Northern Virginia Chapter ONS

Summer Newsletter, 2012

Editor: Donna Meyer

Chapter Mission: The mission of our chapter is to create a culture within our community that promotes excellence in oncology nursing and quality cancer care.

Chapter Vision: The vision of our chapter is to advance the role of the oncology nurse in the continuum of cancer care which includes prevention, screening, early detection, treatment, palliative care, research and education.

Local Meetings are the fourth Mondays of the month

Future Program Events:

Please keep alert to Thuy Nguyen flyers of the upcoming chapter meetings OR go to Facebook (!/NorthernVirginiaOnsChapter)and to get updates on our chapter.

As the lazy, hazy days of summer descend upon us; our chapter maintains its energetic force. New members continue to join and our board is robust and active.

Two of our board members—President-elect Lois Sutphin and Scholarship Chair Anne Bush—travelled to Pittsburg on July 15 for ONS Leadership Weekend (formally Mentorship Weekend). This valuable conference gathers the President (or President-Elect) and one board representative of each ONS chapter for a jam packed weekend focusing on chapter finances, social networking, how to run an effective chapter, etc. We look forward to hearing new ideas and being inspired by their attendance at this fun and productive event.

Although Congress seems like a long forgotten Cajun dream, Congress is still on our minds; 2013, that is! Next year Congress will be here in DC! Let’s help our DC sister chapter in preparation planning. This is a great way to reignite that passion for oncology nursing. You are all leaders and influencers, so take that next step. Please contact me or any of the board members for volunteer opportunities.

As I reach my half-year mark as President, I want to say how honored I am to be part of such a highly professional and experienced chapter. The wealth of information and knowledge that I observe at each chapter dinner meeting is palpable.

To accomplish great things, you must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe

—Anatole France

Visit ONS National on the website for information on clinical practice, membership, publications, chemotherapy courses and CNE Central courses. Check out the website and connect with National.

Our chapter is represented on the National ONS website by going to Membership Services


Click on the state of VA

C131 Northern Virginia

Interview with Mary Wakefield, HRSA Administrator and Nurse is accessible on the National ONS website. Check out the interview to see her thoughts for the future of nursing.

Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

Did you know that National ONS has 28 special interest groups that YOU can join to network and participate with ongoing colleagues who have similar practice and interest.


Congress 2013 will be held in Washington, D.C. Our chapter has been invited to co-host the event. Planning is in progress. This is a great opportunity for our chapter to participate in National Congress.

Come to the next Board meeting, September 17th to learn of opportunities to be a part of this great experience.

Congratulations N. VA ONS Chapter

Geronima Cortese-Jimenez, President received the letter from National renewing the N. Va ONS chapter.

Opportunities to serve on the Board are available for the following positions:

President Elect


Legislative Chair

Membership Chair

Newsletter Chair

Your contribution is valuable to continuing to make the N. VA ONS chapter a success.

Look forward to hearing from you. Contact me at .

We will be voting this Fall and hope to have an exciting 2013.

Supreme Court Upholds Affordable Care Act
Go to the National ONS website for further information

Welcome to New Members

Ma Loise Arcaya: Sibley Memorial Hospital

Alicia Spence: Genentech

Jennifer Squires: Inova Fairfax Hospital

The Scholarship Committee still has funds for an RN interested in

attending an Oncology conference. ONS has several regional conferences and one e-conference scheduled in 2012.

Hematologic Issues in Cancer Care Conference

Indianapolis Indiana Sept 28-29

Dallas, Texas Nov 30-Dec 1

Pain in Special Populations

Pittsburgh, PA Sept 14-15

Atlanta, GA Oct 26-27

Radiation e-conference Sept 7-8

Connections: Advancing Care Through Science Conference (Advance Practice Nurse)

Phoenix, AZ Nov 16-17

Enrich your knowledge in Oncology Nursing by attending a conference.

Contact Anne Bush, Scholarship Chair


If you were unable to attend the ONS 37th Annual Congress, I definitely recommend attending next year. I would like to thank the ONS Northern Virginia Chapter for making it possible for me to attend the conference this year, through their scholarship opportunity. This was not only a great learning experience; it is great for nurses that are OCN certified. I was able to obtain almost 20ceu credits towards my OCN renewal this year. Oncology Nursing is a great career, and so diverse. It is very important to stay up to date on new treatments and technologies when caring for cancer patients. Improving patient care is ongoing. As nurses our biggest focus is our patients, but we also need to remember to take care of ourselves.

If we are not well ourselves, how can we care for others? Deborah Boyle RN, MSN, one of my favorite speakers, did a session on Fostering Wellness and Healing at Work. She discussed how important it is to take care of yourself and your fellow coworkers. Everyone you work with experiences their own personal stress, on top of daily work stress, i.e.: understaffed, overworked, patients doing poorly, and sometimes losing patients. Debbie discussed how important it is to come up with ways of coping. De-stressing, and supporting your fellow coworkers. I took what Debbie discussed back to my own department. I work in Radiation Oncology at Fort Belvoir Community Hospital. We now, as a group exercise 30-60 minutes a day. Physically it is great, stress is down, and I think staff is happier and more cohesive.

In addition to all that I learned this year at Congress, I was able to enjoy New Orleans. I had fun, hung out with friends, met a lot of new people, and I got to experience Bourbon Street. If you have not ever attended an ONS Congress, I definitely recommend that you do!

Submitted by Kim Waters

Congress 2012

New Orleans, Louisiana


Irene Riedman

In the Spring of 2009, I started my RN to BSN online program at Marymount University with a group of nurses from Reston Hospital’s Surgical Unit and Medical/Oncology Unit. Five of the nurses (which included me) were from the Medical/Oncology Unit and about six nurses were from the Surgical Unit. I was the only nurse from Medical/Oncology thatfinished the program. In May 2012, I graduated and received my BSN degree in nursing with three other nurses from the Surgical Unit. I am looking forward to spending my leisure time making mosaics and learning everything about mosaics, and maybe even becoming a professional mosaic artist someday.

Submitted by Irene Riedman

Leadership Weekend 2012

(Mentorship Weekend)

Anne Bush and Lois Sutphin attended Mentorship Weekend July 2012 in Pittsburgh, PA. This weekend is for the local chapters members to participate with National and expand their knowledge and function in chapter participation. Networking with other chapters is a great way to gather input and share happenings in our chapter. This valuable weekend event is available to membership annually. Great experiences with other chapters occur as one grows in the knowledge that National wants chapters to support and see our chapter succeed. Consider this an opportunity in the future as you expand your membership role and join the Board.

Mentorship Weekend 2012

Lois Sutphin

Anne Bush and Lois Sutphin

Dining at

Leadership Weekend 2012

Round Table @ Mentorship Weekend 2012

Anne Bush, Lois Sutphin, Eric Cohen

Congress 2012

Submitted by

Paulette Komarny


DECEMBER 1, 2012


ONS N. VA Chapter Presents


Special Projects committee is busy with planning this event. Open to your participation in the planning process. Contact Lisa Cawthorne

The Washington D.C. Chapter

Of the Oncology Nursing Society


Determining the New Role of Oncology Nurses in the Post Affordable Care Act Environment

Guest Speakers:

Alec Stone, MA, MPA

Director of Health Policy, ONS

Laurie J Dohnalek, BSN, MBA, RN, NE-BC

Georgetown University Hospital & the ONS Capital Gang

Thursday, September 13, 2012

6:00pm Registration and Networking

6:30pm – 8:00pm Business Meeting & Program

Meiwah Restaurant

4457 Willard Avenue ~ Chevy Chase, MD 20815

RSVP to Nonniekaye Shelburne at

or 301-594-6809 by September 5th

Program Costs:

WDC, NV, and PAON Chapter Members: $10

Non-Members: $25

Payable at the door by check or cash only

CEU’s will be provided

2012 Officers

N. VA ONS Chapter Board Members

Title / Name / Email
President / Geronima Cortese-Jimenez /
President Elect / Lois Sutphin /
Past President / Christine Helou /
Secretary / Christine Stone /
Treasurer / Bunny Tigerman /
Membership Chair / Doreen Grzelak /
Legislative Chair / Alana Jaffe /
Newsletter Chair / Donna Meyer /
Nominating Chair / Kris Kirkpatrick /
Program Chair / Thuy Nguyen /
Scholarship Chair / Anne Bush /
Special Programs Chair / Lisa Cawthorne /
Co-Historian / Marsha Komandt
Paulette Komarny /