Paul Gwozdz, M.D.

710 Easton Avenue, Suite 1A

Somerset, N.J. 08873

(732) 545-4100

Please print your name and address in this block

DeaDear Patient, Date______

Below please find the results of your recent tests:


/ Essentially Normal /


Blood Test - Chemistry
Blood Test – Complete Blood Count (CBC)
Total Cholesterol
HDL (Good) Cholesterol
LDL (Bad) Cholesterol
Liver Function Tests
Thyroid Function Tests
Pap Smear
Colorectal screening (test for blood in stool)

q  A copy is enclosed.

q  Please make an appointment to discuss these results.

q  ______




Please call the office for an appointment if you have any questions and thank you for

allowing us to care for you.

q  Paul Gwozdz, M.D.