North Star PTA Meeting
Date/Time: March 26, 2018 @ 7:00pm
Location: North Star Elementary Cafeteria
Attendance: Attendance sheet in Dropbox file
PTA Board Member Updates – School supply order
Guest Speakers: Jim Power, Kelly Westcott, & Kelly Coffey
Principal’s messages – testing for 4th and 5th grade, Kindergarten registration, Fun Run
Bylaws – approve changes
Meeting Adjourned
Kristen Roebke
Called meeting to order at 7:06 pm
Kristen Dassel spoke for MaryRuth
- No new budget info until everything is completed from Carnival
Kristen Dassel
- Flyers for school supply orders for next year will go out after Spring Break – order them online.
- We get $.01-3.00 per kit sold.
- Make sure you click the grade your child will be going into for 2018-2019 school year.
Guest Speakers
Jim Power from Huntington Learning Center
- Homework Helper
- 3-Cs: Care, Concern, Communication
- Consistency
- Mandatory place and time for homework – make sure the homework place is quiet and stocked with supplies
Kelly Westcott: North Star Elementary school councilor
- North Star is now partners with Connecting Generations & their mentoring program.
- Looking for mentors: contact Kelly Westcott if you want or know anyone that has the time to be a mentor.
- They have training and if the school can get 10 people who are interested, they will train at the school.
Kelly Coffey: Delaware PTA Region VP Red Clay Consolidated School District
- PTA convention on April 28th from 9-4:30pm @ St. Georges Technical High School– there will be a lot of chair, committee, and leadership opportunities.
- May 9th is PTA day in Dover from 9-4pm.
Principal’s Messages
Dr. Karin Jakubowski
- April 23-26th – 4th and 5th grade will be testing in Reading
- April 30-May 3rd – 3rd grade will be testing in Reading
- May 7-10th – 4th and 5th grade will be testing in Math
- May 14-17th – 3rd grade will be testing in Math
- Fun Run registration is open until Thursday, March 29th but will be able to participate if you show up that night.
- Kindergarten registration – April 25th
President & Vice President
- Kristen Roebke & Kristen Dassel read the current bylaws and the amendments we wanted to make. We had a discussion and vote on them with the 10 members (not including the president & vice president) that were at the meeting.
- I have attached all information about the bylaws, changes, and voting numbers at the end of these meeting minutes
- Please join the PTA!!! Don’t need to volunteer, but we could always use the help.
- Wawa gift card is the gift for the raffle for anyone who attended the meeting.
- Spring Book Fair is April 30th – May 4th.
- Next meeting is April 16th.
- Meeting Adjourned at 8:07pm.
We, North Star PTA, recommend amending the current North Star PTA Bylaws as follows:
Article: VI Section: Officers Sub-Section: 1
Current Wording:
The officers of this local PTA shall be a president, vice president, secretary, treasure, fundraising chair, director of school support, direction of student services, and immediate past president.
Amended wording:
The officers of this local PTA shall be a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer.
The Delaware PTA would like our bylaws to more closely resemble the DE PTA bylaws. The positions of Fundraising Chair, Director of Students Services, and Directors of Staff Support should be appointed positions, rather than elected positions.
Yea Votes / Ney Votes / Abstained / Measure Outcome10 / Motion Passed
We, North Star PTA, recommend amending the current North Star PTA Bylaws as follows:
Article: VI Section: Officers Sub-Section: 4-B
Current Wording:
The following provisions shall govern the eligibility of individuals to be officers of the North Star Elementary PTA: No officers may be eligible to serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office.
Amended wording:
The following provisions shall govern the eligibility of individuals to be officers of the North Star Elementary PTA: No officer may be eligible to serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office, (refer to Article VI – Section 5 for length of terms). EXCEPTION: An individual may be elected to a third term only if no new candidates are available for a position, despite all efforts to seek and name new individuals to the ballot through the date of May elections.
The Delaware PTA would like our bylaws to more closely resemble the DE PTA bylaws. We feel there is a learning curve to each of these positions and you need a year to learn and then another year to teach what you have learned to the person wanting to volunteer after the end of your term.
Yea Votes / Ney Votes / Abstained / Measure Outcome10 / Motion Passed
We, North Star PTA, recommend amending the current North Star PTA Bylaws as follows:
Article: VI Section: Officers Sub-Section: 5
Current Wording:
Officers shall assume their official duties on the first day of the new fiscal year July 1, I which they are elected and shall serve for a term of one (1) year or until their successors are elected, except for the office of treasure which is a two year term.
Amended wording:
Officers shall assume their official duties on the first day of the new fiscal year July 1, in which they are elected and shall serve for a term of two (2) years or until their successors are elected. Open elections for all positions must be held at the end of every term (ie, every two years).
The Delaware PTA would like our bylaws to more closely resemble the DE PTA bylaws. We feel there is a learning curve to each of these positions and you need a year to learn and then another year to teach what you have learned to the person wanting to volunteer after the end of your term.
Yea Votes / Ney Votes / Abstained / Measure Outcome8 / 2 / Motion Passed
We, North Star PTA, recommend amending the current North Star PTA Bylaws as follows:
Article: VI Section: Officers Sub-Section: 4-B
Current Wording:
No officer may be eligible to serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office.
Amended wording:
Deleting article sub section
The Delaware PTA would like our bylaws to more closely resemble the DE PTA bylaws. It is addressed above.
Yea Votes / Ney Votes / Abstained / Measure Outcome10 / Motion Passed
We, North Star PTA, recommend amending the current North Star PTA Bylaws as follows:
Article: VII Section: Duties of Officers Sub-Section: 1-F
Current Wording:
The president shall: Serve a one (1) year term as president or until a successor is elected and then assume the presidency the following year.
Amended wording: The president shall: Serve a two (2) year term as president or until a successor is elected.
The Delaware PTA would like our bylaws to more closely resemble the DE PTA bylaws. Therefore, we are not going to have a past president any more.
Yea Votes / Ney Votes / Abstained / Measure Outcome8 / 2 / Motion Passed
We, North Star PTA, recommend amending the current North Star PTA Bylaws as follows:
Article: VII Section: Duties of Officers Sub-Section: 1-G
Current Wording:
The president shall serve as immediate past president for one (1) year following the term as president.
Amended wording:
Deleting sub section
The Delaware PTA would like our bylaws to more closely resemble the DE PTA bylaws. Therefore, we are not going to have a past president any more.
Yea Votes / Ney Votes / Abstained / Measure Outcome10 / Motion Passed
We, North Star PTA, recommend amending the current North Star PTA Bylaws as follows:
Article: VII Section: Duties of Officers Sub-Section: 2-D
Current Wording:
The vice president shall serve a one (1) year term as vice president and then assume the presidency the following year.
Amended wording:
The vice president shall serve a two (2) year term as vice president. Upon completing the term of vice presidency, he/she may choose to run for the position of president, and must be added to the ballot to be voted on by the membership during open elections.
The Delaware PTA would like our bylaws to more closely resemble the DE PTA bylaws.
Yea Votes / Ney Votes / Abstained / Measure Outcome8 / 2 / Motion Passed
We, North Star PTA, recommend amending the current North Star PTA Bylaws as follows:
Article: VII Section: Duties of Officers Sub-Section: 3-G
Current Wording:
The secretary shall serve a one (1) year term or until a successor is elected.
Amended wording:
The secretary shall serve a two (2) year term or until a successor is elected.
The Delaware PTA would like our bylaws to more closely resemble the DE PTA bylaws.
Yea Votes / Ney Votes / Abstained / Measure Outcome8 / 2 / Motion Passed
We, North Star PTA, recommend amending the current North Star PTA Bylaws as follows:
Article: VII Section: Duties of Officers Sub-Section: 5-C
Current Wording:
The immediate past president shall serve a one year term or until a successor is elected as immediate past president after serving as president.
Amended wording:
Deleting sub section
The Delaware PTA would like our bylaws to more closely resemble the DE PTA bylaws.
Yea Votes / Ney Votes / Abstained / Measure Outcome10 / Motion Passed
We, North Star PTA, recommend amending the current North Star PTA Bylaws as follows:
Article: VII Section: Duties of Officers Sub-Section: 6-E
Current Wording:
The director of fundraising shall serve a one (1) year term or until successor is elected.
Amended wording:
Deleting sub section
The Delaware PTA would like our bylaws to more closely resemble the DE PTA bylaws. The position of Director of Fundraising should be an appointed chair position, rather than an elected position.
Yea Votes / Ney Votes / Abstained / Measure Outcome10 / Motion Passed
We, North Star PTA, recommend amending the current North Star PTA Bylaws as follows:
Article: VIII Section: 3 Sub-Section: a-c
Current Wording:
The members of the executive committee shall be:
- elected officers
- standing committee chairs, special committee chairs, teacher representatives, principal or representative.
- The president may appoint a parliamentarian, subject to approval of the executive committee of this local PTA.
Amended wording:
The members of the executive committee shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
The Delaware PTA would like our bylaws to more closely resemble the DE PTA bylaws. The chair positions will be appointed positions instead of elected positions.
Yea Votes / Ney Votes / Abstained / Measure Outcome10 / Motion Passed