YELLOW = DF done

GREY = PM to do

RED = DF comments

NONE = cannot do / to do (see accompanying comment)

First a quick note about the forms (mainly for PM). There are two forms on the website (contact and ask a question) that are generated by the Contact Form 7 plugin that we usually use. The rest of the forms on the website are generated by standalone code that Matt has devised. We should probably ditch the Contact Form 7 forms and have ALL forms follow the same format as standalone code. This is probably easier for Phil to manage when reading through and making his changes (below) and also maintains a consistency as we currently have some forms with Captcha’s, some without etc. This is worth considering between you both prior to the form related changes taking place as editing the CF7 functionality might be more time consuming than recreating these two forms, given that they do not perform any unique function.

Home Page / General

1.Please make date & location information under “Forthcoming events” the same sized text as the main page content (so that it doesn’t look significantly bigger than the heading text/link above it)

2.Change “Find a Particular Issue” to “Find a Particular Article”

3.Add attached PT symbol as a favicon

You might need to reboot / refresh / reload in order to see favicon. Apple Touch Icon also added.

Email Alert Subscribe Form

1.Add the same captcha as used on other forms with ‘Type the letters from the image below’

2.Display only the fields Title, Last name, Email, Organisation, Department, Country.

3.They want a confirm email address field on the form but Matt told me this isn't possible. Is that correct?

4.Can the “Email” field be set to validate the entry as a correctly formatted email address before acceptance? If so, this should be done for all forms

Contact Page

1.When the email link is clicked can the subject line be pre-populated as ‘Contact the Editorial Office’

2.Please send me a copy of the form email which JM receive – they are saying that the email address of the sender is being truncated
sent separately

3.Please confirm what anti-spam security measures are in place, if any, for clickable “mailto:” email links as on the “Contact” page? If necessary please advise on making these less susceptible to spam
None. If the email address is printed on screen you have no real way of stopping people finding/harvesting ittbh, hence the use of a form.

Ask A Question Form

Please delete the may we publish your question/name fields and radio buttons

Join Directory Forms

1.Please check that the length allowed for all fields in forms is long enough for individuals names, organisations’ names etc. as well as the “PGM Knowledge” field content. JM have tried entering a long string of information and the form was rejected (even though they were able to type in all the data).

2.On the Join Organisation Directory form please change the PGMs Used dropdown to checkboxes like on the People Directory form (may have already requested this in an earlier email)

Directory Search

Searching for “United Kingdom” and “United States” returns results containing both USA and UK. Please set to find only United Kingdom/UK/U.K. or United States/US/USA/U.S./U.S.A. entries, as appropriate, instead of both

I don’t understand this request - do you ??

Meta Tags

1.They have supplied the attached keyword list to include – can I do this in the CMS ?

2.Please advise how they can make sure the meta description matches the description which appears in a search engine results list

Will need to add HeadSpace functionality to website to incorporate a dedicated ‘page description’ and ‘page title’ field to each post/page. Not standard WP functionality so will confirm when this work and subsequent testing is done.

Journal Articles


Subheading level 1 (‘Platinum’) should be made bold as well as larger than subheading level 2 (‘Platinum Market Forecast….’)

This would be a style change across the board not just this article

Bigger/bolder wherever class ‘main-title’ has been applied to H2 tag across website

Browser Issue

The journal articles do not print properly in IE7

The print stylesheet included in the head of the website is inadequate, however, printing landscape works fine for me. If you want a new version of the print stylesheet let me know. Can you confirm what the outcome of the ‘print stylesheet debate’ was a few weeks ago and I don’t want to reinvent the wheel.This might take some time to work site wide so let me know how you want to proceed.


Events Calendar Archive should be removed from the LH navigation menu

Footer Navigation

Please make ‘for’ all lower case in ‘Information For Authors’ and ‘About > Information For Librarians’

Also lower case ‘a’ in Resources > Ask A Question

Also lower case ‘of’ in Resources > History Of Platinum

Ask a Question

Change case of button text at bottom to say ‘Submit Your Question’

For some reason most of the inline buttons on the website are image based. Can you send over PSD for me to edit?

History of Platinum

Attached is replacement content for this page. Note the active ‘Contact Us’ link in the text. This content is only for the page in the Resources section - the content of the expandable blue bar on the home page should not be changed

Contact form

1.When you submit the form it displays a horrid green message block behind the Submit button. Please remove this and make it so that upon clicking the button a page appears with a thank you message on it (Thank you - we will respond to your enquiry shortly).

CF7 form does not display message on a new page, refreshes form and provides error or confirmation message. Style changed but new page not implemented. See note at beginning of this document re recreating as standalone form.

2.Please can you confirm which email addresses this form goes to ?

3.Please remove these fields from the form - Address; Town/City; County/State; Postal/Zip code; Telephone; Fax

Subscribe to Email Alerts

1.Please make it so that when you click Subscribe a page appears with a message saying Thank you - you have been added to our mailing list.

2.Please remove the Postcode field from the form

3.Please remove the option C text and the Yes/No radio buttons

I believe this is newsletter.php in the theme folder. No Captcha at the moment, needs adding.

Ask A Question

Please check this form works and confirm which email addresses it is sent to. Upon clicking Submit a page should appear saying Thank you – your question has been received

CF7 form. See issue re new page mentioned above. The second of the two CF7 forms. Consider recreating as standalone form. Form goes to

People Directory Entry Request

1.Please check this form works and confirm which email addresses it is sent to. The form should write the person to the CMS as a draft and send an email asking her to go in and approve them. Upon clicking Submit a page should appear saying Thank you – your request to join the People Directory has been received

Form works but generates an unnecessary HTML formatted email to the recipient for approval. This HTML is incorrectly applied and results in an attachment being sent to recipient as an HTM file. Would recommend removing HTML code from email and sending as plain text? Current recipient set to me for testing, so switch to PM email but when working properly should be changed to client email.

2.Please remove Phone number and Fax number fields from the form

3.Change “Postal/Zip” to “Postal/Zip Code”

4.Under PGM Used re-order the list as follows and add at the bottom the option ‘All PGMs’ (Platinum, Palladium, Rhodium, Iridium, Osmium, Ruthenium, All PGMs)

5.Replace field label “Captcha*” with “Type the letters from the image below*” (as on other forms)

Organisation Directory Entry Request

Please check this form works and confirm which email addresses it is sent to. The form should write the person to the CMS as a draft and send an email asking her to go in and approve them. Upon clicking Submit a page should appear saying Thank you – your request to join the Organisation Directory has been received

As above

All Forms

Make it so that the country dropdown has a straightforward list of A-Z countries without forcing UK and USA to the top

Events Calendar and Archive


Make the event venue more prominent (make bolder/bigger). The venue is the first bit of text under the grey strip (eg ‘Global’ for the International Year of Chemistry)


1.The first heading ‘Dictionaries‘ should match the quick link – change it to Dictionaries, Glossaries and Encyclopedias

2.Under History > Elements there is a bulleted list of names of metals with broken links to the IPA site (Platinum…Ruthenium). Remove the 6 bullets and links and replace with the text “See Platinum Group Metals: Platinum; Palladium; Rhodium; Iridium; Ruthenium; Osmium.”


This is a FAQ style page and some of the links which form the answers need to be replaced. The first one is in the EJournal set of questions and the other are in the Website set of questions

I am a librarian. Where are the printed copies of Platinum Metals Review?

Change E-Journal link to

How do I join the People Directory?

Change Join the People Directory. link to

How does our organisation join the Organisation Directory?

Change Join the Organisation to

Where is the listing of Events?

Go to the Events Calendar link should be

I would like to know about the history of the platinum group metals?

Answer to be: Go to

I always use Google. Could you recommend any other search engines?

The link works but there’s a weird full stop in the text. Is this something to do with the anchor ? Can it be changed to Links > Search Engines ?

I want to find someone with a particular expertise in the platinum group metals.

People Directory link in answer should be

I want to find some university contacts in another country.

Answer to be: Go to The Directories. link should be

Do you know of any free patents sources?

Weird full stop issue as per Google question above

I am looking for general scientific data on the platinum group metals.

Weird full stop issue as per Google question above

Where can I find the range of technologies Johnson Matthey are involved with?

Weird full stop issue as per Google question above