Boswell Pioneer Wrestling Handbook
Welcome to the Boswell Pioneer Wrestling. Our goals are to promote teamwork and sportsmanship and to improve techniques, strategies, and knowledge of the sport in a fun and supportive atmosphere. We want to be known as a team who works harder than any other team. Our climb to the top will take pride, dedication, and teamwork to achieve our goals. At times the task will seem overwhelming, at times unreachable, but making the climb one step at a time TOGETHER will get us to our destination.
This handbook is written to clarify the goals and expectations of the wrestling program. It is written as an aid to eliminate any misunderstandings that might occur and it is not a substitute for communication between parents, athletes, and coaches. We want to make certain the lines of communication are open and that there are as few gray areas as possible. In the event that one of these gray areas emerges, we urge you to make a call, or come and visit with the team coach or coaches as soon as possible. We are all here for the same reasons and together, we can do great things.
Wrestling is a great sport because it is an individual combat sport. Each competitor is forced to take responsibility for how well he prepared, and how well he performed. In other sports, teammates can blame each other for a loss, and teammates must also share in the glory of a victory. A wrestler stands alone, and either must bear the burden of loss or rejoice in the aftermath of victory.
The general goal of the wrestling program is to make athletics a positive learning experience for all involved. It is our belief that if the objectives below are attained, we will reach our goals.
· Compete with the expectations and intent to win
· Never accept losing
· Promote sportsmanship on and off the mat
· Provide an opportunity for student involvement
· Provide an opportunity for community involvement
· Provide the leadership necessary to develop a strong, reputable character
· Provide an environment where athletes will learn self-discipline
· Teach the importance and procedures of goal setting
· Contribute to the total development of the individual:
Mentally, physically, socially, and emotionally
· Establish pride in our school and ourselves
· Promote higher education with the goal of graduating and advancing beyond
We expect you to do something worthwhile with your life. We expect you to have great expectations. Anticipate having a great day, a great practice, and great season, and a great life! We expect the following things from you:
· To get an education
· To give your total effort in the classroom and on the mat
· To make the most of what you’ve been given
· To respect your teammates and your team
· To practice to the best of your ability
· To be totally honest in every situation
· To be loyal to your school, teachers, coaches, teammates, family, and friends.
· To be enthusiastic
· To make all decisions based on what is best for the team
· To have dedication to wrestling and our wrestling program
· To have consistency and fairness to all athletes
· To provide the leadership and training necessary to achieve our goals
· To work the athlete harder than he or she has worked before
· To have confidence in the athlete
· To display a winning and positive attitude
· To assist the athlete in any way possible now and after he or she graduates
· To treat the athlete with respect as an athlete and as a person
· To help the athlete mature and grow as a person
· To help the athlete reach his or her goals
Discipline is doing what is necessary or right in any and all circumstances. The coaches expect the players to exercise self-discipline. Character and self-discipline is the wisdom to know what is right and the courage to do it.
Your outer appearance and language give the first impression of your degree of discipline. In many cases you and your team will be judged from this first impression alone. Do not confuse discipline with external appearances. You cannot win with a superficial exterior. Adversity and hardships will remove it. You can and will win with discipline. Over the course of a season your athletic ability might or might not increase enough to make a significant difference. Disciplined strategies can increase enough to make a difference. Proper technique and strategic racing no matter the opponent or the facilities is discipline. Discipline is not an inherited trait, it must be learned. We will teach you, but you must be willing to learn.
Coaches will implement team discipline policies. Each case will be evaluated on its’ individual merit, but the general rules are as follows:
Any time an athlete is going to miss practice for any reason; the athlete will be required to contact their coach before the practice begins.
*Excused Practice- Illness, or death of a relative or close friend
*Unexcused Practice- Other than the above at the coach’s discretion.
*Consequences- If you miss practice time, your attendance to the meet is jeopardized and you run the risk of competing at your current weight class (ie. Varsity or Jv)
An athlete is considered tardy if he or she is not warming up and in the wrestling room by the scheduled time.
It is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to purchase and/or consume alcohol. It is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to purchase and/or consume tobacco products. It is illegal for anyone to be in possession of or to use illegal drugs/ drugs prescribed to someone else. Also, note that you can be guilty by association. Therefore do not be associated with anyone or be in a place that would associate you with any of these substances. Anyone found doing any of these shall be dealt with accordingly.
Athletes are expected to show respect to all members of the faculty and the athletic staff. Rude gestures or abusive language will not be tolerated toward anyone, including teammates.
Athletes are expected to follow the classroom rules of all their individual teachers. Misconduct in the classroom could necessitate actions being taken by the coach. The specific coach of the athlete’s event will decide the direction of the action.
Athletes will be required to be in school dress code at all times, unless it is otherwise acceptable as decided by the coach. Not bringing proper apparel such as wrestling shoes, shorts, shirt is not an excuse to miss practice and will result in disciplinary measures.
Once an athlete quits, and if they wish to return, it will be handled on an individual basis by the head coach with advice from the athletic director if necessary. If the athlete is allowed to return it will be on a probationary basis only. A student/athlete quitting a sport after the first contest will forfeit any award for that sport.
If an athlete is released from the team, he or she must wait a year before they will be considered as a possible candidate for returning to the team.
A wrestler may earn a varsity letter during the season when he or she has met any of the following criteria: 1) Wrestled on varsity for the majority of varsity meets; 2) has medaled in any varsity tournament; 3) has accumulated a total of 18 team points; 4) the coach can still use their discretion when awarding a varsity letter.
The coaching staff expects each athlete to conduct themselves in a manner that will reflect the behavior of a scholar and a lady or gentleman in the classroom. Wherever you go or whatever you do, remember you act as a representative of the Eagle Mountain- Saginaw Independent School District and of the Boswell Wrestling Program. Never do anything that will bring criticism to yourself or our program. Good conduct is highly stressed on trips, in public places, and as a guest of various opponents. Profanity will not be tolerated. While representing BHS, be sincerely courteous and respectful. Leave every person you meet with a good feeling towards the Pioneers.
There shall be 14 weight classes for UIL Boys wrestling and 10 weight classes for UIL Girls Wrestling. A high school team may enter one athlete in each weight class. Boys weight classes are: 106 lbs, 113 lbs, 120 lbs, 126 lbs, 132 lbs, 138 lbs, 145 lbs, 152 lbs, 160 lbs, 170 lbs, 182 lbs, 195 lbs, 220 lbs, and 285 lbs Growth Allowance: A two pound growth allowance takes effect on January 1st of the new year. Girls weight classes are: 95 lbs, 102 lbs, 110 lbs, 119 lbs, 128 lbs, 138 lbs, 148 lbs, 165 lbs, 185 lbs, and 215 lbs Growth Allowance: A two pound growth allowance takes effect on January 1st of the new year WRESTLE_OFFS Attendance - Mon/Tues/Weds (practice days) No Call / No Show = Unacceptable Seniors have the option to wrestle up one weight class. If they lose the wrestle-off, underclassmen may bump up if it doesn’t require a wrestle-off (an empty weight) Referee for wrestle-offs (if possible) Conversation with parents involved If a wrestler places in top three in a varsity tournament he has to be beaten twice (in a 2 day period) to lose his spot. If tie – most points wins and a pin supersedes points. If both have pins then a tie breaker match is necessary to determine a winner. PERSONAL HABITS AND TRAINING RULES Certain regulations are made which are intended for your welfare. You must be in top physical shape to compete at a high level. We expect our athletes to keep a healthy sleep cycle during the season. You should establish a definite bedtime. You should get a minimum of eight hours of sleep nightly. Diet plays a prominent part in every sport. It is important to eat a good breakfast. Cut down on junk food and eat balanced meals. Athletes should avoid cokes or beverages containing caffeine. Orange juice, Gatorade, water, tea, milk, etc. will certainly give you a better chance to avoid illnesses. COURTESY All athletes are expected to be courteous to the coaching staff at all times. Coaches will be addressed as “Coach,” “Sir.” or Ma’am” You will address fellow teammates with respect at all times. The same holds true for all school officials and meet officials. Any discourteous attitude or contradictory arguing can result in dismissal from the meet or the team.
Managing/training is a difficult and time-consuming task. As a result, good managers/trainers are hard to find. All managers/trainers are considered an important part of the team. We expect our players to be very considerate in their attitudes and demands towards those trainers and or managers. They will be treated with respect.
Athletics is secondary to the classroom. You must perform in the classroom if you want to perform for our team. You must attend all your classes with books and supplies as required by the teacher. You must address your teacher with respect at all times, no exceptions. We strive to be the "cream of the crop" in our behavior and our grades. You must pass all courses (70 and above) to be eligible to participate. If you do not pass, you will not play. Most teachers offer tutoring before school and/or after. Try to make the one opposite your practice time if possible. If not possible, be sure you tell the coach before the practice you are going to miss that you need to go to tutoring.
One of the coaches must be informed prior to practice if you are going to miss school or practice. This is for the protection of the athlete. The Boswell front office number is 817-237-3314. We do give our cell phone numbers to athletes for better communication. This privilege is not to be abused. If proper notice is given by an athlete, this will be considered an excused absence. It is the athlete's responsibility to notify the coach not their friend’s responsibility. If an athlete does not put out maximum effort during practice he or she will be asked to go home. If this occurs regularly, the player will be asked to turn in their equipment and will be removed from the team. Any questions or discussions about practice by a player will take place with the coach/es before or after practice not during practice.
Equipment has become an expensive problem to athletic departments. Every player is solely responsible for all equipment lost or stolen. As soon as a piece of your equipment is noticed to be missing you should notify the coach and make arrangements to replace the item(s). An equipment sheet will be kept by one of the coaches and signed by the athlete as items are issued
All injuries should be reported at once no matter how minor. Often a minor injury can become a major one. Go to the trainer immediately. The trainer will refer you to a physician when he/she feels your injury requires further treatment. The trainer will work with the physician to establish a rehabilitation program for the athlete. The athlete will not be allowed, nor required, to participate until the physician releases them in writing. Any injured player will be expected to be at practice doing as much as possible to prepare for when he or she is able to participate. The trainer will handle exceptions. Any person requiring treatment will be expected to report as early as possible for this service. All treatments will be taken care of before or after practice unless cleared by the coach.