North Tyneside – Progress/Update Report

Definitive Map Order/s:

Wideopen PublicBridleway LB32

A planning application was submitted and approved to construct 9 houses off the access road which also carries the Bridleway.

A condition was placed on the developers to fund the legal process of diverting a section of the Bridleway onto the adjoining parallel path and the order was confirmed on 11th Jan 13.

A contribution of £25K was also made to construct a new bridleway parallel with the access road to support safe usage during and post construction. Works will begin in early spring to construct the new path.

Wideopen Public Footpath LB33

As part of a successful planning application for a major housing scheme in Wideopen it was agreed to formally divert LB33. The path runs parallel with Public Bridleway WS8 along an access road to a scrap yard and was subject to debris from the yard and anti social behaviour. Approximately 170m east the path turns north where it meets Public Bridleway LB32.

The plan is to improve safety and access by diverting the start point of LB33 to a point approximately 170m east along WS8, to construct a new path north and east around new playing fields and to upgrade the status to Bridleway.

Pre order consultation has been undertaken with all interested parties.

It is expected that the order will be created in the coming weeks and copies will also be forwarded to the statutory bodies. In the mean time I would welcome any comments and queries.

New partnership and Budget 2013:

As members will be aware I am now employed by Capita Symonds and work in partnership with North Tyneside Council. The Capita team have brought a high level of experience to the Council in all aspects of Highways and Planning.

On arrival Capita recognised the confusion caused by removing the title of Public Rights ofWay Officerand formallyreinstated and confirmed the title as:

‘Public Rights ofWay Definitive Map& Cycle Network Officer’

My impression is that they fully recognise the statutory obligations the network brings and the importance of planned maintenance. Discussions are ongoing between Capita Symonds, the Client team and Cabinet to re-establish a workable budget for the coming year and I will keep you informed as matters progress.

Capita management have been invited to meet with the LAF representatives in the coming weeks and welcome this opportunity.

Associated adopted highways improvements:

New Puffin Crossing - Tynemouth Road, Howdon (west of Murray Rd) (Installed)

Addington Drive – Zebra Crossing at Bridleway (Installed)

Salters Lane - Toucan Crossing – pending

Beach Rd Toucan Crossing – pending

Preston Rd / Foxhunters – pending

Claremont Rd, Whitley Bay, North of St Marys Avenue, ped refuge – Pending

Victoria Crescent – Zebra and ped refuge, Regeneration works - pending