The members of the Board of School Trustees of the North Putnam Community School

Corporation held their Nine Hundred Fifty Fourth (954) Meeting, Special Session, Thursday July 31 at 7:00 PM, at the North Putnam Community School Corporation Administration Office, 300 N. Washington Street, Bainbridge, IN 46105.

Board members present: Debra Sillery

Charlie Boller

Jon Buser

Andy Beck

Dale McGaughey

Mark Fordice

Carl Blau

Board members absent: None

Superintendent present: Murray F. Pride

Administrative Assistant absent: Kevin Emsweller

Attorney absent: Gene Hostetter

President Debbie Sillery called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Superintendent Pride recommended the following certified staff personnel items:

1. Employment:

a. Brady Armstrong High School

Health Teacher (Half Time, 92 days)

Replace Wes Peek

Effective 2008-2009 School Year

b. Jill Schreiber Roachdale Elementary

PE Teacher (2 days per week, 72 days)

Replace Kerry Ferguson

Effective 2008-2009 School Year

Mr. Fordice questioned creating a new position for Mr. Armstrong as a half time health teacher. Superintendent Pride stated that the number of students enrolled in physical education at the high school warranted 2 full time PE teachers, which would leave a vacancy for a half time health teacher. Mr. Fordice also questioned the need for 2 full time counselors at the middle school. Superintendent Pride stated that after discussions with Mr. Tippin and Mr. England, it was felt necessary to provide two full time counselors at the middle school level.

After continued discussion, Mark Fordice motioned to approve the above certified staff personnel as recommended by Superintendent Pride. Charlie Boller seconded the motion and it carried by a vote of seven (7) ayes and zero (0) nays.

Superintendent Pride recommended the follow support staff personnel:

1. Employment:

a. Jill Schreiber Middle School

Instructional Assistant-Swimming

(3 days per week)

Replace Julie Harbison

Effective 2008-2009 School Year

b. Ken Kerns Middle School

Instructional Assistant-Swimming

(2 days per week)

Replace Julie Harbison

Effective 2008-2009 School Year

After discussion, Andy Beck motioned to approve the above support staff personnel items as recommended by Superintendent Pride. Jon Buser seconded the motion and it carried by a vote of seven (7) ayes and zero (0) nays.

Superintendent Pride recommended the following extra-curricular staff personnel:

1. Resignations:

a. Brittany Pierce MS Cheerleading Coach

2. Employment:

a. Brady Armstrong HS Head Varsity Basketball Coach

b. Mark Smith HS Assistant Football Coach

c. Ken Kerns HS Volunteer Assistant Football Coach

d. Norm Fish HS Volunteer Assistant Football Coach

e Oliver Haste HS Volunteer Assistant Football Coach

f. DanVukovits HS Volunteer Assistant Football/

Strength & Conditioning

g. Ron Price MS Head Football Coach

h. Aaron Allee MS 1st Assistant Football Coach

i. Fred Shorter MS Assistant Football Coach

j. Lonnie Lawhorn MS Assistant Football Coach

k. Paul Smerage MS Volunteer Assistant Football Coach

l. Tony Gray MS Volunteer Assistant Football Coach

m. Darren Montgomery MS Volunteer Assistant Football Coach

n. Dave Nauert MS Volunteer Assistant Football Coach

o. Jill Schreiber MS 7th Grade Volleyball Coach

p. Tara Angermeier MS 8th Grade Head Volleyball Coach

q. Sue Frazier MS Volunteer Asst. 8th Grade Volleyball Coach

r. Susan Trent MS Cross Country Coach

s. Jana Brothers MS Asst. Cross Country Coach

3. Employment Correction:

a. Dan Fouts HS 1st Asst. Football Coach

b. Ross Dahlstrom HS Asst. Football Coach

Andy Beck questioned how many high school coaches were allowed. Superintendent Pride stated that there are five (5) paid coaches and we also have four (4) volunteer coaches. President Sillery asked how many players were on the team. Mr. Sims responded that there is around 71, but that could change and that not all players would travel to the away games. Andy Beck asked if it were a conflict of interest to coach in one school and teach in another. Mr. Sims stated no, but that Mr. Vukovits, who teaches at Rockville would volunteer his services to us on a limited basis working around his teaching schedule.

Jon Buser motioned to approve the above extra-curricular staff as recommended by Superintendent Pride. Dale McGaughey seconded the motion and it carried by a vote of seven (7) ayes and zero (0) nays.


There being no further business to come before the Board, Jon Buser motioned to adjourn the Nine Hundred Fifty-Fourth (954) Special Session Meeting at 7:25 PM. Dale McGaughey seconded the motion and it carried by a vote of seven (7) ayes and zero (0) nays.


Debra Sillery, President Carl Blau, Member


Charlie Boller, Vice-President Mark A. Fordice, Member


Jon Buser, Secretary Dale McGaughey, Member


Andrew Beck, Member