North Augusta High School World History

The following template has been developed based on Schmoker’s research of effective lessons. Each part is integral to an effective lesson and the entirety is representative of a cycle which may be repeated multiple times throughout a class period.

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Clear Learning Objective (Understand) / MWH-5.3 Identify the major technological and social characteristics of the Industrial Revolution. MWH-5.4 Analyze the relationship between the expanding world market economy and the development of industrialization in Great Britain, the United States, Germany, and Japan, including shifts in world demography and urbanization and changing class and race relations. MWH-5.5 Compare capitalism with other forms of political and economic ideologies, including socialism, communism, and anarchism. / MWH-5.3 Identify the major technological and social characteristics of the Industrial Revolution. MWH-5.4 Analyze the relationship between the expanding world market economy and the development of industrialization in Great Britain, the United States, Germany, and Japan, including shifts in world demography and urbanization and changing class and race relations. MWH-5.5 Compare capitalism with other forms of political and economic ideologies, including socialism, communism, and anarchism. / MWH-5.3 Identify the major technological and social characteristics of the Industrial Revolution. MWH-5.4 Analyze the relationship between the expanding world market economy and the development of industrialization in Great Britain, the United States, Germany, and Japan, including shifts in world demography and urbanization and changing class and race relations. MWH-5.5 Compare capitalism with other forms of political and economic ideologies, including socialism, communism, and anarchism. / MWH-5.3 Identify the major technological and social characteristics of the Industrial Revolution. MWH-5.4 Analyze the relationship between the expanding world market economy and the development of industrialization in Great Britain, the United States, Germany, and Japan, including shifts in world demography and urbanization and changing class and race relations. MWH-5.5 Compare capitalism with other forms of political and economic ideologies, including socialism, communism, and anarchism. / MWH-5.3 Identify the major technological and social characteristics of the Industrial Revolution. MWH-5.4 Analyze the relationship between the expanding world market economy and the development of industrialization in Great Britain, the United States, Germany, and Japan, including shifts in world demography and urbanization and changing class and race relations. MWH-5.5 Compare capitalism with other forms of political and economic ideologies, including socialism, communism, and anarchism.
Teaching/ Modeling/ Demonstrating / Industrial Revolution Notes / . Industrial Revolution Notes / Industrial Revolution Notes / Industrial Revolution Notes / Industrial Revolution Notes
Guided Practice / Notes
Video / Notes
Reading primary source on railroad / Notes
Worksheet on inventors / Notes
Diagram on steam engine / Notes
Assembly Line Activity
Checks for Understanding /
  • Take notes on video (10 questions, 10 answers)
  • Swap with elbow partner
  • Read primary source and summarize into two paragraphs
  • Work with partner to complete worksheet
  • Thumbs Up Thumbs Down during notes
  • Complete diagram
  • Assembly Line participation

Homework/ Upcoming Assessments / -None / -Finish writing assignment / -Finish worksheet on inventors / -Complete diagram / -C. Event

Week 24 Feb 5Feb 6 Feb 7Feb 8Feb 9