Name: / Membership No: (official use)

Your subscription to the Meon Riding Club is due for renewal on 1 April 2017. We invite you to rejoin by returning this form with your subscription to Penny Briggs, see below.

Newsletters and other information will be sent electronically. You can also download everything from the Club website

Full Riding Membership- the subscription is £27.50 and£13.75for additional family members(where two or more members of a family live at the same address the first member pays full membership and additional family members pay half the subscription rate).

Non Riding Membership – the subscription is £12.50– no reduction for families

Data Protection Act: Data on members will be held on a computer for the sole purpose of administration of the Club. We are relying on the exemption, under the Data Protection Act, for unincorporated members’ clubs. Provision of your e-mail implies permission for use by Club officials to provide information about Club events. BRC HQ will also use to supply BRC information/newsletter. If you have any objection to us holding the data in this way, or you do not want e-mails, please contact the Membership Secretary.

You can pay by Bank Transfer but you must still return your form either by email or in the post.

Bank details:Meon Riding Club, HSBC Petersfield. Sort Code 40-36-16. Account No: 51365940. Pleaseput your name and Sub as reference.

Please RENEW CANCEL my membership for 2017. (Check box as appropriate)

Membership is: FULL RIDING NON RIDING (Check box as appropriate)

I enclose cheque for / £ / or / Payment made by BAC (check box if appropriate)
Return to Mrs Ruth Evans,Warrenside Farm, Priors Dean, Petersfield, Hants, GU32 1BW
or email to:
Signed: / Date:
If your date of birth is BEFORE 1 April 1967, you are eligible for the Veteran Trophy: Check box if relevant


Address: / Post Code:
Tel Home: / Tel Mobile:
E-mail: / Date of Birth:
No of Horses Owned: / Qualifications:

Volunteer Reply Slip: All members are asked if they can help once a year so please indicate on the form below what you can do. We rely heavily on members (and family/friends) to help with the many tasks that ensure our events run smoothly and we have to provide helpers when entering teams for area qualifiers. Please put a tick against any event where you could helo. (Note that helping and competing at events can be accommodated if you inform the organiser.)

Sun 9 Apr CT Qual 9 Apr, Weyhill, Andover: Sun 23 Apr FoH Qual, Rockbourne:
Sun 30 Apr Meon Dressage Show, Mayhill Sun 18 Jun HT Qual, Moreton
Sun 9 Jul SJ Qual, Bovington
Dressage/RT Qual, TBA DTM Qual, TBA
Sat 18 Nov Meon SJ Show,Crofton Other event later in year

Please detail overleaf/below any ideas you have for other activities we could run (events, training, demos etc)

Additional ideas/suggestions