UCML Executive Committee

Nomination Form for June 2016 elections (post effective from 25 July 2016)

If you wish to stand for election to the UCML Executive Committee, please return this form. Your nomination should be supported by a proposer and seconder who are based in institutions or associations that are members of UCML or of a recognised academic institution/subject association. The form should be returned electronically to UCML’s secretariat c/o Marie Weaver at LLAS: Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies, to:

Deadline for return of nominations: 25 June 2016

Representative for Italian studies

Nominee: ……Dr Liz Wren-Owens……………… ……………….

Institutional affiliation: ……………Cardiff University……………………………………………………………………………………………..

Postal address: ……66a Park place, Cardiff, CF10 3AS……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……….

Email address: ……… ………………………………………………………………………………......

Proposed by: ……Professor Claire Gorrara……………………..

Institution: …Cardiff University……………………………

Seconded by: ………Professor Charles Burdett ………………..

Institution: …………… Bristol University……………………………………………………………………………….

Candidate’s election statement should include present post, relevant experience and expectations. Candidates are advised to read the relevant role profile and the UCML Constitution and Standing Orders to inform their candidature.

(candidates’ statements should not exceed 150 words. They will be posted to the UCML website)

I have been based in the Italian department at Cardiff since 2007, and am currently Director of Learning and Teaching for all languages at Cardiff. I maintain an active presence at Italian Studies events in the UK and the USA, presenting papers, convening panels and chairing sessions at SIS and AAIS conferences. As Italian Programme Director, I was involved in developing links between Cardiff University and the Italian Embassy and Cultural Institute in Wales. I have experience of working across HEIs and other stakeholders to promote MFL, having pioneered and developed a programme to promote the uptake of MFLs in Schools in SE Wales. I would like to use the UCML experience to develop dialogue and exchange between HEIs, key bodies (the SIS, ASMI and the Italian Cultural Institutes) and the UCML, to develop the profile of Italian Studies and to provide strong representation for Italian Studies at the UCML.