
Introduction / Page 2
Commitment / Page 2
Approach to Equality and Diversity / Page 3
Equality and Diversity Policy / Page 4
Public Sector Equality Duties / Page 6
Equality Strands / Page 7
Single Equality Scheme / Page 10
Involvement, Engagement, Consultation / Page 10
Gathering & Analysing evidence / Page 11
Equality Impact Assessments / Page 11
Publication of monitoring, assessment & Consultation / Page 12
Training / Page 12
Performance Indicators / Page 13
Access to Information & Services / Page 13
Procurement, Partnerships and Governance / Page 13
Success in Equality / Page 15
Action Plan
Appendix / Page 16
Page 19


North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority have produced this Single Equality Scheme to reaffirm our commitment to equality and diversity, through the way we are improving our services for our communities and stakeholders and through our employment policies and practices. The scheme draws together the previous schemes on race, gender and disability, the Corporate Equality Plan and also now incorporates age, religion and belief and sexual orientation, gender re-assignment, complemented by the Human Rights Act. Our aim is to make our strategies and plans on equality and diversity more accessible.

The single equality scheme sets out our commitment, strategy and plans over the next three years [2009 to 2012].

As a public authority we have been working to improve and measure this improvement through the Equality Standard; we were assessed in 2008 as working at Level 3. The Improvement and Development Agency (I&DeA) will be launching the New Equality Framework, replacing the Equality Standard for Local Government, in the near future. This will focus more on the development of our services for the community and self assessment rather than on developing more processes, when the new framework is launched we will be working at the achieving stage. By 2010 we are aiming to be working at Level 4 and by 2013 to be working at the Excellent Level.

[The new framework for equality will consist of 3 levels (emerging, achieving and excellent) rather than the previous 5 levels within the Equality Standard]

The performance area’s of the new framework will be on: -

·  Knowing your communities and equality mapping

·  Place shaping, leadership, partnership and organisational commitment

·  Community engagement and satisfaction

·  Responsive services and customer care

·  Amodern and diverse workforce.

Objectives relating to fair and inclusive practices will be included in the Service’s strategies and plans and each employee is expected to perform within the core values as published in the Corporate Report, these will form an integral part of the personal development interview (PDI) throughout the year.

This together with the Fire and Rescue Service Equality and Diversity Strategy and the Equality Impact Assessment Process, will support us in our continuous improvement. Progress will be monitored by the Corporate Equality Group. Outcomes will be reported to the Audit and Performance Review Committee of the Fire Authority and will be included in the Corporate Report and an annual report to Communities and Local Government (CLG).

Our commitment

North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority is a stand alone Fire and Rescue Authority made up of elected council members. Twelve of these are nominated from North Yorkshire County Council and four are from the City of York Council.

The core functions of the Authority are set out in the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004, which are to make provision for: -

·  Promoting fire safety. This is done through information, advice, publicity and encouragement, to help prevent fires and injuries or death from fires.

·  Fire fighting. Extinguishing fires and protecting life and property.

·  Attending road traffic collisions. A fires and rescue service will attend to rescue people and protect them from harm.

·  Other emergencies. Resources can be used to deal with emergencies other than fires. For example, we have flood rescue facilities at several of our stations.

Our Commitment is to improve these services for all members of our diverse communities, irrespective of racial, ethnic or national origins, gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender re-assignment, age, religion or belief, by developing the services we offer, by engaging and seeking feedback from the communities and by developing the diversity of the workforce and management. We aim to ensure that there is equality of outcome.

We are also committed to attracting individuals from under represented groups into employment and using positive action initiatives to inform and advise people from these groups. We aim to provide equality of opportunity and development of skills and abilities to our entire workforce. A Positive Action Working Group has been established to deal with a variety of issues to support our underrepresented community/employees and support the attainment of the National Fire Service targets.

We understand that some people may have a wider range of needs and this may mean that they are at higher risk in relation to fire and other emergencies. We will continue to prioritise resources and develop services to reduce this risk through engaging with community groups and providing up to date information in appropriate formats and languages.

The work of the service is heavily focussed on prevention and protection and the work of our employees is invaluable as they are continuously developing community initiatives to address the needs of the communities they serve. Many initiatives have been developed and good practice has been passed from area to area and shared with our partners. Station Personnel carry out many visits to raise awareness of the services provided and to listen to the needs of the communities we have, so that we can improve the service we deliver. (see appendix 1 for examples of the work carried out).

We will strive to develop a workplace and service delivery culture which is inclusive. We will uphold the dignity of all employees at all times and will support all employees to feel confident and open, whilst respecting rights to a private life.

All people will be treated with equality, dignity and respect when in contact with the Service to try and ensure equal life chances for all

Our Approach to Equality and Diversity

The Authority operates within, and on behalf of, the local community and members of that community may also be employees or potential employees. We recognise that how we develop the relationship between our community directly influences how people feel about the Fire and Rescue Service whether in service delivery or as an employer. To be effective we need to employee a workforce that is representative of our diverse community.

We value diversity in the service and community by following the core values below;

·  Treating everyone fairly and with respect

·  Providing varying solutions for different needs

·  Promoting equal opportunities in employment and progression within the service

We support fully the National Fire and Rescue Service Equality and Diversity Goals to improve the services given to our communities, by 2018: -

·  We serve all communities to the highest standards tailored to their needs

·  All communities know that the service understands their needs and respects difference

·  We encourage and value greater diversity and treat everyone with dignity and respect

·  All employees know they are respected supported and valued regardless of age, disability, race, religion, belief, sexual orientation, gender or gender identity

·  Instances of bullying, harassment, unfair discrimination or unacceptable behaviour are not tolerated in any part of the organisation and are dealt with swiftly

·  We share understanding, commitment and action with our local, regional and national partners.

We will know we have succeeded when, for example

·  The rate of injury and death by fire among more vulnerable or high risk groups in society is falling and is closer to that within the population as a whole

·  Employee and community surveys reflect positive attitudes about Fire and Rescue Service culture and service provision

·  Gay lesbian and bisexual employees have no concerns about being open about their sexuality at work

·  Recruitment of minority ethnic employees is at the same percentage or higher than the representation in the working age population

·  Recruitment of women in the operational sector is at 15 per cent and rising

·  Levels of retention and progression for employees from all backgrounds, and between and women are comparable

·  Malicious calls and attacks on fire fighters are falling

Our Equality and Diversity Policy

We are committed all times to the concept of equality and diversity and to the framework of laws and regulations in which equality embodies, to actively promote equality for all.

This means that in providing a service to the community in, service delivery, recruitment and selection, policies and procedures for managing workers,(whether employees or agency staff) or in the hiring of contractors, or in the purchasing of goods and services we are committed to a policy of preventing discrimination on the grounds of gender, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, disability, religious beliefs, marital/parental status, sexual orientation or any other reason which can not be shown to be justified.

All employees, particularly those who have line management accountability, have responsibility for the effective implementation of equality and diversity across the service. They will be made fully aware of the policies, and without exception must adhere to their requirements.

The purpose is to:

·  assist in developing a safe and prejudice free working environment where all employees are treated fairly with respect and dignity

·  enhance and promote high quality services which are open to individual and community needs

·  endorse a commitment to equality issues, to communities and employees by valuing the diversity amongst communities and staff and showing positive leadership by challenging discrimination

·  provide internal and external communications on all aspects of service provision,

·  improve the performance, skills, motivation and morale of the workforce

In order to understand and then meet the needs of all the members of the community that we serve we will continue to work with community partnerships and other agencies, this will be achieved through;

·  Leadership and Corporate Commitment from all within the Authority and Service.

·  Consultation, Community Development and Scrutiny of procedures/policies and events in order to maximise our service delivery and awareness within the local area to develop community partnerships.

·  Service Delivery and Customer Care

In service delivery all members of the community will be treated fairly, the Authority aims to provide continuous improvement in equality practice and will include targets and performance indicators that monitor service delivery and usage, at both corporate and service delivery level. Community profiles will be used in the development of initiatives to improve service delivery and customer care across the area.

·  Employment and Training

In recruitment, employment and pay policies the Authority will act in a fair and appropriate manner. To provide continuous improvement in these areas, targets and performance indicators will be set and monitored to cover recruitment, promotion, training opportunities and take up, pay, grievances and exit from employment. The integration of the Integrated Personnel Development System will also develop, maintain and progress people into new roles to further develop the skills they have to offer.

In line with the Fire Service Core Values, we are committed to ensuring that we offer the best possible service to all and making our services accessible to all. Where barriers may exist, we will do our utmost to remove them, and increase accessibility to all.

Equal opportunity applies to all. However in developing this scheme, we do recognise that there are some groups who may suffer a disadvantage through prejudice, discrimination or perception:

·  people from minority ethnic groups

·  women

·  people with a disability

·  lesbians, gay men and bi-sexual

·  people with a criminal record

Other people may also experience discrimination on the grounds of their age, child/caring responsibilities, HIV status, marital status, religion, language, membership or non membership of a trade union.

All employees are to be made aware of this scheme and its requirements. Any employee who feels they have grounds for complaint in relation to bullying and harassment, discrimination, harassment or victimisation has the right to pursue their complaint through the relevant procedures. Members of the public may use the organisations complaints procedure, which is available on our internet A translation service is also available.

All employees should have a working environment free from any form of unwanted conduct, which has the purpose or effect of:

·  violating a persons dignity or

·  creating a hostile, intimidating, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment

North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority will promote an environment which encourages language and behaviour that promotes respect and good relations between staff and the communities we serve.

The Authority will not tolerate any form of bullying and harassment or unlawful discrimination. Measures will be taken to provide staff with knowledge and understanding on what behaviours are expected. We also recognise that from time to time people make mistakes and we will help these individuals learn from these. Disciplinary procedures will be used if desired results are not achieved by other means.

We will ensure that every job applicant(internal and external) applying for a vacant post will receive fair treatment and we will recruit and promote only the most suitable people for the job, with selection based on merit.

Public Sector Equality Duties: the legislative context

The Authority acknowledges its legal responsibilities in relation to equalities, including the requirements of the following legislation and any other legislation impacting on equality and diversity.

Sex and race equality legislation was introduced as follows:

·  1975 Sex Discrimination Act and Equal Pay Act 1970

·  1976 Race Relations Act

These acts were followed in 1995 by the Disability Discrimination Act and in 1999 by the Gender Reassignment regulations.

These aim to eradicate inequality on the grounds of gender (including gender reassignment), race and disability.