North Country Kickers General Membership Meeting Minutes

North Country Kickers General Membership Meeting Minutes

North Country Kickers – General Membership Meeting Minutes

November 11, 2016 – Equity Hall - Pound,WI

Meeting called to order at 7:05PM by President Guarisco.

Board Members Present: John Guarisco, Vickie Gocht,Nancy DeWindt,

Jennie Pillath, Dave Kvam, Debi Guarisco, Russ Thoune, Julie Thoune, Charlie Bishop

Absent: None

Agenda: Approved on motion by S. Swanson, seconded by Geri Ballard, motion carried.

Secretary minutesfrom: 9/9/2016. Approved on motion by Marlene Sokol, seconded byShar Swanson. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: By N.DeWindt. Cash on hand as of 10/31/16 = $5,028.18. Placed onfile for audit by President Guarisco.

Bills to Pay: None

Correspondence: None

Committee Reports:

Dance Instruction reported by Charlie Bishop: Nov. 9th was our last fall lesson, with review night next Wednesday. “Thank you” to all the instructors and to all attendees. I will put out a suggestion sheet tonight for dances that you may want taught this spring session. Instructors will meet at Lena High School on Dec. 7th at 6:30PM to choose dances for the spring dance lessons.

Entertainment by J. Pillath: The next General Membership Meeting is Jan. 13, 2017, at Equity Hall in Pound, WI. Potluck is scheduled at 6:30, meeting at 7:00, and dancing to follow. The Christmas Dance is Dec. 17th, 7:00 - 10:30PM.

Demo Team by Nancy DeWindt: The demo team has 15 Christmas demos scheduled which begin on Nov. 30th. We will be very busy, but the nursing home residents seem to really enjoy us!

Merchandise: John Guarisco brought men and women's hats tonight. If any member should want one, they are $15.00 each.

Old Business: Nancy reported that Patti will DJ our Christmas Dance for a modest fee of $50.00. It was discussed whether we should have a potluck for the Christmas Dance. On motion by Dave Kvam, and seconded by Marlene Sokol, it was decided to just bring snacks. Motion carried.

New Business: The following BOD member positions will be up at the end of 2016:

2 BOD members, 2-year terms, currently held by Debi Guarisco and Dave Kvam.

4 officer positions, 1 year term: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer.

President Guarisco opened the floor for the 2017 Board of Directors nominations:

Nominated for President: John Guarisco, by Marlene Sokol.

Russ Thoune, by Julie Thoune. Russ declined.

Motion to close nomination by Charlie Bishop, seconded by Steve Swanson. Motion Carried.

Nominated for V. President: Julie Thoune, by Geri Ballard.

Motion to close nomination by Shar Swanson, seconded by Sharon Larmay. Motion Carried.

Nominated for Secretary: Vickie Gocht, by Shar Swanson

Marlene Sokol, by Vickie Gocht. Marlene declined.

Motion to close nomination by Jennie Pillath, seconded by Donna Behnke. Motion Carried.

Nominated for Treasurer: Nancy DeWindt, by Geri Ballard.

Motion to close nomination by Charlie Bishop, seconded by Shar Swanson. Motion Carried.

Motion for 2 - 2year term Director Positions: Shar Swanson, by Dave Kvam.

Marlene Sokol, by Geri Ballard

Debi Guarisco, by Denise Oleszak

Motion to close nomination by Shar Swanson, seconded by Vickie Gocht. Motion Carried.

Please bring a new unwrapped toy or crayons & coloring books to the Christmas Dance. Dave Kvam will be collecting these for area hospitals!

Next General Member meeting is Jan. 13, 2017, at 7:00PM, at Equity Hall

Motion to adjourn by Shar Swanson, seconded by Steve Swanson. Motion carried. Adjourned at 7:27PM.

Respectfully Submitted by: Vickie Gocht, secretary