18 May 2015 @ WRDA

Present: Anne McVicker, Katherine Robertson, Trevor Neilands, Niall Casey and Colin Neilands

Apologies: Patricia Cochrane, Norrie Breslin and Eileen Kelly

Aim - to identify desired outcomes for the October conference and agree actions to enable these and maximise its impact.

It was agreed that while addressing the 4th theme of employability the conference needs to also have a broader focus, showing that adult learning impacts cross-departmentally. It should show that adult learning is alive and still vibrant despite difficult circumstances and that the need for recognition of its impacts across a range of government objectives is more critical than ever.

This points to a two-part conference structure - first addressing the theme of employability and then broadening the focus, illustrating the importance of a government wide commitment to adult learning.

Part 1 - Employability

  • invite to DEL Minister to open the event
  • speaker from the UK Commission for Employment and Skills
  • input from a local employer - good practice and areas for improvement
  • audience participation

Part 2 - Wider Impact of Adult Learning

  • invite to First/Deputy First Minister
  • break-out discussions on a number of themes, hopefully with inputs/leadership from colleagues from other nations - health benefits, family learning, learning needs of 50+ (inc for employment), isolated communities/rurality, e-learning and local government
  • close with rallying call towards 2016 elections and future actions


Critical to have the right audience to enable desired impacts. Needs to reflect cross sectoral and cross departmental collaboration and actions that will be required. Invitations need to be specifically targeted and personalised. This is something that the whole Impact Forum membership can assist with.

There was also discussion about a possible international speaker with the suggestion of someone from Finland who could talk on local planning that incorporates learning - this could help attract local council delegates.

As action seems to have already started around drafting the next Prog for Government contact should be made asap to discover how we might best seek to influence the inclusion of adult learning.

There was also a suggestion that a small charge could be made to those wishing to bring a pop-up stand to help off-set some expenses.


Colin to check with NICVA re availability of break-out rooms

Colin to enquire into possibility of a Finnish speaker

Colin to approach reps from the other UK nations and RoI re inputs to breakout sessions

Niall to invite speaker from UK Commission for Employment and Skills and a local employer

Colin to approach DEL re invite to Stephen Farry and OFMDFM

Anne to follow-up her contacts at OFMDFM to identify key individual(s) re PfG

Report of this meeting to go to next IF meeting and members engaged to assist with delegate recruitment