Northwood Primary School

Newsletter 1 – September 2017

Dear Parent/Carer,

Isn’t it great to be back at school? It has been lovely to see all the children looking so smart and eager to work. I am really looking forward to continuing to grow success in this new academic year. I would like to welcome all the children who are starting Northwood this term and look forward to continuing to work in partnership with you all as your Head Teacher. I would like to extend a warm welcome to new teaching staff joining us, Miss White (Year 1), Miss Johnston (Year 4) and Miss Sullivan (Year 5).

Staff News

I am delighted to let you all know that Miss Sloan is expecting her first baby and will be going on maternity leave at October half term. She will continue to work in Year 5 this half term. I also wish to inform you that Ms Lillystone left Northwood at the end of last academic year. We wish her well in the future as she explores new career opportunities. Mrs Mason unfortunately is still poorly and we wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs Cullen is also off work due to ill health and we hope to have her back at work very soon.

Safeguarding Matters

A very important reminder that only reception parents are allowed through the school gate into the playground to drop off and collect their children at the beginning and end of the school day. Congestion in this area prevents children from leaving and meeting their parents/carers. Should you wish to speak to a member of staff, please wait until all the children have been dismissed or report to the school office for assistance. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

After School Childcare Provision

For those of you seeking affordable childcare please remember to consider our After School Childcare. This provision offers peace of mind for working parents in the safety and comfort of the school premises. After School Childcare is open every evening Monday to Friday during school term time from 3.30pm-6.00pm and costs £6 per session per child. You can book regular or one-off sessions. For further information and advice on how to pay for this service please contact the office.

Attendance Matters

Last year our overall attendance figure remained stubbornly low, resulting in our school being in the lowest 10% of schools nationally. Thank you to those parents who ensure their children have good attendance and are punctual. May I remind you that learning at Northwood starts at 8.40 am every day. Teachers are in their rooms working with children from this time and although the gates close at 8.55 am it is vital that your child is in school by 8.40 so as not to miss out on any learning. Ms Bainbridge (Assistant Head Teacher) and Paula Stainthorp (Parent Support Advisor) are responsible for the Attendance Strategy at Northwood and parents will receive the updated attendance policy very soon. We will be continuing our weekly raffle which rewards attendance and uniform. Children will be entered in the weekly raffle to win a book voucher to spend at the school’s Book Club ran by Mrs Deane and Mrs Jones. If your child attends every day on time in full uniform and have their PE kit in school they will be entered into the draw. Please note requests for holidays during term time will not be authorised and will result in a referral being made to the local authority to issue penalty notices and fines.

Meet the Teacher (Reception to Year 6)

On Friday 15th September from the start of the school day until 10am I would like to invite all Parents/Carers into school for a “Meet the Teacher” session. This will be a great opportunity to meet the teacher and find out about the teaching and learning that your child will be engaged with during the school year. It will also be an opportunity for you to be reassured that your child is well settled in a great learning environment. Please enter school on that morning with your child. I look forward to seeing you all then.

Roald Dahl Day

On Friday 15th September Northwood Primary will also be celebrating Roald Dahl’s Birthday. I am inviting the whole school community to dress up as either a character from a story or nursery rhyme or wear Roald Dahl’s favourite colour of yellow. If your child does not wish to dress up they can wear their school uniform. (There is no cost for this non-uniform day).

Year 6 Robinwood Trip

On Friday 8th September 39 of our Year 6 children are off for a fantastic weekend at Robinwood Outdoor Activity Centre. Mr Curtis, Ms Bainbridge and Miss Robinson are also going and can’t wait for all of the thrills and adventures that Robinwood has to offer. Due to unforeseen circumstances, this will be the last time Northwood venture to Robinwood. I wish to reassure the current Year 5 children that we are already planning our alternative weekend experience for next year.

Upcoming dates for your diary

  • Friday 8th September – Sunday 10th September: Year 6 children at Robinwood
  • Friday 15th September – “Meet the Teacher” Parent Session until 10am
  • Friday 15th September – Roald Dahl Dress up Day – dress up as a story book character or wear yellow
  • Monday 18th September – Jayz Animals in Year 2
  • Tuesday 19th September – NSPCC Online Safety Workshop for Parents until 10am (more info to follow)
  • Tuesday 19th September – NSPCC assembly Year 1 – 3 then Year 4 – 6
  • Tuesday 26th September – Year 5 NSPCC Workshop (Morning) and Year 6 NSPCC Workshop (Afternoon)
  • Friday 29th September – World Healthy Heart Day – Wear sports kit to school (non-uniform)
  • W/B Monday 2nd October – World Space Week
  • Friday 6th October - World Smile Day / National Poetry Day – Wear ‘bright + cheerful’ colours to school (non-uniform)
  • Wednesday 11th October – School Photograph Day
  • Wednesday 11th October – Community Open Evening (more info to follow)
  • Friday 20th Oct – School finishes for half term at 3.30pm

Thank you for your continued support,

Zoe Beach,

Head Teacher.