North Brunswick High School


Algebra 2 Common Core Support

Grade 10 – 12

Mrs. Dani

At North Brunswick “We are Rise”.

Dear Students and Parents,

Mrs. Dani welcomes you to the Algebra 2 core curriculum class. I am excited to be your teacher for this school year.This school year, our main objective will be to learn algebra using different strategies and technologies then to discuss algebra in detail so, every leaner in this classroom will be well prepared for any standardized tests. Algebra II Common Core Support will provide an instruction to meet individual student’s needs. Students will be involved in both group and individual activities that will help them improve their algebra skills. Emphasis is placed on remediating those algebra skills as indicated on the Grade 9 and 10 Standardized assessments as well as providing support for students.

Why Algebra?

Algebra is a universal language shared by people across continents and through time. Algebra is not just for students taking Calculus. It’s for all of us. Everybody uses algebra whether they realize it or not. Algebra always has been used in Businesses, Stocks, Banks, Family, Schools etc.

Course Description

Algebra II is a continuation course of college prep mathematics at the high school level. The course is organized around families of functions, including: linear, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, radical, and rational functions. As each family of functions is studied, students will learn to represent them in multiple ways as verbal descriptions, equations, tables, and graphs. Emphasis is also placed on creating algebraic models to represent real-life phenomena. Mathematical vocabulary and notation will be strengthened and extended by applying them in solving real world solutions. Matrices, conic sections, and probability may also be covered.

Course Requirements

Students are expected to:

  • Maintain a positive attitude towards learning and respect for all Classroom Rules and Procedures.
  • Participate in class discussions and cooperative learning activities, complete individual and group class work as well as lab/homework/project assignments. (Note: Homework is Assigned Everyday)
  • Keep an updated and accurate notebook.
  • Demonstrate an acceptable level of proficiency through teacher generated assessments (tests/quizzes, warm – ups/exit tickets, and HWs.) as well as on district midterm and final exams.

Materials (Needed Everyday)

  • Graphic calculator is required. TI 83/84.
  • 3-Ring Binder
  • Loose Leaf Paper
  • 3 Dividers (Labeled Warm-Ups, Notes/Classwork and Homework)
  • Pencil(s), Highlighter and Eraser(s)

Textbook and in class resources (for use in class)

  • Algebra 2 Common Core Pearson
  • Mrs. Dani will hand in the worksheets of every section. Examples and Problems are taken from the Pearson book. Also, PARCC/SAT problems will also be included into the current topic.


Grades will be evaluated by the following standards:

Percentage / Grade
98% - 100% / A+
93% - 97% / A
90% - 92% / A-
87% - 89% / B+
83% - 86% / B
80% - 82% / B-
77% - 79% / C+
73% - 76% / C
70% - 72% / C-
65% - 69% / D
0% - 64.5% / F
Required Task / Percentage of Grade
Classwork/Participation / 60%
Aleks / 40%

*65% is a cut off for the passing for the year.*

Classroom Rules & Procedures

I. Introduction

Rules and procedures are fundamental in life. We follow rules and procedures in our daily lives for things such as crossing the street, writing a letter, and driving a car. As in real life, there are rules and procedures in this classroom. These rules and procedures will establish our classroom culture and ensure a safe and positive learning environment for everyone.

II. Classroom Rules

1. Be Respectful

* Of all people (yourself, teacher, classmates, and of course to everybody)

* Of all equipment (room, furniture, materials, computers, Mrs. Dani’s supplies)

2. Be Responsible

* Attend class everyday on time.

* Be prepared – bring all books and materials to class.

* Be on-task

3. Be Resourceful

* Listen and follow directions the first time they are given.

* Think for yourself.

III. Consequences

Everything we do in life has consequences. If you choose to run a red light, you must accept the consequences that brings such as getting a traffic ticket, crashing your car, hurting someone, etc. Negative consequences are the things that happen when you choose not to obey a rule. The following are the consequences you will face if you choose to break a rule.

  • 1st Time: Warning.
  • 2nd Time: Student/Teacher conference.
  • 3rd Time: After-school detention. Parent/Guardian contacted.
  • 4th Time: Administration referral.

V. Procedures

Procedures are also part of life. They are important so that people in a society can function in a safe and organized manner. The following are our classroom procedures.

Procedures for Entering the Classroom

  1. You are not to stand or wait around in the hallway.
  2. Enter the classroom quietly without running or pushing.
  3. Take your assigned seat.
  4. Have any due assignment ready to turn in with name, block, and date.
  5. Copy Objective (what you should be able to do by the end of class) in Notes/Classwork section.
  6. Begin Warm-Up problem, which will always be displayed on the Smart Board.

Procedure for the End of Class and Class Dismissal

Five minutes before the bell rings, I will ask everyone to start cleaning up and return materials. Right before the bell rings everyone should be in their assigned seat, gather all their materials, and wait for me to dismiss the class.

Hall Passes:

You will need your student ID and student planner in order to leave the room. The planner must be signed by me and you must return in a timely fashion.

Teacher Contact Information

Parents/Guardians should feel free to ask about student’s progress. They are encouraged to email me .

I have VERY HIGH EXPECTATIONS for all of you and am looking forward to an exciting and fun educational year!!!

*Please return below portion by Monday September 11th. *

Algebra II Common Core – Student Information sheet

Student Name :______ID#______Period:______

Parent / Guardian Name (s) : ______


Phone: ______Text (Y / N)

I have read an attached expectation letter and understand what is expected of me in order to be successful in Mrs. Dani’sAlgebra 2 common core support class:

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date:______