North Carolina Association of Medical Staff Services
Quarterly Meeting Minutes
February 15, 2013
A meeting of the North Carolina Association of Medical Staff Services (NCAMSS) was held on Friday, February 15, 2013. The meeting was Rex Healthcare-Raleigh, NC
NCAMSS Welcome: Rhonda Boyd, CPCS,CPMSM, President of the NCAMSS, welcomed everyone and acknowledged her appreciation to Kathryn Tanner, Cindy Fadoil and their staff with Rex Healthcare for hosting the meeting.
Rex Health Care Welcome: Steve Burrris, CEO gave a brief welcome to all the attendees.
Educational Program: NAMSS awarded the attendees seven (6.5) CEUs for the following educational offerings.
Morning Session
Speakers- Steve Burris, CEO and Tom Williams-RexHealthcare
Topic-Impact of Healthcare Reform
Speaker-Elizabeth Jones, MSN, RN Manager Learning & Development, Learning & Organiaztional Effectiveness Dept. Rex Healthcare
Topic-Dealing with Difficult People
Speaker-Linda Waldorf, CPCS, CPMSM/Andy Lock, CEO, PHDB
Lunch: It is noted a buffet lunch, was prepared and served by the Rex Healthcare Catering Staff. Attendees enjoyed a selection of sandwiches and pasta salad and cookies.
Afternoon Session
Speakers- Sue Sherman, RN, PHD, Director of Quality Programs, Rex Healthcare
Topic-Medical Staff Services: Through the Lens of the Patient Safety Program
Speakers-Mittie Elliott, Office Manager, CapeFearCenter for Digestive Diseases, PA,
Topic: Ambulatory Healthcare and Practice Credentialing & Privileging.
Business Meeting: There was a brief business meeting in which Rhonda Boyd, President reviewed the upcoming meeting dates and locations. A draft copy of the Annual Meeting Agenda was reviewed.
Donna Phillips, Secretary reviewed changes to the Bylaws and Rules and Regulations recommended by the Board. The Revised Bylaws and Rules and Regulations will be distributed to the membership members will also be sent a ballot to vote on approval of the Bylaws.
Rhonda also introduced the 2013-2014 Board Members and she announced the resignation of June Hogg as President Elect. Rhonda then turned the meeting over to Fran Fallon, Past President and Chair of the Nominating Committee. Fran announced that the Nominating Committee had submitted Donna Phillips current Secretary as the nominee for the office of President Elect and with Board approval a ballot will be forth coming for the vote of the membership as per the Bylaws. The Nominating Committee had further recommended Sherry Settle for Secretary and Yvette Montgomery as member at large these were approved by the Board members as per the Bylaws.
Adjournment: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted:
Donna Phillips, CPMSM
Interim Secretary