Date: February 12th2015 7:00 pm

Location: Conference Call

Present: Kathy Demmer, Sonya Brickner, Alanna Seppelt, Kathy Otten, Sandra Oehlke, Barb Provo, Cathy Wiebers, Sherry Kloha, Emily Greenstein, Jeanne Stadler

Excused: Tracy Hammel


Topic / Discussion / Action / By Whom & When / Resolution
Call to order / 7:01 pm / Kathy Demmer
Attendance Roll Call / Kathy Demmer


Previous Meeting Minutes / Agenda Addition-2015 Drawing for Fall Conference All Expenses Paid for new WOCN member?
Available on the NCR Website-No additions or corrections
President Report
Kathy Demmer / The WOCN Regional charter agreement has been reviewed by the subcommittee, sent to the members for review, signed and sent to the National office.
The National Bylaws and operating guidelines will need to be incorporated into our existing NCR bylaws and operating guidelines within the next year (by Jan 2016). A subcommittee was formed to study the National proposed bylaws and operating guidelines and make recommendations to the other board members. These are Jeanne Stadler, Sonya Brickner, Sandra Oehlke, Cathy Wiebers and Kathy Demmer. Jeanne Stadler consented to be the one to initiate communication with this group and set up meeting times and manner of communication. / Jeanne Stadler to coordinate subcommittee. / Deadline for completion is January 2016
President Elect Report:
Cathy Wiebers / 1. National WOCN Convention (leadership workshop on Sat.) attendance? Kathy Demmer unable to attend. Alanna Seppelt is planning to attend. Group decision to send Cathy Wiebers for Saturday and Sunday. NCR will pay for Cathy’s flight and Sunday of the Conference. Recommendation made to use early bird pricing for one day registration. Sandra offered to share her room with Cathy which will also minimize the expense.
Treasurer Report:
Alanna Seppelt
Budget update / Alanna answered questions re the budget with several questions being looked into.
Additional discussion items/questions in
need of answers:
  1. Do we want to offer reimbursement of WOCN membership fees of the first 5 or ten that join WOCN for the first time this year??
2. Do we want to budget more for our scholarships?
Discussed keeping $10,000 in the budget for scholarships A decision was not made at the meeting.
3. Is it good financial hygiene to keep one year of operating
expenses in savings (i.e.CD’s?) Do we always want a minimum amount on hand and is this it?
  1. Are we paying any conference call fees since October 2014?
  1. Financial External Audit is considered best practice. Confusion regarding if there is support from National for the audit fees. The last email from Heather at Nat’l indicated there is no support from national for the audit. A yearly financial statement is required. A yearly financial audit is not mandatory.
  2. When should the new treasurer take office and will there be a transition period?
/ Kathy Demmer will call a meeting with the Board officers to look at the budget report and plan a budget
The board agreed to not move forward with this idea. Additional discussion in the Secretary’s Report
A motion to add Scholarship money for the Foot and Nail Care Education ($500.00) was made by Sonya and Cathy Wiebers seconded the motion. The motion was passed with all in favor.
The Board decided that keeping one year of operating expenses in savings is necessary. The CD’s will not be cashed out unless needed.
Alanna verified that the last bill for conference call fee was paid in October. A free service was used for the November 2014 meeting and the current meeting.
Barb Provo offered to check with her husband who is a CPA regarding types of audits (full and partial) and which is most appropriate for non profit organization and size of the NCR.
A motion was made by Sandra Oehlke for the newly elected treasurer who takes office at the Fall Conference to be mentored by the outgoing treasurer until the end of the current calendar year and resume full responsibility on January 1st of the new year. Sherry Kloha seconded the motion and all were in favor of passing the motion. / The motion will be effective for the next round of scholarship applications with a May 1stdue date. The award for each specialty scholarship is $500.00 for a maximum of $2,000 per individual.
Scholarships will be awarded based on the application. A set number or set amount was not agreed upon as the number of applicants and the number of specialties varies. The Board will review the current and upcoming finances at the time of making the awards.
Barb Provo will be in touch with Kathy Demmer with the information from her husband.
Alanna Seppelt will mentor new treasurer during the fall of 2015 until the end of the year.
Secretary Report:
Jeanne Stadler / North Central Region Membership
February 2015
ND: 3
SD: 19
WI: 80
Total: 220
Total Membership with Out of State Members is 229
2014 Stats:
13 New associate members
12 New active members
17 Student members / Discussion about what is the incentive for members/students to continue with their membership from year to year.
A motion to pick 2 of the student members from the current year and have the NCR pay their dues for 2016 was made by Cathy Wiebers and seconded by Sandra Oehlke with all in favor.
Fall Conference All Expenses Paid for lucky new member from 2014.
The Board agreed that feeling of being connected to members in the organization and professional development are two reasons for members to renew their dues. / Reminder that minutes will be sent to members present at the meeting for additions, correction and
approval. Once approved, minutes will be posted on the NCR website.
NCR Secretary to send names of student memberships from 2015 to NCR president (January 2016) for random selection of two members. Notification of the dues award to the members and NCR Board will be done by the NCR President.
Jeanne Stadler will verify names of new members from 2014 with Heather Martinek from national. Periodically members with lapsed membership come up as new members. Once the new members have been verified the names will be sent to Kathy Demmer, President for random selection. Kathy will notify lucky winner and the NCR Board.
Board members will focus on networking at National and Fall conference with the membership. Sonya was asked to use a ribbon system for name tags at the Fall Conference for easy recognition of New, Members, Students and/or 1st time attendees and Board Members.
State Rep Reports
MN: Sandra Oehlke
WI: Sonya Brickner
ND: Emily Greenstein
SD: Kathy Otten / Sandra is busy orienting and precepting WOCN’s, Kathy Demmer has taken a new position as a CNS with colorectal surgery at Mayo. Kathy will be going back to school to complete requirements for CNS.
Sonya’s focus is coordinating the NCR Fall Conference
Emily started NP school
Kathy’s precepted WOCN student just passed her boards
Clinical/Professional Practice:
Tracey Hammel-Excused
Nominations/Scholarship Applications
NCR Excellence Award / $$ MONEY $$ Deadline for Scholarships is May 1st! We love to give out money to deserving applicants who can either join our ranks or further their career. Scholarship apps can be found at:
  1. State reps to communicate with their constituents regarding scholarship money available and application deadlines. Deadline for Excellence Award applications is May 1st! Please make sure you fill out the application at: and include at least three letters of reference. We know there are bunches of excellent WOC's in our region - please tell us about your favorite. Yes, you can even nominate yourself!
/ Tracy Hammel to send information to State Reps to send to the membership. / State Reps to email members with information re scholarships and Excellence Award
Public Policy
Barbara Provo
Update / Barb has contacted Rosemary Kates from the National Public Policy committee as she’s received no communication regarding the advocacy role of the regional public policy committee since accepting committee chair position. Barb participated in the WOCNCB Public Policy webinar on 12/2/14 which covered how and why we should learn to navigate the political process. DuWayne Johnsonrud, with 20 years of experience in the WI state legislature, pointed out the impact we can each have, emphasizing that legislators vote on the information they have on hand. Melissa Stahle, chair of the WOCNCB and public policy committee spoke and emphasized how WOCNs protect the public from incompetent providers, providing our perspective when patients are most vulnerable. She emphasized that we advocate for not only patients, but also our practice, our title, our certification and advance practice role.
Barb questioned the status of the NIWI Program, stating that this was an important venue to continue to develop those interested in public policy. / Barb would like to survey our members on what topics are of greatest concern to them. Using the website as a mechanism to do this was discussed. Sherry will forward Barb contact information for our webmaster. Barb will plan to run some topic ideas past her facility WOCNs for comment and then will plan to survey the membership, possibly via the state reps when they send out conference updates or solicit for open offices.
. / Barb Provo
Barb will follow up with National on the NIWI program
Media Communications
Sherry Kloha
Website Report
All Forms and submission is on line
Articles/news/pictures Submissions / Sherry is always looking for information to post on the website from the Board and members. A request was made from Sherry to the State Reps to include the website link whenever sending information to the members.
Articles/news need to be edited, short, to the point, Pictures need to be of good quality and up close shots. / State reps to include website link whenever sending information to the members.
Sherry will contact the state reps to get news/stories appropriate for posting.
National Committee Updates / None reported other than what is in the President’s report.
Old Business /
  1. Board member terms expiring in 2015: Jeanne Stadler, Sandra Oehlke, Sonya Brickner and Alanna Seppelt. Each can hold another term if desired.
  2. The State Reps will handle the election process. Kathy Wiebers will be a resource for the reps.
/ Cathy will circulate the emails used in the past to solicit nominees for open positions to the State Reps. / Anyone interested in an open position should complete the form found on the Website and Send to Sherry. Sherry will work with the webmaster in setting up the voting process.
2015 National Conference
2015 Fall Regional Conference / San Antonio, TX June 6-10, 2015
Going so far: Kathy Demmer (Sun through Wednesday), Sandra Oehlke,
Jeanne Stadler, Alanna Seppelt, Emily Greenstein, Kathy Otten
Conference registration material has been sent and we got in on the 2014 discount!! $400 each and $200 for Kathy (Pres). The Board officers will receive full reimbursement for conference fees with the agreement that hotel rooms will be shared. The other Board members will have their conference registration reimbursed. Further reimbursement to the board members will be determined once the budget and current financial status of the chapter is reviewed by the Board members as stated in the minutes in the treasurer’s report.
Update from Sonja Brickner :
All but 2 speakers are confirmed to date; Kathy will find out if old logo can be used on the brochure;
9 ceu’s will be provided for the entire conference;
Conference will start with lunch on Friday and end around 3-4 pm on Sat.;
Committee is working with Convatec on a regional Comebacks dinner;
Vendor time will be Friday evening and Saturday morning;
Sonya to contact Lisa from last year’s conference to discuss pay pal
Andy the Webmaster is the contact for posting the brochure
The committee is working on a Save the Date Flyer and it will be available to distribute at the national conference in June
Name tags with ribbons-see earlier discussion / Members asked to make reservations early as block fills up fast. Can always cancel, but may not get at last minute.
Visioning/goal setting / 1. Membership dues reimbursement?
2. More Networking opportunities?
Are all member attracted to the conference for CEUs? Or could we offer a few CEUs and have more networking opportunities where we would also have our industry partners?
3. Scholarship for Foot /Nail care courses and certification? / Addressed in budget discussion
No specific plans or decisions made other than time set aside for vendors at the Fall Conference.
Addressed during budget discussion

ADJOURNMENT – Adjourned at 8:51 pm .

Respectfully submitted: Jeanne Stadler, NCR Secretary