Northrop Frye School PSSC Meeting Minutes

March 20th, 7:00-8:15pm


Tracey Redmond


Jocelyn Keech

Tammy Crowley

Dianne West Breau

Andrea Boudreau

Tammy Orava

Donna Lagacy

Mike Clarke


Jennifer Ryan

Marcel LeBlanc

Natalie Price

Kim Silliker

Joy Cummings


Approval of Agenda – Tammy 1st, Marie-Annick 2nd

Approval of minutes from last meeting - Marie-Annick 1st, Dianne 2nd

Home & School Update – Andrea Boudreau.

~Finished wishlist. $7000 put back into the school

~Coco Movie profit of $701.00

~Bursary – $500 approved and notified HTHS that it is available. They will contact us with the recipient.

~Prom & Grade 8 cheque issued for $150.00.

~Johnny Coupon Books – can’t contact them so may not happen for this year.

~Staff Appreciation – went really well – lots of notes of thanks from the staff.

Donna said how great the event was and how much the staff appreciated it.

~Night of the Arts – May 14th, 6-8pm (Donna to verify time)

Going to include a sundae bar to raise awareness of the event and as a fundraiser.

~Family Fun Night – May 25th, 5-7pm (proposing to extend time until 7:30pm)

~Planning underway

~Auction – items will be posted online & on Facebook page. There was a suggestion to make the auction online but they aren’t sure this would be good since it may take away from attendees.

~1st meeting – March 27 at 7pm

~Need most help with auction – looking for donations

Principals Summary

Ten Year Plan:

  1. Donna wants a 20 minute time slot to talk at the next meeting since the school data is starting to come in.
  2. Perception Survey
  3. Data was reviewed.
  4. Working with Middle school teachers to do restorative circles.
  5. Two more portables coming to NFS next year.

New middle school scheduled now for January 2020

Discussion of Personalization, Differentiation, Individualization

  1. Staffing Updates
  2. Monique – Administrative Assistant – back at Northrop Frye
  3. Donna, who was with us is gone to Early Childhood
  4. Both Guidance Counselors are out.
  5. Tammy Constantine is helping with urgent issues.
  6. Making sure parents are aware if their children have guidance relationships.
  7. School still feels supported with District resources.
  8. Mme. Comeau – pregnant, grade 5
  9. Mme. Julie Lafrance – engaged.
  10. Mr. Kyle Agnew – expecting a baby.
  11. Playground/Parking Lot discussion

New Business

  1. Terry (BLC) will meet with us whenever we’re ready.
  2. He has some ideas on how to make things better.
  3. Dianne & Tracey will meet with BLC and Donna – they will meet to come up with a plan prior to the meeting.
  1. Business Arising from Minutes of last meeting
  2. Short IPAD activity is deferred to May meeting.
  3. Bookmarks created for the students/families
  4. Breakfast program – looking for volunteers and donations
  5. Parent Info Sharing Night.
  6. We will have another meeting in June just to talk about this – June 12th, tentative.
  7. Tammy O. discussed HTHS and having people come to talk about the school and sports, etc.

8:17pm Adjournment - Andrea

Future Scheduled Meeting Dates: Tuesday, May 1st; June 12th (June date is tentative at this time)


Tuesday, March 20th, 2018 at 7:00 pm


7:00pm Call to Order

  • Approval of Agenda – Tammy 1st, Marie-Annick 2nd
  • Approval of minutes from last meeting - Marie-Annick 1st, Dianne 2nd

7:05pm Home and School Update

7:10pm Principal’s Summary

  • Update on the 10 Year Plan – School data moved to May meeting
  • Updates regarding staffing
  • Playground & Parking lot discussion

7:20pm New Business (Dianne & Tracey)

  • Request meeting with Brunswick Learning regarding parking lot safety as a first step (rather than a letter)

7:25pm Business Arising from the Minutes of the last meeting

  • Short iPad activity – From prior meetings - To be presented by Donna and Marcel
  • Remaining $150 PSSC budget was spent on NFS bookmarks as pens and mugs unfortunately were not available. Provided bookmarks to NFS on February 14th, 2018.
  • NFS Breakfast Program – As per Amie’s email, can PSSC help encourage parental involvement to either donate items or time?
  • Discuss potential topics and begin planning to host a ‘Parent Information Sharing Night’. In January, we discussedhosting this in late September or early October, 2018. Potential ideas to date:
  • Math – Who?
  • Report Cards – Donna will reach out to Dianne Gillis, Director of Schools
  • Inclusion in the Classroom – Who?
  • EA’s and Resources available – Who?
  • Communications, Mental Health? – Further Define and Who?
  • BYOD – Potential topic – If so, who?
  • Other topics will be brought forward at March meeting for discussion

The above in REDhas been moved to June 12thMeeting