- Welcome: Chairman of the group Stephen Whitehouse. Carol Bracegirdle welcomed everyone to Blackpool and explained the domestic arrangements for the day.
Stephen introduced Mike Pinckard from DfT. Mike gave a brief introduction of himself and his role within the delivery team at DfT. Mike covers the North West and the Midlands and is interested to hear from authorities what is going on in each area.
- Apologies: Gill Roberts, Barbara Philips, Jayne Molyneux, Shelby Williams, Gordon Edwards, Mike Jones, Richard Clark, David Foulkes, Alan Fisher, Melanie McHale.
- Minutes of the last meeting: Accepted and approved.
- Matters arising form the last meeting:
Item 5: Cycling Group has met and a further meeting is planned for June, contact Liz Clark at Bikeright if you wish to attend.
Item 11: (h) Fire and Rescue. It is hoped to get a representative from each of the areas but it maybe more realistic to have one representative on behalf of all the areas. This idea is to be taken forward. Work is ongoing in all areas.
Item 11: NWESEG Bullet point 9:Minutes amended to read: It was reported that Road Safety Grant Rewards were sometimes not reinvested in Road Safety.
- Officer Group Issues:
- Transfer of Chair. Stephen’s term of office as Chair has come to an end. Gill being the Vice Chair should have taken over at the meeting but she was unable to attend due to sickness. Stephen agreed to continue as Chair for this meeting and Gill will take over at the next meeting in June.
- Election of Vice Chair: There was only one nomination received. Claire Waterhouse was duly elected.
- Treasure’s report: Paul presented a summary of the accounts. The Welsh version of the book is with the printer and we have received 14 orders so far. There has been no further progress with the request from Northern Ireland for the production of an Irish-speaking version. Discussion took place about Story Sacks as they have been directly invoicing Authorities instead of going through LARSOA. As we only make a small profit on the sacks and sales are quite low it was decided by the group that it would not be worth chasing the outstanding payments. However it was recommended that we remove the Story Sack from the LARSOA web site and ensure that a meeting takes place with Story Sacks at least once a year, this will enable us to make sure there are no alterations to the book in the future. Staffordshire have requested a power point presentation version of the book. Paul has looked into this and it could be done, however unless there was great demand for this it would not be cost effective to go ahead as Staffordshire only wanted 10 copies.
- P&M Report: John circulated the report from the last meeting held on 9th December 2008. The main points to note were:
- There will probably be no rise in subscriptions for 2009/10
- It has been suggested that the School Crossing Patrol Guidelines may need some updating.
- LARSOA advisors need to keep members updated on a regular basis.
- AGM 27/4/09 re-branding will be discussed.
- Next LARSOA conference will be held in Cambridge. Stennik have offered to arrange all the conference facilities leaving the speakers etc to the area group. This seems like a good arrangement and has been agreed for one year.
The Group asked if the Group Rep would ask at the next meeting if there were any plans for the LARSOA WRRS CD rom to be updated. John will ask Melanie to take this to the next meeting, which is to be held on Tuesday 17th March 2009.
- Work Groups:
a)WRRS : Jayne produced a report which was circulated prior to the meeting. Lisa gave a brief update in Jayne’s absence regarding the presentation, which the group is developing for use at IOSH branch meetings. The group would still like to welcome new members with an interest in WRRS.
b)Resource Group: The Group met at the end of November to look at additional resources to support the Teddy Takes a Walk and Teddy Takes a Tumble books. It was suggested that we should ask for a short time slot at the AGM in April to try to get some feedback as to what resources (if any) authorities would support. Anyone interested in joining the Resource Group will be most welcome.
c)NW Communications Group: Karen reported on behalf of the group and said they are currently working on their terms of reference. A campaign calendar is being prepared and this will follow the DfT and ACPO calendars. A TV advert is currently being shown on Granada Television. This was an idea that Greater Manchester wanted to try but had not been able to do it was felt this would be a good North west campaign. All partners have contributed to the cost and evaluation will be available once the screenings are finished. It was suggested that the advert could be put on the LARSOA web site Karen will look into this,
- Partnership Initiatives, Information and Campaigns:
a)Merseyside Police: Merseyside are experiencing an increase in casualties especially amongst older Road Users. At the moment it does not look as though the 2010 casualty reduction target will be met. There is a lot of work going on to bring the casualties down and some groups are not far off the target.
b)Greater Manchester Police: Greater Manchester casualty figures have shown a reduction so far and look likely to reach the 2010 target if the trend continues.
c)Cheshire Police: Report circulated; the trend shows that both fatal and serious casualties are rising when compared with the previous year however slight injury casualties are showing a decrease.
d)Lancashire Police: No report
e)Cumbria Police: Report Circulated this showed the force are well below the 2010 for KSI’s, there is however concern about ‘Young Drivers’. Thanks for a very comprehensive report.
f)Isle of Man Police: No report
g)Highways Agency: No Report
h)Fire & Rescue Service Representatives: Only Cheshire had a representative present. They have taken part in 43 events involving over 2,000 members of the public. Driver engagement days continue to take place with Police support, other authorities have shown an interest in these.10, 000 students have gone through a programme called Drive Survive. Martin Dowle is happy to talk to other areas about Cheshire’s programmes.
i)GONorth West: No representative
j)COI: No representative.
- NWSEG: Jim Gibbins introduced himself to the group; he is the new chair for the next 12 months. The group last met on 19/11/08 when Jim gave the group a brief explanation of the Cheshire reorganisation. It is still uncertain where the Road Safety staff will eventually be based. The proposed joint conference between NWSEG and LARSOA will probably be in Liverpool based on the theme 2010 targets. It was hoped to hold the conference in June 2009 but it was decided that there would not be enough time to organise it so it will be held later in the year. Date of the next NWSEG is 6th March 2009
- NW Regional Casualty Reduction Group: No meeting has been held, next meeting is 17th March 2009
- Co-ordination of bidding group for DfT Partnership Grants: Stephen W reported no progress yet. Mike will give a presentation on behalf of DfT to this group once it has been organised. A motorcycle Group was proposed by Cheshire.
- Relevant National Strategic Issues:
- Independent Safeguarding Authority. Members need to look at this and check with their own authority as it may have an impact on Staff and Volunteers.
- DfT Consultation on Driver Compliance- Greater Manchester response is being collated. LARSOA are doing a National response, Lancashire is also responding.
- STATs19 review- consultation being invited by DfT.
- Regional Exchange: ROSPA congress is to be held in Blackpool w/c 23/2/09 DfT will be presenting on the Monday.
- Cumbria has been carrying out elderly Driver checks through the IAM. Looking at ways of setting up the Children’s Traffic Club. The Fire Service Road Awareness training is targeting fast food outlets, colleges and schools.
The Partnership Press and Publicity Manager is moving to another job.
- Rochdale are having a recruitment drive for School Crossing Patrols using local radio, they are also having a Lollipop Person of the Year award.
- Wigan has just held a Lollipop Idol award to find their Lollipop Person of the Year.
- Halton have been running a Motorcycle Community Safety Awareness Course, which is an NVQ level1. There is a crash investigation pack aimed at GCSE ‘A’ level students being developed contact Lisa for more information.
- Greater Manchester will be attending the Time bank Conference to talk about their 17-25 ‘Wrecked’ young driver resource. Also they are developing ‘Wrecked 2’ resource, which will cover motorcyclists, pedestrians, illegal use of off road motorcycles and drug driving. A new resource for High Schools called Silent City will be showcased in Manchester soon.
- Guest Speakers for Future meetings:
- Isle of Man- Gordon will organise the afternoon
- Julie Dagnall has offered to speak about the Hindley Prison project at the September meeting.
- Date of next meeting: 16th June 2009 Isle of Man. Gordon can organise flights from Liverpool and then invoice you. Details will be circulated.
- Meeting Dates for 2009:
16th June 2009 Isle of Man
29th September 2009 St Helens
1st December 2009 Stockport.
- Members Present
1. Blackburn with Darwen Capita Claire Waterhouse (Vice Chair)
2. BlackpoolCarol Bracegirdle/Andrea Law
3. BoltonTrevor Higson
4. BuryPaul Birch (Treasurer) Jan Barbbin
5. Cheshire John Rickets (Sec& Rep) Andrea Gray/
Sarah Collins
6. Cheshire Fire & RescueMartin Dowle
7. Cheshire Police
8. Cheshire Road Safety PartnershipEmma Turner
9. COI
10.Cumbria CC & Capita ParnershipDavid Kerry
11.Cumbria Police
12. Cumbria Road Safety Partnership
13. City of ManchesterChris Firby
14.Greater Manchester PartnershipJosie Wride/Karen Delaney/ Sarah Mee
15. Greater Manchester Police
16.Government Office NW
17.Halton Lisa Scott
18.Isle of Man Government
20. Lancashire
21. Lancashire Police
22. Lancashire Road Safety PartnershipStephen Whitehouse (Chair)
23.Liverpool City CouncilRhonda Barnes
24.Liverpool Fire & Rescue
25.Merseyside Road Safety Partnership
26. Merseyside PoliceBilly Gale
27. Oldham
28.Rochdale Impact PartnershipStuart Howarth
29.Salford City Council Urban VisionDon Isherwood/Jill Winstone (Min Sec)
30.St Helens
31.SeftonJean Hunt
32.StockportDavid Whitfield
33.TamesideStephen Dickinson/Phil Howard
34.TraffordSue Whitehead
36.Wigan Julie Dagnall
39.NWSEGJim Gibbins
40 Highway Agency