The Atlanta Botanical Gardens, Gainesville, April 13, 2016

Attendees:Cheryl Smith, Jerry Brown, Margaret McLean, Tobie Chandler, Teka Earnhardt, Vicki Starnes, Hilda Thomason, Jeff Skelton

Meeting Called to Order at 10:35 AM by President, Jerry Brown.

Meeting Minutes: After review of the March meeting minutes, Hilda Thomason made a motion to accept the minutes as presented; Teka Earnhardt seconded. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Teka Earnhardt, Treasurer, reported that due to the switch to a new version of Quickbooks, the March and April financials are still to be reconciled so approval of financial reports will be tabled until the next meeting when these can be reviewed.Teka also generated a list of outstanding member renewals and stuffing party invoices. Board members are asked to contact those that have not yet renewed. Teka can then follow up with second notices in the mail once she receives the form letter that was used previously for this.

Jerry reported on the cost proposal received from CTM for brochure distribution: Atlanta Metro North area would be $404 per month and for in-town it would be $454 per month. The combo price is $963 per month so it was the consensus of the group that this was not affordable. It was also noted that additional distribution would increase printing costs of the brochures as well.

Committee Reports:

Education: Jerry reported that the location of the May 18th meeting during STS Marketing College has been changed from the Smith House to the Yahoola Grill.

Membership: It was suggested that since we will need to reprint brochures soon that we inform those that have not renewed that they will not be included in the next printing, noting this is the only approved publication for Atlanta airport distribution.

Marketing: The State Marketing co-op advertising conference call will be on Thursday at 1:00 pm and they will be asking for regional commitment. We will need signatures from who is participating based upon who the media partners are and what is being offered.

After considerable discussion of the potential changes to the regional map brochure, it was determined that further discussion on layout and the time line for reprinting needs to occur. It was suggested to call a special board meeting, possibly at Vikki Hardin’s office. Jerry will contact Vikki for potential dates and email the board for their availability.

Unfinished Business: None to discuss.

New Business: The proposed 2016 Slate of Officers and Board members will be presented for a vote at the general membership meeting and nominations will be accepted from the floor: Jerry Brown, President; Tobie Chander, Vice President; Margaret McLean, Marketing; Vicki Wineland, Membership; Vicki Starnes, Secretary; Hilda Thomason and Jeff Skelton, Legislative; Tobie Chandler and Candace Lee, Education; Teka Earnhardt, Treasurer. It was proposed to add David Zunker as member at large.

Adjournment: There being no further business, Teka motioned to adjourn with a second by Jeff; meeting adjourned at 11:30 am.