To members of the clerical staff constituency

This circular invites nominations for the election of 1 member of the clerical staff to membership of the Court. Nomination forms – which need to be signed by the nominee and two members of the electorate – must be returned to the Secretariat by 12 noon on Friday 17 May 2013. Candidates are invited – but are not required – to submit a supporting statement of up to 200 words; this ‘manifesto’ will be circulated with the ballot paper. Any questions about the election should be addressed initially to Helen Pickersgill in the Secretariat ((0113) 34 34036).

Election by and from members of the clerical staff of

1 member of the Court


  1. Provision is made under the constitution of the Court (Ordinance I) for the election of one member from each of theancillary, clerical and technical staff constituencies.

2.Nominations are now invited from all members of the clerical staff for the election of one member of the Court for a period of three years with effect from1 August 2013,vice Ms Rachel Cox (who will be a member under another constituency in 2013-14).

3.All members of the clerical staff are eligible for nomination.

Nominations procedure

4.Nominations, which should be made on the attached slip and be supported by the signatures of two further members of the clerical staff, must reach Helen Pickersgillnot later than 12 noon on 17 May 2013. Nominees are invited - but not required - to include a brief statement about themselves and their candidature (not exceeding 200 words). This ‘manifesto’ will be circulated with the ballot papers.

5.It is the responsibility of the nominee to ensure that his or her nomination is delivered to the Secretariat by the time stipulated above. Members may send their scanned nomination to or by fax to ext. 33925 in the first instance, followed up by the nomination through the mail, or by hand. The receipt of nominations which are not delivered personally will be acknowledged to the nominee: if you have not received an acknowledgement by the morning of 17 May, please contact Helen Pickersgill((0113) 34 34036).

6.There is no restriction on the number of nominations which may be made by individual members of the electorate; additional nomination forms may be obtained from the Secretariat (Room 11/72, E C Stoner Building).

7.Information about the role of the Court and the dates of its meetings in2013-14 is attached. Further information may be obtained from Helen Pickersgill.

8.Ballot papers will be circulated on 29 Mayfor return by 12 June.

Helen Pickergill


3May 2013

Election of one member of the clerical staff to Court

We, the undersigned, wish to nominate ………...………………...…......

...... (School/Department/Institute/Service) [ext ...... ]

for election to membership of the Courtwith effect from 1 August 2013.

Signatures* of proposers(i) ......

(* In addition, please print your name if your

signature might not be legible)

(ii) ......

I am willing to accept nomination and

-my supporting statement is being e-mailed to 

-my supporting statement is set out below

-I do not wish to submit a supporting statement

(Please tick one of the above boxes. Wherever possible, supporting statements should be sent by e-mail and, in any event, must be received by the time and date specified below.)

Signature of nominee ......

This form should be returned to Helen Pickersgill in the Secretariat, on level 11 of the E C Stoner Building, not later than 12 noon on 17 May 2013.



Receipt of nomination acknowledged by telephone

...... [initials] ...... [date]

Notes on the University Court

1.The University Court, which is chaired by the Chancellor of the University, Lord Bragg, stands beyond, and above, the University’s main decision-making machinery. Whilst the Council is the University’s governing body (ultimately responsible, accountable and liable for the University’s actions), the Court plays an important and influential role, on behalf of the institution’s stakeholders, in seeing that the University is well managed, properly governed and responsive to public and local interests and concerns.

2.In furtherance of its mission, the Court has the following specific objectives and powers:


To monitor at arm’s length the academic progress of the University in both teaching and research; and similarly its financial and corporate health

to serve as a bridge between the wider community and the University

to provide a source of ideas, influence and support from the wider community to assist the University in the pursuit of its mission

to provide an independent mechanism to enable a student to appeal against a decision of the Vice-Chancellor on a disciplinary matter


to ask questions about, and express an opinion on, any matter whatsoever concerning the University; and to convey such opinions to the Council (as the governing body of the University) and other University authorities

in accordance with the Statutes of the University, to appoint a number of lay members of the Council, and to co-opt a number of lay members of the Court itself

to award honorary degrees of the University

to appoint, on the recommendation of the Council, the principal lay officers of the University (the Chancellor and the Pro-Chancellor)

to appoint Student Discipline Appeals Committees

3.The constitution of the Court is determined by Ordinance I. Ordinance I and the membership of the Court for 2012-13are available on the web[1]. In brief, the Court has some 90 members. Most are drawn from outside the University but there are also a number of staff and student members.

4.The Court usually meets twice a year. The first meeting in 2013-14 will be held at 11.00a.m. on Friday 13 December 2013(when the University’s Annual Report and Accounts for 2012-13 will be received) followed by lunch in University House.

May 2013
