Northwest Travel Soccer Monthly Board Meeting
Attendance: Cari Boucher, Cindy Langer, Bryan Sautters, Tim Baran, Tom Horstmann, Stacy Murphy, Fran Pantuosco, Aaron Boucher
Location: Chatterly’s
Start: 6:30 pm; End: 9:00 pm
Open of Meeting
Secretary Report: N/A—no secretary.
Treasury Report: Dan not in attendance/unavailable.
President’s Report: District Meeting—discussion items:
- Referee issues including ensuring report are completed by referees at end of game; check goals to ensure they are stable.
- Fees imposed for lack of attendance at district meeting….we did miss one and owe league money.
- They are still mulling over whether we will be changing to small sided games and will be in need of new goals.
- $1000 still available for the year if our club does not use for the new goals.
Assignor Report:
- May consider updating assignor position.
- Referee pay increase for Spring 2017 to 60/40/40 for U12 and under; 65/45/45 for U13 and above.
Registrar Report: Adrienne not in attendance/unavailable.
Team Roster/Formation:
- Double Roster-single roster---minimum single roster for our league for older leagues now changed to 13; double roster no max but are “on-call” only if attendance of single roster does not equal 13—changes to start Spring 2017.
- Registration Fee Increase Spring 2017--$135.
- New Team Formations to take place only in the Fall
- Coaches now only allowed to primary coach one team—he/she may assistant coach for one other team.
- Uniform orders will stay with Shawn.
Coaches Information:
- Coaches credit $220 to be used by primary coach and/or assistant coach and taken no later than 2 weeks after registration opens otherwise credit is forfeited.
- Coaches meetings now only required at beginning/end of each season.
- All coaches to sign-up for tryouts for each season regardless of need in order to prepare for any unforeseen changes in roster.
- Equipment turned at end of year and why
Fundraising:Sponsorship form to be developed.
- Tomtraining analysis and upcoming training research
Further Discussions:
1. Bylaw development.
2. League name modification and why.
3. Timeline for coach commitment, player commitment, registration, uniforms, finalize roster discussed.