submission.

Information on the Parent Pathway

Irene - A volunteer supported by Jane Cummings has delivered her first Musselburgh What’s on –

An email has been created for information to be supplied to All agencies reminded to please send dates and details of groups as they are planned to this email for inclusion in the What’s on.

Loose Parts Play training session

Janice had arranged for a Loose Parts Play training session to be delivered in Musselburgh with a small amount of funds from the area partnership. The session was very popular and successful. A proposal for a development officer to support loose parts play is being developed by East Lothian Play Association for the are partnerships consideration

Kindness Co-operative

Janice had invited the North Berwick Support from the Start lead to a meeting of the Musselburgh children and youth network to discuss the Kindness Co-operative model as a response to issues created by the Universal credit reforms in particular but poverty in general. The approach bring s together a range of initiatives under one brand but is also supported by a central contact point provided by the CLD development officer in the cluster.

It was felt that although Musselburgh was very different to the North Berwick situation that there was a need for some co-ordination between different agencies responses to poverty in the community, it was also felt that some things were missing from local responses that could potentially enhance the communities’ response to poverty. All felt that it would be useful to further discuss what is already happening in the cluster particularly for families and agreed to invite the Baptist church to the next meeting to give an overview of what they provide.

Reading is Braw Xmas Book Advent project

Janice outline a proposal to replicate the Dunbar SFTS xmas advent book project which provide s 24 age appropriate books (one for each day prior to xmas day) to families identified by local agencies who could benefit from this. All agreed it would be a good project and build on the Reading is Braw initiative. Action: Agreed to utilise funds if needed for wrapping paper etc. Janice to liaise with local agencies to put out book collection points and for support with wrapping books.

Around the table

First Step – AGM is on the 8th November at 1pm with a speaker form Play Scotland – All welcome

-First Step is also recruiting board advisors for a bi-monthly meeting of the project Board.

-First Step is planning to run a sleep training course and is re-starting its Sleep clinic due to a high demand for support on sleep issues

-First Step is considering introducing a ‘Water Peep’ session as a pilot. Ann advised on contacting development officer for swimming Kim Ferguson.

Health Visitors – the introduction of the Universal pathway is a significant change for the team. Agrees to have this on the agenda for the next meeting with team members explaining what it is and how partners can link to it

Area Partnership – has agreed along with other area partnerships to support SFTS in purchasing licences and rights to show the Resilience film which explains the Adverse Childhood Experiences research is a CPD / training resource for practitioners. DVD copies of the film are now available for loan from SFTS.

CLD – Family fun days planned Whitecraig / Wallyford and a session at Musselburgh East Community centreon the 28th October.

A successful Awards for All funding application will support Whitecraig Stay & Play and some First Aid for parents training sessions.

DONMThurs 14th Dec 2pm – 3.30pm