ALL Yorkshire

Northern Network Event

Thursday, 28 June 2012

KingEdwardVIISchool, Sheffield

Motivating through Culture: Developing Cultural Understanding in the MFL Classroom
We often hear from colleagues that most CPD and networking events for Teachers of Japanese take place in London, causing difficulties for the many colleagues up in the North of England.
The ALLYorkshire, together with the Japan Foundation would therefore like to establish a network of Japanese teachers in the North to enable colleagues in the northern regions to meet and share ideas and best practice.
Please support the network by attending this event of the Northern Japanese Network.
The Speakers:
/ SeijiFukushima
Chief Japanese Language Advisor, Japan Foundation, London / Seiji Seiji Fukushima is Chief Japanese Language
Advisor at the Japan Foundation London. He
has long been engaged in teacher training for
both Japanese and non-Japanese teachers,
and in developing Japanese language
resources in Uzbekistan, Russia and Hungary.
As a Japanese language teacher, he has a
variety of experience with learners from primary
level to adult, both in Japan and overseas.
Shoko Middleton
Japanese Language Teacher
GreenfordHigh School,
Member of the ALL JLC Committee / Shoko Middleton is one of the members of the JLC Committee in ALL. She is an experienced and qualified teacher in both Japan and England. She is currently teaching at GreenfordHigh School, Working Men’s College and UCL Language Centre.
/ ALL Yorkshire
Northern Network Event /

The Programme:

13.30 – 13.40Arrival and registration; Welcome and introductions

13.40 – 15.10
/ Teaching Culture using “Erin” and “Marugoto”
Seiji Fukushima
In May 2011, the Japan Foundation developed the trial version of Marugoto:
Japanese language and culture, an A1 (break-through) level textbook based
on JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education. Marugoto was developed
in order for students to learn both language and culture together, in
accordance with JF Standard’s basic principal of Japanese for mutual
understanding. In this session, participants will examine the relationship
between language activities and grammars, using Marugoto as an example.
Additionally, participants will also discuss how Marugoto addresses the issue
of integrated language and cultural teaching methods.
15.30 – 16.20
/ Activities for Cultural Understanding in the GCSE and
A Level Japanese Classroom
Shoko Middleton
In this workshop, Shoko will present some classroom activities she has
developed for GCSE and A level Japanese. Activities include pair work and
group work, with use of Japanese video clips to motivate students. While
practising language skills, students get to know some aspects of Japanese
culture and they are encouraged to consider deeper meaning of what they
see on the surface. Participants are also welcome to exchange ideas.
16.20 – 16.50
/ Show and Tell
Please bring a teaching idea or resource, which works for you and your students.
Pay £ 5.00 less for the event!

Please return the reply slip below to:

Eva Lamb, KingEdwardVIISchool, Glossop Road, SheffieldS10 2PWby Wednesday, 6th June 2012.

ここにBooking Formがのります。

Japanese Northern Network Event

Name of participant ______Tel. ______

Email address(please print clearly)______

Name of school or institution ______Fax ______

Fees per person attending
please tick appropriate boxes / Yes, I would like present an ideas/resource at the Show and Tell session at the end of the day. I would like to claim £ 5.00 reduction on the fee.
ALL members… £ 12.00 / Brief description of what I will share:
Non-members ... £ 25.00
 I am enclosing a cheque*
for £______
ALL Membership number:
______ / I am not enclosing payment at this stage; please invoice my employer.I understand that an invoice will incur a £ 5.00 administration charge.
Name of person at your school to whom invoice should be sent:

* Cheques to be made payable to: KingEdwardVIISchool