Macknade Matters

Dear Parents,

New Amendments to our uniform policy From the beginning of this Semester our daily uniform is as follows:

Monday to Friday students are expected to wear their red polo shirt and black shorts or skorts. On special sports days they wear their house colours and black shorts. When on excursions or for special community events, all students are to wear their red (badged) polo shirt and white Shorts or Skorts.

·  Normal school days including P.E. days - red and black

·  Interhouse sports - house colours (yellow or red) and black

·  Interschool sports-red and white

·  Special events/excursions (eg: ANZAC day) red and white.

Quadrennial School Review or QSR Process

During the next 2 months we will be undertaking a review of our progress against our last 4 year strategic plan. We need this process to be a consultative process and therefore we are inviting those parents who can be involved in looking at our previous goals and identifying the positives about our school, to attend a short meeting prior to the next P&C meeting which is on Monday 15 August.

We greatly appreciate your input and time; it will make our school’s future brighter, stronger and forward thinking.

P-2 have planned their sleepover for week nine 09 September this term. The preps and year ones are invited to stay all day Friday until after dinner and a movie. Then the year 2’s sleep overnight and are picked up early on Saturday morning, after breakfast.

125 year Celebrations

In 2018, our school will celebrate 125 years since opening. We are currently forming an organizational committee to plan the celebratory events and activities. Please contact Di Morley at school if you think you’d like to be involved. Everyone past and present are welcome.

Apollo Vs Pindar

Congratulations to the children who participated in the unfavourable weather conditions yesterday in the Pindar Vs Apollo athletic carnival. Considering the conditions, the children gave it their best shot and we were able to get through the ball games and track events. Thank you to the parents and families who came along and gave their support. We will endeavour to complete this competition this Friday afternoon on our return from Tyto.

Romanello Shield Update

A decision will be made tonight by the Ingham Soccer Committee as to whether this competition can go ahead on their fields on Sunday.

Tyto ‘Little Red in the Hood’ performance

This Friday 22 July, the whole school will travel to and from Ingham by bus to attend the above performance. We will be leaving the school at 9:10am and return at approximately 1:30pm. The performance is from 10 to 11 and then from 11 to 11:30am we will participate in a meet, greet and discussion with the actors. We will take our lunch, afternoon tea and water bottle along with us and if time permits we will go for a walk and feed the turtles. The children are to wear their formal red and white uniform, school red hat and their normal covered shoes and socks. There is no cost to students as the school is covering all costs.

Small Schools Athletic Carnival Thursday 28 July

Weather permitting, this carnival will be held at the George Day Oval, Ingham next Thursday. A list of nominations with the events will be forwarded home next week with further information regarding starting times and canteen menu and prices. All our students and staff are involved in this carnival. Parents will be responsible for transporting their children to and from the event.

NAIDOC Celebrations at Abergowrie College Friday 05 August

Attached today is the menu and order form for tuckshop on this day. All orders and money must be returned to our school office by Monday 01 August (absolute deadline). Children may take their own lunch if they wish to do so. We will be travelling to and from Abergowrie by bus, departing school at 8:15am and leaving Abergowrie at 3:15pm for approx. return to our school at 4:00pm.

The children are to wear their formal red and white uniform, school red hat and their normal covered shoes and socks. There is no cost to students as the school is covering all costs.

Book Week - 22 to 26 August

Prep to Year 4 will be visiting the Ingham Library on Wednesday 24 August, leaving school at 12:30pm and departing the library at 2:20pm. The students and staff will travel by bus. Further information and permission forms will be sent home shortly.

Book club

Attached today is the current catalogue. Orders and money are to be returned by Wednesday 27 August.

Outstanding permission notes

Students cannot attend school excursions unless permission forms are signed. Family notes outstanding - please forward them in to school tomorrow.

TYTO Valinoti Crozzoletto Gullo



NAIDOC Valinoti Crozzoletto Gullo

Holmes McKay Bradshaw

Regards, Peter Vigor Principal