Authors /American Journal of Oil and Chemical Technologies 5 (2014) 45-47

Nonedible deoiled Castor cake: A potential source for Bio ethanol.

Minal Deshmukh1,Dr.A.B.Marathe2

1Department of Petrochemical engineering ,Maharashtra Institute of Technolgy,Pune,India.

2Principal,H.V.P.M. Collage of engineering ,Amaravati,india.


The starch hydrolysis process of nonedible deoiled castor bean cake by acid or enzymatic combination of cellulase, amylase and pullulanase was analyzed and followed by fermentation with saccromycess cervesse. Ethanol from fermented substrate was separated by vacuum distillation upto 550C and 75mmHg .The 32.5g/l glucose content are obtained by chemical treatment which resulted 16ml of ethanol. The sugar content obtained by saccrification with Calcium Carbide and enzymes gives 69.5g/l of reducing sugar which results 30ml of ethanol. The enzymatic treatment is considered as bettert saccrification treatment due to possibility of side reactions by chemical treatment or detoxification of castor cake. Gas chromatography showed the bio ehanol distillate as 84% pure.

Keyword:Sachrification, nonedible deoiled castor cake, vacuum distillation, bioethanol.

  1. Introduction

In India,the castor seed production is large as compared to other countries. Hence, the availability of nonedible deoiled cake is in vast quantity as shown in table (1)In the castor seed processing and solvent extraction plants, the castor deoiled cake is generated as waste. On an average basis 72.5 to 77% of total deoiled castor cake biomass production is sold out. Rest 23% to 27% remains unused which gradually goes on decay. It is reported that out of sold biomass, approximately 74% is used as organic manure and 26% is used for any other unorganized use like energy generationr.[2]

Sr.N0. / Details / Castor De Oiled cake
1 / Generation per Annum(MT) / 509994MT
2 / Consumption per Annum (MT) / 369745MT to 392695MT
3 / Surplus Available per Annum(MT) / 96134MT to102100MT

Castor oil mills in Gujrat producing deoiled cake are facing problems of bulk storage and disintegration.If not used, it increases fire hazard and subsequent adds to risk to be covered under insurance premium. It also generates green house gases like methane and hence lead to further damage of ozone layer. The solvent extracted cake although rich in protein can not be directly used as cattel feed because of its toxicity. However it can be used as fertilizer. The cake is highly poisonus due to ricin content and hence can not be processed as livestock unless detoxified. Depletion in petroleum resources and global warming necessiate the importance of alternative renewable energy sources including biofuels like bioethanol and biodiesel.[2]

On other hand Castor bean cake ( CBC) is a potential feed stock for bioethanol due to its high concentration of starch[1]. This study is intended towards the need of treating the CBC by chemical and enzymatic treatments for producing bioethanol. Biodiesel is produced by estrification of triglycerides of vegetable oils by ethanol in presence of catalyst. In biodiesel plant, large quantity of ethanol is required for transesterfication and detoxification process. The demand could get fulfilled by the bioethanoll which made this study as an integrated process.

The process is optimized by reducing the dilution as 1:1 along with vacuum distillation. Ethanol so obtained is of 84% purity in the first step itself.


2Materials and Methods

2.1 Materials

Samples of castor bean cake(CBC)are takenfrom the biodiesel plant “Gujrat Ambuja Exports Ltd.” and dried at 50.c for 24 hours.The unprocessed oil from cake is extracted on soxclet extractor to deoil it.

The first step is to analyze the cake for its content. / Castor DOC
1 / Proximate Analysis
Moisture(%) / 9.70
Ash(%) / 5.80
Volatile Matter(%) / 61.10
Fixed carbon(%) / 23.40
2. / Gross calorific value (kcal/kg) / 4285

2.2 Methods

2.2.1Estimation of total solids

After calculating intial moisture content, remaining amount of deoiled cake was considered as total solids.

2.2.2Estimation of reducing sugar

The reducing sugar was analysed by DNSA method with 1:1 dilution.The initial sugar content measured was 10.5g/lit.

2.2.3Saccrification of Starch with Chemical & Enzymatic Treatments

The non edible deoiled castor seed cake is treated with 1.5% (on wt. of cake) with chemical reagent. The chemical reacts with the moisture content of cake to form gas and lime. The gas formed in-situ chemically partially degrades the cake contents. The mixture of microbes containing amylase, cellulase, pullunase are added up to 5% and allowed to react in an air tight steel vessel for 24 hrs. Water maximum up to 10% of mass is added and the properly mixed massed is kept for 24 hrs. The same chemical reagent is added up to 1.5% and kept for 6 hrs. The compost is tested for its C : H ration and volatiles are collected under vacuum by heating maximum up to 55’ C.It was diluted as 1:1 for further fermentation.

2.2.4 Compost Fermentation

The above composed cake was fermented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae ,at 28.c for 72 hours with PH range 5to6.

The media was then autoclaved for 5 minutes at 15 psi.Harvesting was done by centrifuge at 10,000 rpm at 4.c for 10 minutes.Sugar conversion (DNSA) and alcohol produced (Potassium Dichromate) with respect to time was analyzed.The fermented compost cake was vacuum distilled upto 55C and 75 mm Hg. The 100 gm of CBC gives 25ml of ethanol.

3 Results and Discussion

3.1 Analysis of reducing sugar and ethanol with chemical and enzymatic hydrolysis

Intial reducing sugar content inCBC analyzed by DNSA was 10.5g.This sugar content was increased upto 63.5g bythe saccrification of starch with combined chemical and enzyme treatment with dilution 1:1. Fermentation was done by using saccromucess cervese at 300c and PH maintained was 6, reaction time given is 72hr.Ethanol was extracted by vacuum distillation which gives 25ml of ethanl from 100 gm of CBC.Hence on large scale calculation, 250 L 0f Ethanol can be obtained per ton of CBC. The sample analyzed on gas chromatography has shown 84% purity. According to this mass balance ,270L of ethanol per ton of processed CBC can be obtained.

The waste residue of hydrolysis and fermentation process was analyzed. It indicates the absence of starch in the solid residue and has the composition as lipids,proteins,fibre,phosphorous,magnesium,magnesium and sodium.

Considering the increasing generation of waste associated with production of oil from castor bean seeds,the utilization of CBC for co-generation of ethanol could be integrated to the transesterification process,reducing cost,and giving solution to destination to CBCresidue.

Time Interval (Hr) / PH / Sugar Percentage(%S) / Alcohol Production
0 / 6.5 / 63.5g / 0
12 / 6.5 / 50.8g / 15.5ml
24 / 6 / 34.5g / 21.5ml
36 / 5.5 / 19.5g / 27ml
48 / 6 / 8.5g / 30ml
60 / 5.5 / 8.5g / 30ml

Figure (I) Graphical representations for Ethanol fermentation with enzymatic hydrolysis

3.2 Fermentation Kinetics

The kinetic study of substrate fermented with respect to time was studied to estimate the order of reacrion.

Basis- 100 gm of castor seed cake substrate(s)

S / 0.09 / 0.04 / 0.005
ds/dT / 0.4 / 0.22 / 0.06 / Time(hr) / Substrate(%S) / ds/dT / 1/s / 1/( ds/dT)
1 / 0 / 73.5 / -- / --- / ---
2 / 12 / 60.8 / 0.225 / 0.12048 / 4.4444
3 / 24 / 54.5g / 0.45833 / 0.357143 / 2.1818
4 / 36 / 39.0 / 0.0658 / 2.325581 / 15.1898
5 / 48 / 13.5 / -- / --- / ---
6 / 72 / 13.5 / -- / --- / --


Nonedible deoiled castor been cake can be used as best resource for the production of bioethanol by fermentation .The saccrification by combined chemical and enzyme treatment is found to give a better yield .The ethanol produced was analyzed by gas chromatography equipped with ionic exchange column,distilled water is used as mobile phase .the optimum operating conditions are found tobe 350c and optimum PH 5.5.The kinetics of the fermentation procees is found to be first order with respect to substrate.

According to the saccrification and fermentation results, it is possible to produce 250L per ton of nonedible deoiled cake. This value is 2 fold higher than the demanded ethanol volume in transesterification of extracted oil from 2 ton of cake which makes the process intensified.The obtimization and the scale up are the main objectives of the new process development in this area according to recent work.


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