North of England Excellence & British Quality Foundation Summer Conference

Thursday 11 June 2015 0900-1615

The Leeds Club, 3 Albion Place, Leeds, LS1 6JL

Creating an Engagement Culture – The Leadership Challenge

Research consistently shows high levels of workforce disengagement which is a tragedy given that we all know the clear link between employee engagement and excellent organisational performance.
Our conference features keynote speakers who will explore the culture required to allow engagement strategies to flourish combined with practical and interactive workshops run by experts in the field of employee engagement.
Cathy Brown, Director, Engage for Success
Currently the Director for Engage for Success, Cathy has a wide ranging experience across the public, private and third sectors in raising awareness and providing practical guidance to organisations looking to improve employee engagement. With a background in delivering strategic transformation programmes for a FTSE 100 company, she recognises the importance of values, good management, authentic leadership and the ability to listen in creating environments where people can bring the best of themselves to work every day.
Building Better Places to Work focuses on:-
·  The Challenge for leaders and organisations – creating productive and rewarding environments.
·  Examining what healthy, productive and high performing organisations do differently
·  Unlocking the secrets to higher levels of engagement at all levels of the organisation
Claire Sharp, Customer Director, Northumbrian Water Limited……More details to follow

Workshop A
Jill Johnston - TQMI
Workshop B
Workshops with...
Jill Johnston
Engaging your people for superior performance
This workshop will explore the importance of the Leader’s role in developing the engagement of their people so that they contribute to sustainably improving an organisation’s performance.
Having merely satisfied employees is no longer enough to secure their full commitment to the success of your organisation.
This interactive workshop is designed to provide insights into the meaning, benefits and challenges of engaging your people. It will explore the component parts of an engagement strategy based on the ‘engagement equation’, include some practical tools to promote engagement and a diagnostic tool to help you assess your organisation's current levels of engagement capability.
Rob Northfield
Leaderships at its Best
1)  Who determines we are good leaders? Is it not others? It is not us! Others decide whether we are good Leaders, whether we are Inspirational and Motivational.
2)  Surveys tell us only 16 in 100 people in Leadership roles are classed as Inspirational. Find out why and what we can do to be one of the 16.
3)  Find out why Leaders who have challenging lives still manage to control stress and maintain a healthy work life balance.
4)  How do we determine success and would others class us as successful?
Ray Pendleton, Managing Director, Thirsty Horses Solutions
Data driving engagement? Engagement driving data? The symbiosis of engagement and data...
‘Data’ is very much a buzz word at the moment, particularly in terms of its potential impact on staff engagement.So why are some organisations brilliant at collecting and using it and others really not? Isn’t it simple?
In this workshop Ray will take delegates through the often missed symbiosis of improving staff engagement by using data... and improving data quality ​by engaging staff, including:
1. Collecting the right data,
2. Interpreting it correctly,
3. Deciding how to act on it (including the importance of having the courage of your convictions),
4. Measuring the engagement impact of the data you’ve acted on (and communicating about it),
5. Deciding how to act on it – and so on!
This is an interactive session that will leave delegates with a clear understanding of the cycle of data/engagement/data/engagement/etc – as well as some great tips for how to go about making it work for their organisations, which pitfalls to look out for, and where to start.
Helen Corlett, Human Synergistics /

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