North Country Library System

Director’s Organization Meeting

March 15, 2018


Present at NCLS:

Samantha Morgan (ADM)

Linda Strader (BEL)

Mary Louise Hunt (BLR)

Linda McCullough (CAR)

Amy Pond (CAV)

EileenMathys (CRO)

Jen Thomas (DEX)

Linda Adams (GOU)

Pam Conlin (HAR)

Mary Bidwell (HEN)

Michelle McLagan (LIS)

Meghan Harney (LOW)

Dorothy Dineen (MEX)

Penny Kerfien (OGD)

Leona Chereshnoski (OSC)

Carol Ferlito (OSW)

Linda McNamara (PAR)

Margaret Weigel (PUL)

Katie Male-Riordan (SAH)

Jessica Godfrey (SCR)

Yvonne Reff (WAT)

Bev Ripka (WMT)

Matt Corey (NCLS)

Susan Mitchell (NCLS)

Paulette Roes (NCLS)

Present at Potsdam:

Emily Hastings (CAN)

Laurel Murphy (MAD)

Amanda Jones (NOW)

Annie Chase (POT)

Duffy Ashley (WAD)

Present atOswego:

Douglas Moore (FUL)

Natalie Curran (PHE)

Libraries Absent:








































The meeting was called to order at 1:01pm by Penny (OGD).

Introductions: Welcome to the new library directors, and to Susan (NCLS).

Approval of Minutes:

Motion byMargaret (PUL), seconded by Carol (OSW)to approve the September 28, 2017 minutes. Unanimous

Approval of Agenda:

Motion by Linda (GOU), seconded byKatie (SAH) to approve the agenda. Unanimous

NCLS Director’s Report: Susan (NCLS) reported that she has visited a dozen libraries so far and anticipates visiting more. The proposed minimum standards are likely to be passed by the Board of Regents in August and libraries statewide will have three years to comply. The biggest impact on NCLS libraries will be the requirement for automation and having a long range plan posted online (just checking “yes” on the annual report will be insufficient proof). The question was posed regarding “what happens if a library chooses not to automate” and Susan said that DLD cannot disclose the consequences in advance, but suggested that perhaps that library would be downgraded to a reading room rather than a chartered library. Susan volunteered to help libraries automate by assisting in barcoding their collection.

There will be a new delivery van making its way around in the next week or two.

Two Spectrum grants were recently written along with Matt (NCLS) to obtain Chromebooks, WiFi hotspots, and mobile maker labs. The grants will be announced officially on April 1st and the new items will be loanable to libraries by summer.

LSTA funding comes from the federal to the state level. New York State is one of the lowest funded per capita. The loanable items from the Spectrum grants will help level the playing field with some of our smaller libraries.

Old Business:

  1. Publication Dates: Penny (OGD) reminded us that we need to be more aware of books and publication dates and that we cannot put out new books before the street date. If you see that other libraries are putting out books early, please contact your consultant. Recommendation is to use the location PROCESSING so the item is in the catalog, but shadowed (we can see it, but patrons cannot) and it isn’t holdable. On publication date, change the location to STACKS (or whatever you use in your library). Another recommendation is to process new books on publication date – you can have everything ready to go, but put a flag in the book, rubberband books with the packing slip, keep them in a separate area, etc and then all you need to do on publication date is enter them in the catalog.

New Business:

  1. Central Libraries: If you have requests for nonfiction to be purchased by one of the Central Libraries (WAT or OGD), email either Yvonne (WAT) or Penny (OGD). The current Central Libraries Committee consists of Linda (GOU), Meghan (LOW), Matt (NCLS), Susan (NCLS), Penny (OGD), Carol (OSW), and Yvonne (WAT). Motion by Yvonne (WAT) and seconded by Leona (OSC) to appoint Katie (SAH) to the Central Libraries Committee. Unanimous.
  2. DO Bylaws: Fewer than half of libraries were represented at today’s meeting; Penny (OGD) would like to see better representation. Discussion on Article VI, Section B regarding the Liaison Committee resulted in changes such that the President of the DO or his/her designee will act as a liaison to the DO and the NCLS Board. Penny (OGD) will modify and send out the revised Bylaws via email. Motion by Leona (OSC), seconded by Bev (WMT) to modify the Director’s Organization Bylaws as discussed. Unanimous.
  3. Outreach & Recycling: Paulette (NCLS) said that only one Outreach Mini Grant application has been received thus far and the deadline has been extended to April 9th; information is available on the website and please contact her with questions. For the new recycling program, twenty libraries have signed on to recycle. The program is open to all libraries; contact Dylan (NCLS) if you would like to have him drop off blue totes to your library. Hardcovers are getting “de-spined” and paperbacks are going directly to the transfer station at no charge. Since February 1st, 4,077 books have been recycled. If you are doing a large weeding, you may ask Dylan for more bins, but there is no guarantee he can take them all at once as he is limited by space in the delivery van. If patrons wish to discard books themselves, they may take them directly to the transfer station on Route 12 in Watertown. DANC gave NCLS $3,000 to purchase the bins and is providing NCLS with $3,000 annually to administer the program. There is a Central NY Resource page at and Paulette has created some flyers and bookmarks for us to distribute. She has also added information to the website regarding Drug Awareness, following last November’s workshop. Under “Education” on the website, there is as new link to Customer Service Training with resources listed; this was created in response to requests Paulette received.

Announcements:The Heart Walk will be held April 14th at 10 am and consists of a 5K, rain or shine. It’s a great opportunity to promote libraries if we can get a team together. Contact Dawn (NCLS) if you are interested.

NYS Assembly Bullet Aid – Jessica (SCR) received $13,000 and was told that her letter to the Assembly and her infographic for her annual report were key elements to her receiving the funds. Penny (OGD) advocates that we develop relationships with our representatives and credits that to her elevator/lift repairs. Susan (NCLS) said that summer reading is a good time to invite representatives to the library because they appreciate the good photo opportunities. Linda (GOU) said that many companies have mission statements that require them to give money; her local paper mill is a good example. Duffy (WAD) reported that Alcoa employees are required to volunteer time and have helped paint and move bookshelves. Key Bank does the same thing, and the Stewart’s Holiday Match grant is easy to apply for and receive.

Penny (OGD) announced her library’s book sale is scheduled for early April.

Matt (NCLS) announced this year’s Annual Meeting will be September 19th from 10 am to mid-afternoon. It will consist of brunch, a keynote speaker, and an educational session. There will be no Director’s Organization or Trustee meetings. Location will be the Hilton.

This year’s Association for Rural and Small Libraries (ARSL) conference will be in September in Springfield, IL. Next year it will be in Burlington, VT. Matt (NCLS), Elaine (MAS), and Penny (OGD) attended last year and felt it was very informative.

Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be Tuesday, June 12th at 1:00 pm, following the JAB meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:14 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Michelle McLagan (LIS), Secretary