NorthPennHigh School

Mrs. Daywalt( )

Social Studies Department

Grading Policy 2016-2017

World History 5.0/6.0

Your quarterly marking period grade will be determined by computing the percentage of points earned from all sources, according to the following letter grade scale:


Grading Scale for Marking Periods Final Course Grades

A+97 – 100% A+ - D course averages parallel the marking

period grades.

A90 – 96% E 50 – 64% (Remediation permitted)

B+87 – 89% F Below 50% (Remediation not


B80 – 86%

C+77 – 79%

C70 – 76% Final Exams (Full Year Courses)

D65 – 69% 21% for each marking period

FBelow 65% 16% for final exam

**All numeric averages will be rounded to the nearest whole number.

Make-up Work following an Excused Absence:

Generally, the time allocated for completion of make-up work due to an excused absence will equal the number of school days missed. See me immediately upon your return to schedule missed tests or quizzes. Make-up tests or quizzes may differ from those originally given. If you are absent for five or more consecutive days, contact the Home Office to coordinate and gather yourl assignments. It is your responsibility to follow up and complete all make-up work. If your absence is unexcused, you will receive a zero for any missed tests, quizzes and assignments.

Sources used to Determine Quarterly Marking Period Grades:

Tests/Quizzes: Tests will vary in format, including alternative assessment assignments. Point values of tests will vary. Tests/quizzes will occur on A, C and E days, with ample advance notice.

Midterms: Midterms will be administered in January and will factor into the marking period 2 grade (10%).

Homework and In-class Assignments: Written homework assignments and in-class assignments will be worth 6 points, unless otherwise stated. Full credit will be earned for all completed assignments that are turned in on time. Half credit may still be earned for assignments turned in one day late. Students who accumulate 4 or more missing assignments per quarter are ineligible for extra credit in this class. You should turn in each assignment, even if no points are earned due to lateness.

Research Paper: The curriculum for this class requires satisfactory completion of a research project, which will occur during the second semester. Students who fail the research project or do not submit a research projectare in jeopardy of failing the marking period in which the final project is graded.

Class Participation: Individual and group participation is expected, as both will enhance your performance in this class. At the end of each marking period, students will receive a class participation grade based upon their overall effort in class. This grade will reflect such things as participation in class activities and discussions, preparedness, arrival to class on time, behavior, etc. (a separate rubric on class participation will be provided and reviewed during the first week of class).

Extra Credit: Opportunities for extra credit points may be offered during the year at my discretion. This may occur in the form of bonus questions on tests or quizzes, or extra assignments or projects. The maximum effect that extra credit work may have on your grade is to raise it two percentage points.

Remediation: Additional assistance is available during 9th period orafter school at the students’ request or at my invitation.