Non-European Research Funding Opportunities (by date)
Updated 1 February 2011
Click on the blue links for further information. New opportunities are highlighted yellow.
NIH - National Institute of Child Health and Human Development : Innovative Therapies and Tools for Screenable Disorders in Newborns (R03)
Phone:- 001 800 370 2943
Aims: / This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages Small Research Project Grant (R03) applications from institutions/ organisations that propose research relevant to the basic understanding and development of therapeutic interventions for currently screened conditions and “high priority” genetic conditions for which screening could be possible in the near future. In this FOA, a “high priority” condition is one for which the development of an efficacious therapy would make the condition amenable to newborn screening.
Funding: / A project period of up to two years and a budget for direct costs of up to two $25,000 modules, or $50,000 per year, may be requested (i.e., a maximum of $100,000 over two years in four modules of $25,000 each). Commensurate Facilities and Administrative (F&A) costs are allowed.
Amount: / £50K - £100K Closing Date : 16 February 2011 Duration : 1 year - 3 years
NIH - National Institutes of Health: Joint Proposals : Genetic Susceptibility & Variability of Human Structural Birth Defects (R01)
Phone:- 001 301 496 4000
Aims: / Annually, almost five percent of all live births in the United States (more than 180,000) involve babies with birth defects as defined broadly to include both structural and functional/metabolic abnormalities. Next to accidents, birth defects are the leading cause of death in children; they account for half of all pediatric hospitalisations. In terms of the economic costs, billions of dollars are spent over the lifetimes of children born with any of 17 major, severe, nonfatal birth defects. In summary, structural birth defects have a great impact on public health, socioeconomics, and family life. A high priority goal of NICHD's strategic plan is to better understand the mechanisms underlying human structural birth defects with the ultimate goal of using this information to develop effective screening, therapeutic, and preventive strategies.
Funding: / Usually up to $250,000. Applications that exceed this level must be submitted as non-modular and provide detailed budget information.
Amount: / > £100K Closing Date : 16 February 2011 Duration : > 3 years
NIH - National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke : Translational Research for Resistant Epilepsy and Epileptogenesis (R21)
Phone:- 001 301 496-5751
Aims: / This funding opportunity announcement (FOA), from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) encourages applications for projects intended to complete preliminary steps in the pipeline for the preclinical development of therapeutics to cure epilepsy, prevent the emergence of epilepsy following brain injury (including status epilepticus, traumatic brain injury, stroke, encephalitis, or other injury) or in other high-risk groups, or to better treat individuals with intractable epilepsy. Such projects, if successful, should lead directly to a subsequent project that will include all remaining activities for submission of an Investigational New Drug (IND) or Investigational Device Exemptions (IDE) application to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Only Aims required for therapy development can be supported in this programme. This programme excludes clinical research, basic research, and studies of disease mechanisms.
Funding: / The total project period for an application submitted in response to this funding opportunity may not exceed two years. Direct costs are limited to $275,000 over an R21 two-year period, with no more than $200,000 in direct costs allowed in any single year.
Amount: / > £100K Closing Date : 16 February 2011 Duration : 1 year - 3 years
Epilepsy Therapy Project : New Therapy Grants Program
Phone:- 001 540-687-8077
Aims: / The New Therapy Grants Program seeks to advance the development of specific new therapies including new medicines and therapeutic devices.
Funding: / The amount of funding is unspecified.
Amount: / Unspecified Closing Date : 02 March 2011 Duration : Unspecified
NIH - National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke : Genetics and Genomics of Human Epilepsies (U01)
001 301 496-5751
Aims: / The NINDS supports research to better understand, treat, and ultimately prevent the diverse collection of seizure-related syndromes known as the epilepsies. These disorders have a wide range of severities, precipitating causes, comorbidities, and treatment outcomes. In many cases, it is believed that genetic factors play a role in the risk and causes of a number of types of epilepsy.
Funding: / NINDS intends to commit an estimated total of $3 million direct costs in FY2011 for one Center without Walls comprised of linked U01s.
Amount: / > £100K Closing Date : 11 March 2011 Duration : 1 year - 3 years
March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation : Basil O`Connor Starter Scholar Research Award
001 914 997 4488
Aims: / To support young scientists just embarking on their independent research careers.
Funding: / These grants do not cover the recipient's salary, but do provide salary support for technical help. They may not exceed $75,000 per year, and are awarded for two years.
Amount: / £50K - £100K Closing Date : 15 March 2011 Duration : 1 year - 3 years
International Mosaic Down Syndrome Association : Student Research Scholarship
Phone:- 001-513-988-6817
Aims: / The International Mosaic Down Syndrome Association is a non-profit organisation designed to provide support, information, and research to those touched by mosaic Down syndrome.
Funding: / $500 per scholarship. Awardees may also apply for an additional $250 award to fly to and from their biannual conference to collect data, present data, and get to know the families at IMDSA. The next conference will be July 10th-12th in Cincinnati, OH. Exceptional projects can apply for a second year of funding.
Amount: / £5K Closing Date : 15 March 2011 Duration : Unspecified
Epilepsy Foundation : Targeted Research Initiative for Youth
Phone:- 001 800 332 1000
Aims: / This programme recognises the increasing need for epilepsy and seizure research in populations from children through adolescence involving pathophysiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, behavioural manifestations, medication therapy, and quality-of-life issues.
Funding: / Applicants may request up to $50,000 maximum for one year.
Amount: / £10K - £50K Closing Date : 22 March 2011 Duration : 6 mths - 1 year
Epilepsy Foundation : Targeted Research Initiative for Severe Symptomatic Epilepsies
Phone:- 001 800 332 1000
Aims: / To support research on all topics that affect patients with epilepsy and developmental disabilities.
Funding: / Applicants may request up to $50,000 maximum for one year.
Amount: / £10K - £50K Closing Date : 22 March 2011 Duration : Unspecified
Scoliosis Research Society : Small Exploratory Grant
Phone:- 001 414 289 9107
Aims: / To support new investigators who have a preliminary concept they would like to develop into a research project.
Funding: / The maximum grant award for this category is $10,000 (approx £5,094).
Amount: / £5K - £10K Closing Date : 01 April 2011 Duration : 6 mths - 1 year
Scoliosis Research Society : Continuation or Extension Grant
Scoliosis Research Society Phone:- 001 414 289 9107
Aims: / To support the continuation or extension of an on-going project, which has been previously funded by the Scoliosis Research Society.
Funding: / Unspecified.
Amount: / Unspecified Closing Date : 01 April 2011 Duration : Unspecified
Scoliosis Research Society : New Investigator Grant
Phone:- 001 414 289 9107
Aims: / To support New Investigators.
Funding: / The maximum award is limited to $25,000 however, the duration of research may extend up to two years.
Amount: / £10K - £50K Closing Date : 01 April 2011 Duration : 1 year - 3 years
Scoliosis Research Society : Standard Investigator Grant
Phone:- 001 414 289 9107
Aims: / To support research in any area of spinal deformity.
Funding: / This grant is awarded for a maximum of $50,000 per year up to two years’ duration, the maximum total award being $100,000.
Amount: / £50K - £100K Closing Date : 01 April 2011 Duration : 1 year - 3 years
Cystinosis Research Foundation – Natalie’s Wish : Research Awards
Aims: / To fund proposals to improve the immediate care of children and young adults with Cystinosis and to develop new understanding and treatment of Cystinosis to help these children in the future.
Funding: / Unspecified.
Amount: / Unspecified Closing Date : 15 April 2011 Duration : 1 year - 3 years
Progeria Research Foundation (PRF) : Medical Research Grants
001 978 535 2594
Aims: / To conduct research to find the cause, treatment, or cure for Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS).
Funding: / Grant awards will be provided in amounts up to $50,000 per year.
Amount: / > £100K Closing Date : 27 April 2011 Duration : 1 year - 3 years
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry : Pilot Research Award for Attention Disorders
Gabe Robbins Phone:- 001 202 966 7300
Aims: / The AACAP Pilot Research Award for Attention Disorders supports a young investigator at a critical stage, encouraging a future career in child and adolescent psychiatry research.
Funding: / An award of $15,000.
Amount: / £5K - £10K Closing Date : 29 April 2011 Duration : 6 mths - 1 year
March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation : March of Dimes Research Program
001 914 997 4488
Aims: / The foundation invites all qualified scientists with faculty appointments or the equivalent, at universities, hospitals and research institutions, to submit applications for research grants directed at the prevention of birth defects.
Funding: / These grants do not cover the recipient’s or other faculty salaries, but do provide salary support for technical help. The grants are awarded for a three-year period. For your information, the financial characteristics of the previous year’s grant cycle are as follows: (Per Year) AVERAGE: $93,342 MEDIAN: $95,463 RANGE: $60,225 TO $157,593.
Amount: / > £100K Closing Date : 30 April 2011 Duration : 1 year - 3 years
Angelman Syndrome Foundation : Clinical and Basic Science Research Awards
001 630 978 4245
Aims: / To support clinical and basic science research into Angelman syndrome.
Funding: / One- or two-year grants will be awarded for amounts of up to$100,000 per year. A total of $1,000,000 (USD) is available.
Amount: / > £100K Closing Date : 15 June 2011 Duration : 1 year - 3 years
American Epilepsy Society : International Award
001 860 586 7505
Aims: / To promote research into the area of epilepsy.
Funding: / The amount of funding available is unspecified.
Amount: / Unspecified Closing Date : 01 August 2012 Duration : Unspecified
National Ataxia Foundation : Young Investigator Award
Phone:- 001 763 553 0020
Aims: / To encourage young clinical and scientific investigators to pursue a career in the field of ataxia research.
Funding: / Each recipient will receive $35,000 - $50,000 for one year of funding.
Amount: / £10K - £50K Closing Date : 01 August 2011 Duration : 6 mths - 1 year
Autism Speaks : Trailblazer Initiative
Phone:- 001 212 252 8584
Aims: / The Trailblazer Award mechanism will support highly novel “out of the box” autism-relevant research that addresses significant roadblocks or that can open new avenues to understanding the causes, diagnosis, subtyping, prevention, treatments, and cure of autism spectrum disorders.
Funding: / Awards are limited to a period of 12 months and an amount up to $80,000 total, inclusive of 10% indirect costs.
Amount: / £50K - £100K Closing Date : Apply Anytime Duration : 6 mths - 1 year
Cerebral Palsy International Research Foundation : Research Grant Programme
Phone:- 001 202 496 5060
Aims: / The Foundation provides funding for pilot studies on research important to the prevention and treatment of cerebral palsy, including improvement in the quality of life of persons with disabilities due to cerebral palsy and closely related developmental brain disorders.
Funding: / Grants are generally awarded for up to 2 years at a maximum of $50,000 a year.
Amount: / £10K - £50K Closing Date : Apply Anytime Duration : 1 year - 3 years
March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation : Prize in Developmental Biology
Phone:- 001 914 997 4488
Aims: / To improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects and infant mortality.
Funding: / Prize consists of a monetary award of $250,000 and silver medal in the design of the Roosevelt dime.
Amount: / > £100K Closing Date : Apply Anytime Duration : Single Payment
Thrasher Research Fund (USA) : Project Grants
Phone:- 001 801 240 4753
Aims: / To support clinical/translational paediatric research and in doing so to contribute to the Fund's mission of improving the health of children worldwide.
Funding: / Amounts awarded and time periods vary depending on the specific needs of each proposal. The Fund’s median award is $230,000 with the majority between $150,000 - $300,000.
Amount: / Unspecified Closing Date : Apply Anytime Duration : 1 year - 3 years
Non-European Research Funding Opportunities (By Date)
![Non-European Research Funding Opportunities (By Date)](