NorrisMiddle School Quizbowl 1Question Set 5

Round 5

1. How is the position of Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court filled: by seniority, promotion, election, or specific appointment?
Answer: Specific appointment / ___ / ___
2. In poetry and songs, a strain will return with the same words at the end of each verse. This strain is otherwise known as what?
Answer: Refrain / ___ / ___
3. Which transformation moves (x,y) to (5x,5y): reflection, rotation, translation, dilation, or inversion?
Answer: Dilation / ___ / ___
4. The Intolerable Acts of 1774 were intended to punish which rebellious colony?
Answer: Massachusetts / ___ / ___
5. Fill in the blanks in this Winston Churchill quotation by naming an animal: "Dictators ride to and fro upon ______which they dare not dismount. And the ______are getting hungry."
Answer: Tigers / ___ / ___
6. About one-third of all lightning victims lose their lives when seeking shelter under what?
Answer: Trees / ___ / ___
7. A carnival arrives in a sleepy little town one autumn, luring two boys into a confrontation with the dark and dangerous. Name this story by Ray Bradbury.
Answer: "Something Wicked This Way Comes" / ___ / ___
8. A woman who has had a child may have several whitish streaks on the skin of her abdominal area. These streaks are called ...
Answer: Stretch marks / ___ / ___
9. It's the track made by the passage of a wheel; if you're bored, you may find yourself in one.
Answer: Rut / ___ / ___
10. What four-letter word can mean either a national legislature or an intentional reduction in caloric intake?
Answer: Diet / ___ / ___
11. What term in architecture for an arched ceiling or roof may also be used for a room for the safekeeping of valuables?
Answer: Vault / ___ / ___
12. Which was not passed by the British Parliament during the colonial era: Intolerable Acts, Quartering Act, Stamp Act, Townshend Acts, Alien and Sedition Acts?
Answer: Alien and Sedition Acts / ___ / ___
13. It's said that Teddy Roosevelt called the White House a "_____ pulpit."
Answer: Bully / ___ / ___
14. Greene's The Name of Action. Huxley's Mortal Coils. A movie by Mel Brooks. Stoppard's The Undiscovered Country. All of these take their title from what famous Shakespeare soliloquy?
Answer: "To be or not to be" from Hamlet / ___ / ___
15. Who was the first premier of Russia, who served from 1917 until 1924?
Answer: Lenin / ___ / ___
16. He formulated the first laws of atmospheric pressure and invented the hydraulic press. Name this versatile 17th century thinker, one of the few men to make notable contributions to both science and literature.
Answer: Blaise Pascal / ___ / ___
17. Coffee is not commerically produced in Europe or Australia, and certainly not in Antarctica. While you may know the leading South American producer is South America's largest nation, Brazil, name the leading coffee-producing nation in North America.
Answer: Mexico / ___ / ___
18. Don Carlos, Wallenstein, William Tell, and “Ode to Joy” are all the works of what 18th century German poet and dramatist?
Answer: Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller / ___ / ___
19. Among the insect-eaters of the world, a common weapon is the: nose, teeth, tongue, tail or beak?
Answer: Tongue / ___ / ___
20. Consider this passage. " ... he had started a story once that began, 'The very rich are different from you and me.' 'And how,' someone said to Julian, 'Yes, they have more money.'" Is this passage from A FAREWELL TO ARMS, THE COLOR PURPLE, THE SNOWS OF KILIMANJARO, ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SOLITUDE, or THE GREAT GATSBY?
Answer: THE SNOWS OF KILIMANJARO / ___ / ___
21. Which German word refers to something you could wear: lederhosen, festschrift, panzer, rathskeller, or putsch?
Answer: Lederhosen / ___ / ___
22. Which word means both "excessive pride in one's accomplishments or appearance" and "a woman's small traveling case used for carrying cosmetics or toilet articles"?
Answer: Vanity / ___ / ___
23. In what article of the U.S. Constitution are local governments described?
Answer: None (they are not mentioned) / ___ / ___
24. Which layer of the sun's atmosphere, about 540 kilometers deep, is its innermost layer?
Answer: Photosphere / ___ / ___
25. Cassiopoeia A is 9,000 light years from Earth, and is the newest known remnant of a what?
Answer: Supernova / ___ / ___
26. Out of the following, what vegetable was introduced by Native American Indians: grapes, cauliflower, squash, broccoli, or olives?
Answer: squash / ___ / ___
27. The wings of an ostrich and the human tailbone are examples of organs that have diminished in size because the functions they served decreased in importance or became completely unnecessary. What nine-letter adjective describes such organs?
Answer: Vestigial / ___ / ___
28. Rices are divided into white and what other color?
Answer: Brown / ___ / ___
29. The Arabic word "forbidden" gives us what term for the women in a Middle Eastern household?
Answer: HAREM / ___ / ___
30. Founded in 1889, the Rocky Mountain News is what state's oldest newspaper?
Answer: Colorado / ___ / ___
31. Which planet has the shortest sidereal period?
Answer: Mercury / ___ / ___
32. What university banned its men's basketball team from postseason play in 2003 and forfeited some previous victories in response to a money-laundering scandal?
Answer: University of Michigan / ___ / ___
33. What is the greatest common factor of 45, 75, and 90?
Answer: 15 / ___ / ___
34. The website address of which D.C. institution is
Answer: The Smithsonian / ___ / ___
35. Only one elected president has ever been unsuccessful in bidding for re-nomination by his own party. He was our 14th president. Do you recall his name?
Answer: Franklin Pierce / ___ / ___
36. What word can you spell with the chemical element symbols for oxygen, copper, sulfur, and chromium?
Answer: Crocus (or succor) / ___ / ___
37. The third time Noah sent a dove out from the ark, what happened?
Answer: It didn't return. / ___ / ___
38. What is the efficiency of a carnot engine whose heat reservoir is at 450 Kelvins and whose cold reservoir is at 225 Kelvins?
Answer: 1/2 OR 0.5 / ___ / ___
39. Here's a definition from Ambrose Bierce's "The Devil's Dictionary." Identify what it is that is being defined. "An account, mostly false, of events, mostly unimportant, which are brought about by rulers, mostly knaves, and soldiers, mostly fools."
Answer: History / ___ / ___
40. Which computer programming language is named after a real person: Fortran, Cobol, Pascal, or Snobol?
Answer: Pascal / ___ / ___
41. Is a whale more closely related to a fish, a shark, a gibbon, or a sponge?
Answer: Gibbon / ___ / ___

Instructions: During the last 5 minutes of each match, use the 'Blitz' format with 10 points for each tossup and no bonus. All answers must be answered without stalling.

Blitz Round - All 10 Point Tossups / 1 / 1
Musical Keys: In music, what key has …
42. No sharps and no flats?
Ans: C major / ___ / ___
43. One flat?
Ans: F major / ___ / ___
44. Two sharps?
Ans: D major / ___ / ___
45. Three flats?
Ans: E flat major / ___ / ___
Languages: I'll name three world languages. You tell me which one has the greatest number of speakers, native and non-native.
46. Russian, Arabic, Hungarian.
Ans: Russian. / ___ / ___
47. English, Japanese, German.
Ans: English. / ___ / ___
48. Danish, Czech, Thai.
Ans: Thai. / ___ / ___
49. Slovak, Latvian, Vietnamese.
Ans: Vietnamese. / ___ / ___
50. Afrikaans, French, Italian.
Ans: French. / ___ / ___
51. Greek, Hebrew, Korean.
Ans: Korean. / ___ / ___
52. Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian.
Ans: Swedish. / ___ / ___
53. Persian, Hindi, Burmese.
Ans: Hindi. / ___ / ___
54. Punjabi, Zulu, Oromo.
Ans: Punjabi. / ___ / ___
55. Albanian, Dutch, Swahili
Ans: Swahili. / ___ / ___
Fictional Homes
56. Heathcliff, a foundling brought into this home of the Earnshaws, later becomes its master.
Ans: Wuthering Heights / ___ / ___
57. Identify the home Captain Charles Ryder "revisited."
Ans: Brideshead / ___ / ___
58. This home of Maxim de Winter's was destroyed by fire.
Ans: Manderlay / ___ / ___
59. Name Jim Hawkins' land-based home.
Ans: Admiral Benbow Inn / ___ / ___
Russian History
60. The eldest son of a Russian tsar was known as the tsarevitch. The tsar's wife was called what?
Ans: Tsarina or Tsaritsa / ___ / ___
61. The 1932 death of his wife has never been explained, but historians say he shot her. Now a Russian historian claims she killed herself after discovering he was actually her father. Who was this third husband of Nadezhda Allanueva?
Ans: Stalin / ___ / ___
62. Of Molotov, Bulganin, Khrushchev, Malenkov, and Brezhnev, who succeeded Stalin as political leader of the Soviet Union?
Ans: Malenkov / ___ / ___
63. In 1236 this Russian, who later defeated the Swedes at the Neva River became Prince of Novgorod. Can you name him?
Ans: Alexander Nevsky / ___ / ___