Non-Member Group Discount Rates
Group Discount Rate for Non-Members–NEW Online Reservation
To get this special rate, a “group administrator” must register everyone on the same day, followed up with payment within 24 hours. Below you will see a sample of the information needed. Gather the information from your participants then go to and click Register. Go through the process to Finish. DO NOT submit payment individually with each registration. When you are done entering everyone, call the FPA Office. They will check the status of the attendees and then accept your credit card for one large payment. Members are not eligible for the Group Discount Rates as they already receive a discounted rate.
5 or More Non-Member Registrants / 10 or More Non-Member Registrants$25 off Non-Member Rates per person / $50 off Non-Member Rates per person
2018 Symposium Rates
By July 31st / By September 15th / By October 16thMember
/ $389 / $439 / $489FPA MN Committee Members
/ $195 / $220 / $245Other FPA Chapters
/ $439 / $489 / $539Non-Member / $489 / $539 / $589
One Day – Non-Members / $285 / $310 / $335
One Day – Member / $250 / $275 / $300
ATTENDEE NOTEBOOK / Add’l $30 / Add’l $30 / Add’l $30
This information is needed for Group Registrations.Besides the questions below, we need: First name, Last name, Nickname, Company, Designations, Full Mailing Address, Phone, and Email. We also need to know if each registrant has any of these designations or need Continuing Education for: MN insurance, WI insurance, CFP Board, CPE/NASBA, CIMA, or CLE. If yes, we will need their ID# as well. Once information is gathered, go to to register the individuals. Select Non-Member as the registration type. Select the option to show you are registering for this person.
1. How did you hear about this symposium? Check all that apply.
[]Returning Attendee[] Chapter Meeting[] Magazine or Publication
[ ]Email Invitation[] Postcard or Mailer[] Website
[]Word of mouth[] Referred by Member[] From my Wholesaler
2. Is this the first time you have attended our annual symposium?
[ ]Yes[ ]No
3. Why did you decide to register NOW – Today?
[ ] Received an email
[ ] Announcement at FPA meeting
[ ]Received a postcard or mailer
[ ] Saving $$ before rate increases
[ ] Other
4. Are you attending:
[ ] Both Monday and Tuesday
[ ] MondayONLY
[ ]Tuesday ONLY
5. FREE Wifi for everyone – sponsored by Silver Partner zero1zero! Speaker Handouts will be posted on the website as PDFs. You can choose to print them in advance or download them on your device at the Symposium. They will also remain available for review once you are back in your office. Knowing this, would you:
[ ]Prefer to access all of your materials through the online portal?
[ ]Prefer to pay an additional $30 for the regular notebook with everything preprinted in black and white?
6. Do you need a vegetarian or gluten-free lunch?
[ ]Yes[ ]No
7. Do you plan to attend the evening networking reception on Monday immediately following
Diana Henriques’ presentation? [ ] Yes[ ] No
8. Breakouts - Refer to the Agenda online to determine selection. Click the correct box when doing
your online reservations for the group.
Monday – 11:25 AM
Monday – 1:10 PM
Monday – 2:30 PM
Tuesday – 1:50 PM
Tuesday – 2:55 PM
9. I want to save up to $100 on Symposium and receive a discount on the monthlychapter meetings.
I would welcome a call to learn more about the benefits of FPA membership.
*$100 reimbursement to occur after FPA membership is confirmed
[ ] Yes, call me at ______
[ ] Maybe, call me at ______
[ ] No