North Central Washington Volleyball Club (NCWVBC)
Player Scholarship
The North Central Washington Volleyball Club (NCWVBC) recognizes the tremendous benefit that comes from participation in competitive team sports. We believe that NCWVBC offers promising athletes the opportunity to develop leadership, team skills and resilience—all of which contribute to academic and social success. NCWVBC firmly believes that no player should be denied this opportunity because of an inability to meet the basic financial requirements of being a rostered player. We are, therefore, proud to offer multiple scholarships to players accepted for a rostered spot on any of the club’s tournament teams for the 2016-2017 season. The scholarship amount can be part of or equal to the club dues for the team to which the player will be rostered.
Scholarship Information
Applications due:December 16, 2016
No. of Awards:To Be Determined (3-5)
Amount of award:Partial or Full amount of club dues
Eligibility:Parent must request application based on financial need.
Renewal:Possible. Player must reapply and compete with new applicants.
Application Process
- Parent(s) complete(s) the attached NCWVBC Scholarship Application.
- Player submits a minimum 400-word essay addressing one of the following topics:
- Why you want to play club volleyball and how it fits into your future plans.
- How playing sports has developed your leadership and team member skills.
- Describe an obstacle you have overcome and what you have learned from the experience.
- Include a copy of the player’s latest grade report. Grades may be used as a determining factor in the awarding of scholarships but should NOT be a deciding factor in whether or not a player should apply for a scholarship.
- Submit the application, grade report and essay to the following address by the due date. No applications will be accepted after the due date.
P.O. Box 4611
Wenatchee, WA 98807-4611
North Central Washington Volleyball Club
Scholarship Application
Player’s Name:Team:
Player’s Primary Address:
Parent Name:
Parent Home Phone:Cell:
Parent Email Address:
Player should submit a minimum 400-word essay on one of the following topics.
- Why you want to play club volleyball and how it fits into your future plans.
- How playing sports has developed your leadership and team member skills.
- Describe an obstacle you have overcome and what you have learned from the experience.