North Lincolnshire BeekeepersDistrict(Reg. Charity No. 500360)
Membership Application Form - 2018 Form to be completed and signed annually
Postcode______tel. no.______(preferably landline)
email:______(please print clearly)
Class of Membership: Full Partner Associate Country Junior (Tick Box)
Add BDI for total Colonies. (From BDI Reckoner) Total subs enclosed £______
I will either collect LBKA's publications at District meetings or will provide the District Membership Secretary with £3 or 4 SAE’s.I accept that my details may be given to the BBKA, BDI Ltd and the National Bee Unit for the purposes of disease control and my contact details will be included in the LBKA Directory of Members unless I specify otherwise to the District Membership Secretary.
I accept the LBKA’s Safeguarding Code of Practice.
Gift Aid - I would like LBKA to reclaim tax on any donations or membership subscriptions I make now and in the future. I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference. (Please tick box if applicable)
Cheques payable to “LBKA-N. Lincs District”. Send cheque with completed Membership Form toAnne-Marie Taylor, 40a, South View, Broughton. DN20 0EG with sae if posted receipt required. If member wishes to pay by BACS transfer details are:Account No 81572202 Sort Code 40-44-14
Classes of Membership LBKA (Reg. Charity no. 500360) North Lincolnshire District
1. Full Member: £35 (£27.50 +£7.50 District sub)
An active beekeeper or someone wishing to be treated as such becomes a member of the local District, Lincolnshire Beekeepers' Association (LBKA) and British Beekeeepers' Association (BBKA). As a Registered member of BBKA :
Receive BBKA News monthly magazine and attend BBKA events
Product and Public liability insurances
Bee Disease Insurance included for the first 3 hives. Optional extra premiums for additional hives: £2 for up to total 5 hives, £5.25 for up to total 10 hives, £7.75 for up to total 15 hives,£9.50 for up to total 20 hives, £11.10 for up to total 25 hives, £13.60 for up to total 30 hives.
As a voting member of LBKA:
Receive Quarterly Review magazine & Directory of Members & attend LBKA events.
2. Partner Member: £23.25 (£15.75 + £7.50 District Sub)
A member who is an active beekeeper with all rights as above except that they share BBKA and LBKA publications with the Full Member who lives at the same address. BDI for 3 colonies included. Extra premiums paid by Full members only.
3. Associate Member: £5.00 A member who is not an active beekeeper with access to all District activities and some LBKA activities at the discretion of the organisers.
4. Country Member: £15.50 (£10.50 + £5 District Associate Subscription)An Associate Member (ie non- beekeeper) who wishes to opt into BBKA. Receives BBKA News but not the BBKA insurances.
5. Junior Member: (Under 18 ) £9.50 .Must have adult member who will act in a supervisory capacity.
Membership runs from 1st Jan to 31st Dec but new members joining after 1st Sept have membership to the end of the following year. BDI only applicable January 1st to December 31st. NB There will be a late payment fee of £10 payable if annual subs not paid by January meeting (January 29th 2018)
Anne-Marie Taylor (District Membership Secretary) email: