Northern Ireland Tenpin Bowling Federation

Minutes of the council meeting held on the 4th January 2007

Present at the meeting were:

Billy Beattie President Grant Dugan Council Member

Kevin Horton Vice-President Helen Tamblyn Council Member

Bertha Campbell Council Member Caroline Horan Council Member

Karen Payne Secretary Alan Smith Council Member

Lynn Watson Vice-President Isobel Smith Council Member

David Seay Council Member Jose Santos Council Member

Paul McCauley Council Member

Apologies: Allen Sinton and Joe Littlewood


The meeting opened at 7.30pm and was chaired byBilly Beattie, Karen Paynerecorded the minutes. The minutes of the meeting held on the 23rd November 2006 were read and discussed. Isobel Smith proposed and Caroline Horanseconded that the minutes be formally adopted. Agreed by all present.

Treasurers Report:

Joe Littlewood was unable to attend the meeting, no report was given.

Karen Payne received £162.80 from Jose Santos which relates to Ranking No 4, also £280.00 received from the sale of the NITBF Calendars. Proposed by Paul McCauley and seconded by David Seay that we pay by the month end “All my own work” £234.72 for the work in producing the calendar.

Bertha Campbell spoke to Castlereagh Council about the £76.00 vat charge on the food invoice from the annual dinner. Unfortunately it should have been original charged, Bertha to ask Allen Sinton for the original paperwork to see if there was any mention of it.


A: ECC Bulletin 1 – Kevin Horton proposed and Jose Santos seconded that we inform the ECC committee that Northern Ireland will be represented. Karen Payne to inform the ECC

B: EGC – Bulletin 1 & 2 – Jose Santosproposed and Caroline Horan seconded that we inform the EGC committee that Northern Ireland will be represented. Karen Payne to inform the EGC

C: FIQ Reorganization – Paul McCauley proposed and Jose Santos seconded that we inform FIQ/WTBA that we agree with the merger of FIQ and the WTBA as it’s a reduce cost exercise we are all for it as fees are already extremely high for small federations. The federation also agrees with the age 70 presidium limitations.

D: Membership of the Law Centre – declined

E: ETBF – Questionnaire – Joe littlewood to complete and return

F: SCNI – Temporary closure to the athlete support programme (Mar – Sept 07)

G: Bowlers conduct – reminder from committee that all bowlers should conduct themselves in a manner that they wish to be treated, also Karen Payne to give NITBF complaint forms to the Night Owls secretary

H: E-Mail correspondence – correspondence to be sent to the secretary so that it can be dealt with at the next full committee meeting.

I: Men’s Championships – Deadline for the male squad members to reply if they intend traveling to this event has been put back to March 07.

J:Lynn Watson to write a proposal to the ETBF committee, to try and change the current ruling that will allow bowlers to take part in the EGC even if they have represented their country international.



Billy Beattie has been asked by DIIB new manager by e-mail why sanctioning the lanes is required? Billy has replied back.

Brunswick is now due and Billy Beattie intends traveling to Londonderry very shortly.


Grant Dugan gave Karen Payne a copy of the Ulster Sports Trust AGM report which he and Helen Tamblyn attended.

Grant Dugan also said the he had received an acknowledgement letter from Easyjet which he had written thanking them for their help while travelling to the World Youth Championships.

Grant Dugan spoke also of the new junior bowlers profiles on the website and that we are now getting hits from as many as 35 countries.


Selected for the senior Triple Crown team are: Men’s - Alan Smith, Sam Hull, Ken Marshall, Allen Sinton, Len Wrightson and Mike Terry.

Ladies – Christine Robinson, Isobel Smith, Barbara Fowler, Jean Martin and Bertha Campbell

Karen Payne to send out selection letters to all of the above.

One lady is still required; Bertha Campbell to check her membership to make sure that no senior lady has been over looked.

Allen Sinton to ask all seniors if they wish to purchase the new squad shirt and if so what size?

It was proposed by Isobel Smith and seconded by Lynn Watson that Kevin Horton will be team manager.


Karen Payneproposed that the selection for the Adult Triple Crown be moved to an earlier date due to the cost of flights to Jersey as if we wait to May the cost of flights may have doubled. Agreed by all present that that selection would take place after the March ranking event.


Pin Badges – Grant Dugan showed the committee samples of various pin badges, 200 costs £200 which includes setup charge, postage and packaging. Proposed by P McCauley and seconded by Jose Santos to purchase 200 of the long shaped badge. Vote taken and past unanimously.

Billy Beattie, Caroline Horan, Grant Dugan, Jose Santos and Helen Tamblyn meeting to discuss the forum, has been cancelled by request of Grant Dugan and Helen Tamblyn.

Lynn Watson proposed and Bertha Campbell seconded that we pay the £50.00 membership subscription for the NI Sports Forum, to be paid by the 16th February 2007. Vote taken and past unanimously.

Lynn Watson proposed that we do a bonus ball fund raiser to help funds towards the EGC and the ECC, it was agreed at the moment that we do another bonus ball in March but not necessarily for those two events as most bowlers know that the excess ranking money go towards these two events, but the proposal will be put on the agenda for the next meeting for further discussion.

RPS Bowling (Ryan Press) has launched a new bonus awards scheme with every purchase; please contact Ryan directly for more information.

Helen Tamblyn to provide Lynn Watson with a bowler profile for the next issue of the Turkey Times

Meeting Closed 9.10pm

Next Meeting: 8th February 2007 – Karen Payne’s home