Electromagnetic Compatibility and Radio Spectrum Matters – TGSRR
Sophia AntipolisJune 3-4th2013
Note: fields marked with an * are mandatory, others are optional..../...
Title*: / Draft Minutes for Meeting of TGSRR #15from Source*: / TGSRR Chairman
Submitted To*: / ERM_TGSRR
Document for*: / Decision / X / a decision is formally requested from the addressed (sub-)committee
Only one "X" / Discussion / the contribution is expected to be presented and discussed, but no decision is formally requested
Information / the contribution does not require discussion,
Submission date*: / 2013-06-10
Agenda Item: / 1.2
Contact: /
Relevant WI(s), or deliverable(s):
(1)If the submitter wants to indicate his role (Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, rapporteur,…) this is the place to do it
Agenda Item / Subject / Document N°1. / Welcome and opening remarks,
The chairman welcomed the delegates.
Andreas John, Hella (F2F)
Hans Dominik, Autoliv (F2F)
Nick Long, Great Circle Design (F2F)
Steven Clark, Navtech Radar (F2F)
Evelyn Wee, Continental-ADC (F2F)
Josef Schuermann, jsconsult (F2F)
Frank Ernst, Bosch (F2F)
Igor Minaev, ETSI (F2F)
Mike Sharpe, ETSI (Tuesday morning F2F)
Richard Scheibelhofer, EADS (Tuesday F2F)
Michael Mahler, Bosch (Tuesday F2F)
Richard Koerber, Astyx (Tuesday afterneoon G2M) / -
1.1 / Invitation/ General matters / IPR
Introduction to the ETSI facilities was made
The IPR call was made; no responses were received to the IPR call. / 004
1.2 / Adoption of the agenda
Document ERMTGSRR(13)015003_r3 adopted / 003, 003_r3
1.3 / Revised Minutes of ERM TGSRR #14(as approved by RC)
Revised Minutes of meeting #14 as outcome of the RC were noted by the meeting
Note: spelling of Nick Long´s name should be corrected in the minutes / 002
2. / ERM #49 issues,
Report of TGSRR chair to ERM#49 was introduced.
The meeting noted the report from the chairman / 001
3. / ECC Status (WGSE, SRDMG, WGFM ), EC
Report on 5th update :Draft document on 5th update of the EC SRD decision was introduced. Input based on the CEPT Report 44 report
>Nick Long highlighted the following point (row 79)
Definition of Transport and Trafic Telematics (TTT) as “radio communication systems”
>” communications” could exclude radar in Nick Long´s view. Might need to be clarified (Does RSCOM mean to cover radar or not?)
>proposal to delete “communication”, should be raised in the next SRD/MG meeting.
>It was concluded that the text is inconsistent and needs to be clarified with regard to automotive radar and the definition of it.
>email / Liaison document will be prepared and sent to Michael Sharpe /cc Gabrielle Owen: to request for guidance how this could be raised or clarified
Nick Long provided draft document ERMTGSRR(13)015020 for discussion, after some discussion the LS draft was approved by the meeting
Suggestion to remove “communications” from the “TTT” definition
Next RSCOM 9/10th July 2013: it is expected to see the latest version of the document there
Report from the last WGSE meeting was introduced, the LS from ERM on the status of the ongoing 76GHz work items was noted by WG SE and SE24 / 005, 019, 20, 20r1
4. / Draft EN 302 858-1, -2; Status (ENAP Version)
The latest versions of EN 302 858 were introduced. After ERM #49, the meetingdecided to release for ENAP after making textual changes in the scope. After to submit both parts to RC and to release for ENAP. The docs presently at the secretariat for final review where the below identified editorials are also to be corrected.
For all changes (editorials) refer to the output version of the TGSRR #15 meeting
Check all units for commas and dots ( rule to use dots instead of commas)
B8.1: Frequencies in last sentence should be changed to 23.65 GHz and 24.90GHz to be in line with the correct frequencies in figure B5
Part-2: yellow highlighted should be inserted / corrected /deleted
4.2.7: 7.7.3 and B7.3 in part-1
4.2.8: 7.8.3 Test defined in clause 7.7 and B.7 The test defined in clause 7.8 and B.8 of
The Part 1 and part 2 are awaiting release for ENAP. / 006
5. / Draft EN 302 264-1; -2 (79 GHz) amendment - for review
Both documents were uploaded after TGSRR #14 meeting. Documents are available on the latest drafts TGSRR docbox. No comments were received till now
Editorial work needs to be done, before the documents can be sent to ERM#51: eg conversion in new template
The raporteur proposed the following schedule for next steps
>4weeks internal inquiry: deadline for comments in TGSRR July 12th, 2013
The comments should be based on the latest versions of the documents that are available in the TGSRR latest drafts docbox
> TGSRR resolution meeting July 18th at next regular TGSRR meeting
>after that official RC in TGSRR for 2weeks
>send to ERM for approval (August 2nd) via RC
[Decision TGSRR#15_05]: Proposal for time schedule update was accepted / 007
6. / Draft EN 301 091-1; -2 amendment - for review
Both documents were uploaded after TGSRR #14 meeting. Documents are available on the latest drafts TGSRR docbox. No comments were received until now
Editorial work needs to be done, before the documents can be sent to ERM#51: eg conversion in new template
The raporteur proposed the following schedule for next steps
>4weeks internal inquiry: deadline for comments in TGSRR July 12th, 2013
The comments should be based on the latest versions of the documents that are available in the TGSRR latest drafts docbox
> TGSRR resolution meeting July 18th at next regular TGSRR meeting
>after that official RC in TGSRR 2weeks
>send to ERM for approval (August 2nd) via RC
[Decision TGSRR#15_04]: Proposal for time schedule update was accepted / 008
7. / Draft EN 301 091 part 3 - for review
First draft was uploaded after TGSRR #14 meeting. Document is available on the latest drafts TGSRR docbox.
It was noted by the meeting that no contribution from ETSI members were received. It will need to be checked if there are interested parties that would contribute to the development process of the document.
UIC needs to be advised for possible contributions. (Chairman).
Attention to the Use of “shall “and “should”
For all changes refer to the output version of the TGSRR meeting
Scope / title of the document was modified:
Output of the meeting ( Title part-3) Technical characteristics and test methods for radar equipment for Railway / Road crossings operating in the 76-77GHz range (since Railway is the intended application)
(Verify with the wording of ERC/REC 70-03, Annex 4)
Clause1: scope must be specifically pointing out that it is limited to road
railway crossings
2.1 Reference to specific version of part-1 must be made
2.2 Bibliography: documents that were presented to SRD/MG and WG FM, Also other relevant docs to be listed
Clause 4.5 should be made clause 5
Title: Installation requirements
General note:“orientation” should be specified , better defined . e.g. Area
of illumination.
Discussion about issues that can be tested and not be tested. It needs to be checked how and what installation requirements need to be included here.
We could consider the EN 302 288 since there was a similar situation regarding installation requirement
First sentence:
The coverage of the radar sensor shall be directed at the rail / road crossing area
Second sentence:
The radar equipment shall only be in operation when the crossing road traffic is intended to be halted
After second sentence, put reference to documents to UIC docs that have been introduced to WGFM and SRD/MG
Reasoning for the installation requirements section needs to be added
proposal will be provided by Josef Schuermann. Will be referenced to the documents that were introduced to WG FM and SRD/MG, A visualization of the intended rail/road crossing could be helpful
Annex C.1
The radar equipment shall only be in operation when the crossing road traffic is intended to be halted
Annex F
Additional material should be added here / e.g.
8. / Draft TR 103 137 Helicopter - for comments
TC AERO was kept informed on the status and development of the document, as requested
R.Scheibelhofer presented the document in last TC AERO meeting
[Action TGSRR#15_01]:
The TGSRR chairman will invite the TC AERO chairman for the TGSRR#16 meeting July 18th2013
Document 21 was introduced and discussed in the meeting (summary document containing all contributions received during RC)
All input documents were considered during the meeting; theoutput document including the results of the discussion during the meeting is document 024 / 010, 012, 16
021, 024
9. / 76Draft TR 103 148; 76 GHz Infrastructure - for comments,
78Document 017 containing all comments and notes received prior to the meeting was introduced in the meeting
Regarding the structure and and the development of a SRDoc , reference to ETSI guide on SRDoc development EG 201788 was made
Change fixed road infrastructure to “fixed transport infrastructure” (ERM should be informed and asked for guidance on the change of the scope): Reference to change of definitions in 5th update process
[Action TGSRR#15_02]:
Rapporteur to act
Reference was made to the definition of RTTT / TTT in CEPT report 44 (march 2013)
Proposal to limit the scope of the document to “transport” applications
During the meeting, Bosch expressed the view thatthe preliminary SEAMCAT studies should be removed from the SRDoc as this could be considered not adequate in the ETSI – CEPT context.
Additionally it was requested to make the SEAMCAT workspace file available to the group.
Input Documents 011/013/014/015 were considered by the meeting. The TGSRR#15 Comments and remarks have been included in the output document 023 / 011, 013, 014, 015,017, 023
10. / Other issues, output docs
>Next meeting: (TGSRR#16)
July 18th , 2013 10:00 – 16:00 at BNetzA Mainz
Provisional Agenda items:
TR 103 137 (helicopter)
TR 103 148 (fixed road side infrastructure)
EN 301 091 -1/-2/-3
EN 302 264 -1/-2
Document ERMTGSRR(13)015018 was introduced:
Minutes of the latest SRD/MG meeting were analyzed for the outcome/ conclusions on the proposal:
[Decision TGSRR#15_01]:
Suggest to ERM to send a LS to SRD/MG to consider automotive radar as a potential victim in the 24GHz fixed links studies
A draft e-mail to Gabrielle Owen and Michael Sharpe was drafted and approved as doc 20r1
[Decision TGSRR#15_02]:
LS to ERM/ cc Mike Sharpe: Note on 5th update EC SRD decision: text as available in ERMTGSRR(13)015020_r1
[Decision TGSRR#15_03]:
Nick Long will draft LS to ERM of modification of the scope of the SRDoc on infrastructure (TR103148)
Following further discussions on the second day of the meeting, was decided that text provided by Nick Long will be included in the TGSRR chairman report to ERM#50, rather than in a LS
A note will be included to propose to review / revise TR102704 in the light of the ongoing activities related to the development of TR 103 148 / 018