November Minutes

January 8, 2017

Mt Wolf Fire Hall @ 7am

I.  Roll Call: Meeting called to order at 7:00pm. Executive members present: Denny Mansberger, Bobbie Ford, Kathy Rizzuto, Anthony Williams, Ronda Ansel, Danielle Heisey, Heather Baublitz, Brent Shirk, Pat McAlexander, Erik Kuntz, Matt Clouser

II.  October Minutes motioned for approval by Anthony Williams and seconded by Pat McAlexander

III.  Comments from any citizens in attendance that relates to an agenda item: None

IV.  President’s report (Denny Mansberger):

a.  Google Docs update

i.  Denny will be sending through Google domain a spreadsheet that each sport can use to update any concerns, issues with parents or return check

ii. All sports will have full edit ability – does have a safe guard that we will be able to recall information if something was deleted in error

iii.  This spreadsheet will not be able to be forwarded through email to anyone else

iv.  Denny will be entering in a test document to see how it flows

V.  Vice President’s report (Bobbie Ford):

a.  Verified that we can remove the Port a Pot at Shelly field

VI.  Treasurer’s report (Kathy Rizzuto):

a.  October report reviewed motioned for approval by Brent Shirk and seconded by Pat McAlexander

b.  Kathy let everyone know that Riddle has a new PO Box, so if anyone is sending anything to them to use the updated PO Box

VII. Committee reports:

A.  Basketball (GM Anthony Williams):

a.  Practice is going well

b.  Approval requested for coaches motioned by Anthony Williams and seconded by Brent Shirk

c.  7th and 8th grade try-out will be at the end of the week and will have more coaches that need approval after

B.  Cheerleading (GM Danielle Heisey):

a.  Football coming to an end – will be having end of season party at Skyline Gymnastics

b.  Completed Basketball cheer camp last week – was a huge success

c.  Practice for Basketball cheer will begin next week

d.  Approval requested for coaches motioned by Danielle Heisey and seconded by Anthony Williams

C.  Competition Cheerleading (GM Heather Baublitz):

a.  Teams had their first competition on Sunday and both Teams placed in 1st

b.  Next competition will be in D.C next Saturday

D.  Soccer (GM Brent Shirk):

a.  Fall season ended today and will be collecting equipment this week to organize

b.  Received grant for $6,000 and have purchased light towers – this will allow teams to practice when it get dark outside

c.  Challenge – the light towers can be stored outside, but considering getting another storage unit – township has approved

d.  Spring Registration is open and forms were sent home on 11/4

Soccer continued

e.  Brent is considering talking to the ladies auxiliary and determining how they are doing with concessions. Not sure they are making what they need and may stop

f.  Brent reminder that the sales tax form needs to be completed – Kathy Rizzuto is working on the form and will be reaching out for assistance

g.  Brent has a parent issue that was discussed with the group the issue at this time isn’t fully resolved

E.  Baseball (GM Ronda Ansel):

a.  Falls season ended with 2 teams in tournaments – both teams went to the second round

b.  With limited players the season still went well

c.  Ronda was able to secure the Rev’s batting cages for January and February on Saturday evenings

d.  Coaches meeting will be held on 12/4 to discuss spring baseball and what will be expected moving forward – still have concerns to address

e.  Sign-ups will be in January and Feb

f.  Looking for some open gym nights before the season starts

g.  Concession stand has been cleaned out

h.  Looking to get new lights at Greiman there are currently lights there, but they are not very bright

i.  Will be having another opening day in March

F.  Football (GM Pat McAlexander):

a.  Banquet round 1 went well – held at Laser Alley

b.  Provided coaches with gift

c.  JV Midget won championship

d.  Second banquet will be held next Saturday

e.  Trailer was moved to the location accross from Bobcat Creamery

f.  Guy Slaughter is going to step in as Assistant GM and requesting approval motioned by Pat McAlexander and seconded by Anthony Williams

g.  Will need to consider new pads for the sleds and scoreboard there is also something wrong with the light poles that will need to looked at – these were installed by NEYSA

G.  Softball (GM Matt Clouser):

a.  Fall season is over and had a good season overall

b.  14U went to round robin – first game went well, second game was not as good – girls were playing against traveling teams

c.  Matt went through the equipment and 50% is no good and going to need to replace it – helmets, bats

d.  Softball will be moving to the West Shore league and will be saving $200 to $300 per team

H.  Lacrosse (GM Erik Kuntz)

a.  Still trying to find a replacement for himself

b.  Email was sent saying thank you and that help is needed to keep the program going and only received 5 or 6 responses

c.  In order to stay in the league need 1 team

d.  We will be circling back in January

VIII.  Old Business: New Business/Public Comment:

a.  Election of President, Secretary and GM Soccer approved

IX.  Announcement of next meeting : January 8th

X.  Meeting adjournment motioned by Denny Mansberger and seconded by Kathy Rizzuto