NorrisMiddle School Quizbowl 1Question Set 7

Round 7

1. Who caught Don Larsen's World Series perfect game?
Answer: Yogi Berra / ___ / ___
2. Which clergymen govern the Episcopal church?
Answer: Bishops / ___ / ___
3. Nephrite is the less-prized of the 2 minerals that form this gemstone, valued in Asia.
Answer: Jade / ___ / ___
4. Which highly-acclaimed 1994 film followed two inner-city youths who hoped one day to play in the NBA?
Answer: Hoop Dreams / ___ / ___
5. What was the nationality of Marie Curie: Polish, French, Belgian, or Swiss?
Answer: Polish / ___ / ___
6. The Mau-Mau rebellion was an uprising against British rule in which country?
Answer: Kenya / ___ / ___
7. A musical arrangement consisting of a series of melodies from various sources is called a what?
Answer: Medley / ___ / ___
8. Frequencies as high as 10 billion cycles per second have been attained by applying a high frequency alternating voltage to the opposite faces of a quartz crystal. What ten-letter adjective describes this sound?
Answer: Ultrasonic / ___ / ___
9. On most matters in the United Nations General Assembly, what fraction of the total vote is required to pass a measure?
Answer: Two-thirds / ___ / ___
10. Balder is an important figure in _____ mythology.
Answer: Norse or Scandinavian / ___ / ___
11. How many years passed between the Wright Brothers' first flight and the first manned moon landing?
Answer: 66 / ___ / ___
12. According to the World Health Organization, the greatest number of HIV infections are on what continent?
Answer: Africa / ___ / ___
13. In 1892 he took command of the Tenth Cavalry, a celebrated African-American regiment, and West Point cadets used this as the basis of his nickname when he taught there in 1897. Name this general who gained fame from chasing Pancho Villa and action in World War I and who bore the nickname "Black Jack."
Answer: John J. Pershing / ___ / ___
14. The musical story theme concerns the adventures of a boy who has run away from his mountain home. "In the Hall of the Mountain King" is the most exciting portion. Identify both the title of the larger work and the composer's name.
Answer: Peer Gynt by Edvard Grieg / ___ / ___
15. Since biblical times, Jerusalem has been ruled by many nations. Which of the following never governed Jerusalem: the Crusaders, England, France, Jordan, or the Ottoman Empire?
Answer: France / ___ / ___
16. The U.S. acquired California, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Texas, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Wyoming as a result of which war?
Answer: The Mexican War / ___ / ___
17. What did an inventor tout in 1789, saying, "My victim will feel nothing but a slight sense of refreshing coolness in the neck"?
Answer: The Guillotin / ___ / ___
18. They're among the most aggressive of birds, and they will attack a hawk. It's rather like the Swiss guards attacking the U.S. Army, because these birds all weigh less than an ounce. Name this type of bird which can fly backwards.
Answer: Hummingbird / ___ / ___
19. What movie title was also Barbra Streisand's first Number One song?
Answer: "The Way We Were" / ___ / ___
20. What J-word refers to an all-expenses-paid trip by a member of Congress?
Answer: Junket / ___ / ___
21. What adjective describes a chemical solution that is neither acidic nor basic?
Answer: Neutral / ___ / ___
22. In the Compromise of 1790, James Madison supported the fiscal policies of Alexander Hamilton on condition that the capital be moved from one city to another for ten years before being located permanently in Washington, D.C. Name those two cities.
Answer: New York City and Philadelphia / ___ / ___
23. Italy's easternmost port on the Adriatic Sea is on a peninsula that was occupied by Yugoslavia between 1945 and 1954. Name this port city.
Answer: Trieste / ___ / ___
24. Who is the patron saint of Russia?
Answer: St. Nicholas / ___ / ___
25. The Amaranthus albus, and related species of the plains and prairies, grow to maturity in a single year, sending out curving branches that eventually give the plant a bushy look and a rounded top. In autumn they dry out and break off at the stem, thus allowing them to be blown about by the wind like giant balls. What is the more common name for these pesky plants, often found clustered against barbed wire fences and other barriers?
Answer: Tumbleweeds / ___ / ___
26. Who wrote the novel War of the Worlds?
Answer: H. G. Wells / ___ / ___
27. On October 16, 1859, the United States Arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia, was seized. Who was responsible?
Answer: John Brown / ___ / ___
28. For his graduation exercies from the Moscow Conservatory, he composed the opera Aleko, which won a gold medal and was staged in 1893. His fame began a year earlier, however, with his Prelude in C sharp minor, which became, to his irritation, a signature tune throughout his career as a composer, pianist, and conductor. Identify this composer of The Bells, Variations on a Theme of Paganini, and four piano concerti.
Answer: Sergei Rachmaninoff / ___ / ___
29. Who said in a nationwide address: "We could not save everyone. Forgive us. [The] memory of those killed should help unite us"?
Answer: Russian president Vladimir Putin (about the siege of a Moscow theater that left 117 hostages dead) / ___ / ___
30. What name for a wanderer is taken from the Greek word for "roaming"?
Answer: NOMAD / ___ / ___
31. Who wrote this sentence? "The Tories have endeavored to insure their property with the enemy, by forfeiting their reputation with us."
Answer: Thomas Paine / ___ / ___
32. Founded in 1933 by Baldur von Schirach, its program for boys began at the age of 14 and involved four years of rigorous outdoor exercise and party propaganda, and was designed to lead into military service at age 18. Its equivalent program for girls, the League of German Maidens, taught motherhood and domestic duties. Name this Nazi institution, which after 1936 was the only legal youth organization in Germany.
Answer: The Hitler Youth / ___ / ___
33. What is the colloquial term for wiretapping?
Answer: Bugging / ___ / ___
34. God tested Abraham by telling him to do what?
Answer: Sacrifice his son. / ___ / ___
35. What team won the first two indoor games played in World Series history?
Answer: Minnesota Twins / ___ / ___
36. A dynamic character is one who changes significantly during the course of a story. What adjective describes a character who does not change much during the story?
Answer: Static / ___ / ___
37. All of these plants are primarily known for the properties of their roots except: ginger, agave, ginseng, mandrake, or cassava?
Answer: Agave / ___ / ___
38. In what year did William Lloyd Garrison begin publishing The Liberator and Nat Turner lead the Southampton insurrection?
Answer: 1831 / ___ / ___
39. If 1/2 the square root of x equals 5, then the value of x is …
Answer: 100 / ___ / ___
40. Which of the following defines CURARE: Native American conveyance, Moroccan beverage, botanical poison, Portuguese stew, or Caribbean island?
Answer: Botanical poison / ___ / ___
41. Which one of these long-running Broadway shows was not a musical: OH CALCUTTA, FORTY-SECOND STREET, A CHORUS LINE, TOBACCO ROAD, PIPPIN?
Answer: TOBACCO ROAD / ___ / ___

Instructions: During the last 5 minutes of each match, use the 'Blitz' format with 10 points for each tossup and no bonus. All answers must be answered without stalling.

Blitz Round - All 10 Point Tossups / 1 / 1
Food and Nutrition
42. What do these chemicals add to foods: riboflavin, caramel, indigo carmine, violaxanthin, methyl violet, paprika, turmeric?
Ans: Color / ___ / ___
43. The following are all categories of what: emulsifiers, stabilizers, preservatives, sweeteners?
Ans: Food additives / ___ / ___
44. The entry of acidic contents of the stomach into the lower esophagus causes a sensation called ...
Ans: Heartburn / ___ / ___
45. Food additives that stop fatty foods from going rancid and protect fat-soluble vitamins from the harmful effects of oxidation are collective classified as ...
Ans: Antioxidants / ___ / ___
Finish the Quotation
46. Samuel Butler: "Look before you ere you leap / For as ye sow, ye are like to ..."
Ans: Reap / ___ / ___
47. A Cornish prayer says, "Good Lord, deliver us from ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggety beasties, and things that go ..."
Ans: Bump in the night / ___ / ___
48. Augustus: "I found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of ..."
Ans: Marble / ___ / ___
49. T.S. Eliot: "In the room the women come and go / Talking of ..."
Ans: Michelangelo / ___ / ___
Medical History
50. A body has 12 canals related to vital organs. Puncturing the canals with small needles permits the escape of bad secretions and restores the body's overall equilibrium." To what medical procedure was Shen Nung referring in this passage written in 2700 B
Ans: Acupuncture / ___ / ___
51. Who, along with Jules Francois Joubert, noted that anthrax bacilli failed to grow if cultures became contaminated with airborne molds, and believed this observation might have significant therapeutic implications?
Ans: Louis Pasteur / ___ / ___
52. Which technique enabled scientists in the 1800s to identify cell organelles: electron microscopy, ultracentrifugation, staining, dissection, or active transport?
Ans: Staining / ___ / ___
53. In 1851, Hermann von Helmholtz invented this instrument, used to view the eye's interior. Name it.
Ans: Ophthalmoscope / ___ / ___
A-Words: All answers begin with A.
54. What animal's name is the Afrikaans for "earth-pig"?
Ans: AARDVARK / ___ / ___
55. What word for an unpaid participant comes from the Latin word for "lover"?
Ans: AMATEUR / ___ / ___
56. What word for "hereditary nobility" is taken from the Greek for "rule of the best"?
Ans: ARISTOCRACY / ___ / ___
57. Which societal condition's name derived from the Greek for "lack of a ruler"?
Ans: ANARCHY / ___ / ___
58. Which verb meaning "to suspend a meeting" is taken from the Latin for "fix a day"?
Ans: ADJOURN / ___ / ___
59. What word for a wide street is from the past participle of the French verb "to come to"?
Ans: AVENUE / ___ / ___
60. What word for Thallophytes is the Latin for "seaweed"?
Ans: ALGAE / ___ / ___
61. What expression of regret is drawn from the Greek meaning "a speech in defense"?
Ans: APOLOGY / ___ / ___
62. What verb meaning "to lessen or diminish" comes from the Old French for "beat down"?
Ans: ABATE / ___ / ___
63. What word for a metallurgical analysis is from the Old French for "a weighing"?
Ans: ASSAY / ___ / ___