North Eastern Zone Council of

Pony Club

Association of Victoria.

Zone Secretary: Jo Ayres 1337 Benalla Whitfield Rd Myrrhee

Phone: 03 57297534 Email:

ABN: 99 061 588 781 OFT No: A0008630D

Minutes for Annual General Meeting

Date: Tuesday 18 August 2015.

Venue:Benalla Bowls Club – 23 Arundel Street Benalla

Meeting to start a 7.30 sharp

Meeting Opened: 7.30pm

Present: Kerry Masters, Jo Ayres, Matt Ayres, Leah Armstrong, Trudi Kinder, Jane Minter, Lisa Rouessart, Kim Slavin, Adrian Dowell, Lisa Venola, Kerry Hawkins, Catherine Schwarz, Tania Russell, Issie Hill, Julie Berry, Prue Erikson, Kylie Creed, Jeanine Hays, Gayleen Copeland, Kammy Cordner-Hunt, Fenella Cameron, Sharon Glass, Judy Pedretti, Kerry Bryant, Janet Batten, Katrina Horne, Charlyne Hickling, Mandy Lewis, Narelle Williams, Lisa McMaster, Kerry Currie, Jenni Sargent, Louise Bourchier, Amie Aldridge, Ian Don, Mark Phillip Draper, Greg Warren, Andrew Rich, David White, Ron Waddell

Apologies:S Terry, J James, H Robinson

Welcome to A Dowell

Minutes read from previous AGM:

Moved: Myrtleford Seconded: Wangaratta Carried

Business Arising: Nil.


Inwards:Nominations for positions

President Tania Russell-nominated by Numurkah - withdrawn

PresidentSharon Glass-nominated by Shepparton - accepted

Vice PresidentIan Don-nominated by Kergunyah- accepted

SecretaryIssie Hill-nominated by Myrtleford- withdrawn

Jo Ayres-nominated by Howlong - accepted

TreasurerCarolyn Scoble- nominated by Kerguynyah- accepted

Zone Examining SecJulie James


Zone President: As tabled

Zone Representative: As tabled

Zone Chief Instructor: As tabled

Zone Treasurer: As tabled

Motion: that all reports be accepted as tabled, and cheque for Accountant be passed for payment.

Moved: Benalla Seconded: Euroa carried

Chairman Declared all positions vacant.

Election of Office Bearers:

President: Sharon Glass Moved: K BryantSeconded: A Michel Carried

Vice-President: Ian Don Moved: M Draper Seconded: A Aldridge


Secretary: Jo Ayres Moved: K Horne Seconded: D White Carried

Treasurer: Carolyn ScobleMoved: Kergunyah Seconded: I Don Carried

Public Officer: Jo Ayres Moved: S Glass Seconded R Waddell Carried

Course Accreditors: For Ratification.

Mr Bill Ferguson - Yes

Mrs Pip Rowe - Yes

Mr Terence Weston – No longer applicable

Mr Ron Waddell - Yes

Mrs Jane Parks - Yes

Ian Ramage - Yes

Adrian Dowell - Yes

Zone Examining Secretary : for Ratification – Julie James

Moved: MansfieldSeconded: Moyhu Carried.

Nomination of Auditor:Not required as turn over is less than $250,000 per annum

Moved: Seconded: Carried.

Zone Fees: to be set for 2015/2016 and are due to be paid prior to next General Meeting in October.

Motion: that the fees be set at $100 per club and $4 per rider for the season 2015/2016

Moved: Chiltern Seconded: Seymour Carried.

Zone Representative Allowance

Motion: That the Zone Representative allowance fee be set at$2500.00

Moved: Benalla Seconded: Wodonga Carried.

Zone Secretary Allowance

Motion: That the Zone Secretary allowance fee be set at $750.00

Moved: MansfieldSeconded: Howlong Carried

Zone President Allowance

Motion: That the Zone President allowance fee be set at $400.00

Moved: Benalla Seconded: ChilternCarried

Zone Chief Instructor Allowance

Motion; That the Zone Chief Instructor allowance fee be set at $400.00

Moved: SeymourSeconded: MyrtlefordCarried

General Business -

Zone Affiliation Fees:$150.00 – These have already been paid

Motion: That the Zone Affiliation Fee be passed for payment, and that the Zone Treasurer attends to this when the account is received from PCAV

Next AGM Date:

Moved: Myrtleford Seconded: Bright Carried.

Next AGM Date:9thAugust 2016Meeting closed at 8.15pm followed by general meeting