Cumberland Area Quaker Meeting
Minutes of the Meeting of the Managing Trustees
held at 1.30pm on Monday 7th November 2016
at Brow Bottom, Bowscale.
Present: Colin Smith (Clerk), Christopher Thomas (Treasurer), Catherine Thomas, Tim Pickles, Ian Watson, Anne Simpson.
Prevented: Trevor Green, Colin Hulse, David Day
Minute 1. A short Meeting for Worship was held.
Minute 2. A warm welcome was extended to Anne Simpson who had been appointed by CAQM to replace the position following Frank Cosgrove’s resignation.
Minute 3. A draft agenda had been circulated prior to the meeting and this was accepted.
Minute 3. The Treasurer reported that the Trustees Annual Report and Accounts for the year ending 31st December 2015 had been completed without qualification. The accounts show an income of £122,480 with expenditure £88,465. The Clerk submitted the documents to the Charity Commission on the 8th October 2016. Thanks were expressed to Christopher Thomas, our Treasurer, for his work in completing this tremendous task.
Minute 4. We have discussed the differing ways contributions are made to Local Meetings, Area Meetings and BYM. We agree to draw attention to this matter to Local Meeting Treasurers and suggest they collectively discuss this issue.
Minute 5. The Treasurer requested that the could change the ‘North Cumbria Quakers’ account with the Cumberland Building Society to ‘North Cumbria Quakers also known as CAQM’. This was agreed.
Minute 6. The Treasurer had circulated a draft 2017 budget prior to the meeting. This was for a surplus over expenditure of £900. It was agreed to transfer £20,000 into the Premises Fund to cover anticipated expenditure. The budget was approved to be presented to CAQM at its forthcoming meeting.
Minute 7. Quinquennial Surveys: It was agreed to schedule Broughton Meeting House into the 2018 surveys. The Clerk was asked to make arrangements for the 2017 surveys (Cockermouth and Pardshaw) to be carried out in the Spring of 2017.
Minute 8. Property: Keswick – Tim Pickles reported that good progress was being made in the refurbishment and it was hoped the work would be completed by the end of the year. Carlisle – the damp prove work had been completed but work on the roof was still in progress. Mosedale – Roofing work necessary as outlined by the Quinquennial Survey has been completed and work to upgrade the toilet area is in hand. Moorhouse Burial Ground – the re-building of the listed perimeter walls is ongoing. Beckfoot Burial Grounds – The new benches have been purchased and received but they await installing. The new interpretation board is in hand.
Minute 9. Tim informed the meeting that he had had preliminary discussions with Quaker Housing Trust and he felt there was a possibility of them giving a feasibility grant which could be helpful to determining a future for Pardshaw Meeting House. We ask Tim to pursue this matter and report back.
Minute 10. Prior to the meeting the Clerk had circulated to trustees a paper on Risk Assessment and Management. Trevor Green had expressed an interest in the subject. We ask Trevor and Ian Watson to draw up a succinct draft document for Trustees consideration.
Minute 11. David Day had tabled his report ‘Cumberland United – a case study of an Area Meeting Amalgamation 2012-2016’. We note it is to be presented to the next Area Meeting.
We thank David for his work in preparing the report.
Minute 12. Hugh Tickle’s Charity (Reg No.236529): The Clerk reported that he had been informed by the Clerk of the Trustees that an application had been made to the Charity Commission to amend the administrative arrangements for the Charity. Namely: that trustees be appointed by CAQM, that the number of trustees be reduced to four, and that there will be a minimum of one meeting per year.
Minute 13. We note that the Annual Trustees Conference is to be held at Woodbrooke from the 17th-19th February 2017. Cost £280. Ian is considering attending as a member of QSC. Trustees are asked to let the Clerk know if they are interested in attending.
Minute14. Anne Simpson and Christopher Thomas had, at short notice, attended the ACAT Treasurers Conference in Penrith. We agree to reimbursing their costs (£45 per person).
Minute 15. Date and time of our meetings in 2017 were agreed: January 16th, March 27th, June 5th, September 11th, November 13th. All at 1330. The venue to be Keswick Meeting House subject to availability. The Clerk was asked to make the necessary arrangements
Next meeting
1330 Monday 16th January 2017 at Keswick Meeting House
Colin Smith, Clerk