Northampton High School Early College


2018 – 2019 School Year

“Grit, Passion, and Perseverance”

Part 1 - Student Information

This part of the application MUST be completed by the parent or guardian. Please PRINT in ink.

Student Name ______Age ______

First Middle Last

Date of Birth ______Gender:  ___Male  ___Female

Name(s) of Parent/Legal Guardian ______

Home Address ______


City Zip Code

Race/Ethnicity ____African-American ____Asian  ___Hispanic  ___White  ______Multiracial

(This information is collected for statistical purposes only. The Northampton County School System does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, disability, or age in its programs or activities)

Parent email address ______

Student email address ______

Home Phone ______Day Phone ______Cell Phone______

School presently attending ______

Student Lives with

______Both Parents

______Father Only

______Mother Only


______Other ______

Part 2- Education/ Economic Data

Father’s Education Mother’s Education

❏Did not finish high
❏Trade or business school graduate
❏High School graduate
❏Community, Technical or Junior College graduate
❏Some education after high school bud did not graduate
❏4-year college graduate
❏Graduate school degree / ❏Did not finish high
❏Trade or business school graduate
❏High School graduate
❏Community, Technical or Junior College graduate
❏Some education after high school bud did not graduate
❏4-year college graduate
❏Graduate school degree

Family Income Level(This question is optional. It will be used for statistical purposes only)

❏Less than $15,000
❏$ 15,000-$30,000
❏$30,000-$45,000 / ❏$45,001-$60,000
❏More than $75,000

(This information is collected for statistical purposes only. The Northampton County School System does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, disability, or age in tis programs or activities.)

Does your child receive any special academic student services?

______Yes ______No

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY and INITIAL BESIDE EACH STATEMENT. Partial or incomplete applications will not be reviewed by NCHS Early College planning committee.

_____ I understand that my student must make a significant commitment of effort and time, if accepted into Northampton Early College High School.

_____ We (applicant and parent/guardian) are residents of Northampton County. (Only Northampton County residents are considered for admission. )

_____ I understand that enrollment in the Northampton County Early College High School is a five year commitment. Students are expected to attend for five years working to complete both a high school diploma and early college degree. However, if a student earns both their diploma and degree within 4 years, the student is eligible to graduate early.

_____ I understand that Northampton Early College High Schools students will have times when they operate on a community college campus; as such, students are expected to be responsible members of the community college.

_____ I understand that the academic year for Northampton Early College High School starts in early August each year.

_____ I understand that students unwilling or unable to continue studies at Northampton Early College High School will return to Northampton County High School.

_____ I understand all accepted and enrolled students must follow the Northampton County Student Code of Code and the Halifax Community College Student Code of Conduct outlined in the handbooks. If my student is admitted to Northampton Early College High School and enrolls, I understand that I must read and my child must abide by the policies and rules within the Northampton Early College High School Student Handbook, and I must sign the Student Handbook Verification documents pertaining to school-specific rules, regulations, policies and procedures.

_____ I understand that any academic, attendance or behavior problems will be sufficient cause to limit dual enrollment opportunities on the community college campus.

_____ I understand that students accepted in the program are eligible to participate in athletics/extracurricular activities at Northampton County High School.

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: By submitting this application you understand the commitment of effort and time your child is undertaking, if accepted into the Early College. If at the end of the first academic school year your child is unwilling or unable to continue studies in the Early College, he/she will be reassigned to Northampton County High School.

Parent/Guardian ______Date ______

Part 3 - Student Application

This part of the application MUST be completed by the student. Please complete in ink.

Please list any extracurricular activities you currently participate in or extracurricular activities you plan to participate in the future. (ex. Basketball, Football, Cheerleading, Band, Choir and etc.)


Where do you see yourself in ten (10) years? How will you accomplish your goals?


Motivation and the ability to manage time wisely are two important attributes for success at NCEC. Describe how you manage or possess these qualities.


What kind of books, magazines, or other periodicals do you like to read?


Who inspires you and why?



Print Student Name ______

In the space below, express why you are interested in attending Northampton County High School Early College. Use only the space provided. Do not attach additional pages.



Northampton County High School Early College

Recommendation Form

Student: This form must be completed by aCurrent Teacher. This form must be included with your application. You must include two completed recommendations for your application to be considered complete.

Student Name: ______Student ID #: ______

School Personnel: Please complete this form and return to the student in a sealed envelope with your name written across the back flap of the envelope after it has been sealed. Please try to complete this in a timely manner for the student above.

The student named above is applying for admission to Northampton County High School Early College. Please rate the student according to the following statements as you have observed the student.

StatementRating Scale

N/O* / Below
Average / Average / Above
Average / Exceptional
Academic ambition
Academic potential
Attitude towards school work
Communication skills
Educational aspirations
Relationships with peers
Relationships with teachers
Social Skills
Study skills/habits
Potential for success in post-secondary education (this may or may not be reflected in their current grade)

*Not observed enough to rate

Based on my experience with the applicant, my recommendation to NCHS Early College is as follows:

( ) Highly Recommend ( ) Recommend ( ) Recommend with reservation ( ) Do not recommend Name

(Please Print) ______Title:______Signature:______Date: ______

Please use the reverse side of this form to provide any additional information or comments about this student.

Application Process

●Application must be hand-written by the student.

●Have one staff member from your current school and one community representative complete the attached recommendation forms and return with you packet March 16, 2018

Written applications should be returned to:

Monica Edmonds, Principal

Northampton County Early College

4671 NC Hwy 46 West

Gaston, NC 27832


Dr. Felisha Whitaker

Northampton County Central Services

Post Office Box 158

Jackson, North Carolina 27845


Conway Middle School(Mrs. Robinson, Mark Long or Mrs. Taylor)

Gaston Middle School(Mr. Freeman)

**Applications can also be hand delivered**