Non Weight Bearing Pathway Process

1Assess patient and identify if appropriate for pathway.

2Discuss pathway with patient and family and gain and document consent.

3Request CRHFT to complete a nursing assessment and moving and handling plan and identify any equipment needs – pressure care, wheel chair etc.

4Complete funding request and send with moving and handling plan and nursing assessment to Laura Joy commissioner.

5If funding agreed source available bed in appropriate home, ideally close to patient’s home –Use DCC website for vacancies and ensuring home meet CQC standards. Check they are able to complete all moving and handing and can meet patient needs and if they have equipment available to meet patient needs. If home agrees to take patient discuss with patient and relative. If placement agreed between all parties then inform CRHFT. If there are any equipment requirements then CRHFT to order and put on order that equipment is to be funded by winter resilience monies as patient is on the non-weight bearing pathway. CRHFT and Home to liaise re-discharge date – NWBT to monitor and oversee the process.

6Visit patient where ever possible on the day of discharge – if this is not possible then patient should be visited on the next working day by a qualified member of staff to ensure all is well and needs are being met. If required complete bed rails assessment.

7Roles of the team whilst patient in the home:

Team Leader/OT – To oversee process and liaise as required. Provide OT treatment programme as required and instruct generic support worker on implementation. Identify appropriate rehab placement once able to progress rehab from non- weight bearing.

Nurse – To complete all nursing documentation – risk assessments and care planning – Visit once weekly to review and update needs and requirements. Joint liaison with district nursing services. Continue with therapy needs.

Physio – Initial assessment of patient, provide and instruct generic support worker on appropriate appropriate exercise programme. Review as required.

Generic Support Worker –Visit patient and follow exercise programme as prescribed by physio, OT, nurse.