July 6, 2016 , (585) 880-1698
Eight Field Days in August Bring Farmers Varied Experiences
Farmington, NY—The Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York (NOFA-NY) and host farms in Ontario, Cortland, Ulster, Tompkins, Seneca, and Madison counties present eight on-farm field days in August. Farmers can take advantage of a range of educational opportunities to learn new ideas through discussion and demonstration directly from their peers.
The event schedule is as follows:
· Tuesday, August 2, 4:30-7:30 pm. “High Tunnel Pest and Disease Management.” This free Field Day with Andy Fellenz from Fellenz Family Farm (Ontario County) will start with identification of common high tunnel pests and diseases and review effective organic control strategies, including spraying. Fellenz has developed and will demonstrate a boom-style high tunnel sprayer, and discuss the proper use of backpack and other relatively low pressure, low flow single-tip sprayers. Variety selection, rotation, cultural practices and spraying all have a place in the overall farm strategy. To register, please contact Angela Parr at . Sponsored by NE-SARE through a Farmer Grant, NE-SARE FNE14-798, and cosponsored by NOFA-NY.
· Saturday and Sunday, August 6, (9am-4pm) August 7 (10am-3pm). “Horse-Powered Haymaking Demonstration.” At Northland Sheep Dairy (Cortland County), this two-day event will focus on haymaking with horses. Day one is a hands-on mowing workshop. Limited to six people, participants will learn how to run horse-drawn mowers. Basic teamster skills are required. Day two is a haymaking demonstration, examining tools used in the production of high quality hay madewith draft animal power, and focusing on second cutting hay made from grazing land. Saturday fee: $65, Sunday activities free/open to the public, donations accepted. To register, visit:www.draft This event is co-sponsored by NOFA-NY and DAPNET.
· Thursday, August 11, 11am-4pm. “Soil Health and Fertility for Perennial Tree Crops.” Westwind Orchard (Ulster County) hosts this workshop to show how managing orchard fertility is about more than just fertilizer. Orchard soil is a giant digestive engine, chewing up carbon, nitrogen, and minerals to feed not only the trees but also the soil food web. This workshop will cover the basics of understanding the soil and actions to improve soil health, biology, and overall vitality to grow better fruit. Registration fees: $15/person or $25 for two or more people/farm. Sponsored by NOFA-NY through funding by the New World Foundation.
· Wednesday, August 17, 4-7pm. “Reduced Tillage in Vegetables.” The Cornell Reduced Tillage Team presents this in-depth field study at Freeville Organic Research Farm (Tompkins County) of strategies to improve soil health in organic vegetables. The tour will highlight current research on integrating cover crops and reducing tillage for farms at multiple scales. There will be a demonstration of strip tillage for small-scale farmers and a review of impacts of new mulching and cover cropping techniques on weeds and crops. This is a free event; to register, email: .
· Tuesday, August 23, 1-4pm. “See Carbon Farming in Action.” For 20 years, the NOFA-NY Certified Four Winds Farm (Ulster County) has been practicing techniques to keep carbon in the soil by eliminating tillage. Tour Four Winds with farmers Jay and Polly Armour who will share their success and exchange ideas on how organic practices can mitigate climate change. Registration fees: $15/person or $25 for two or more people/farm. Sponsored by NOFA-NY through grant funding by Farm Aid and Clif Bar.
· Wednesday, August 24, 1-3pm. “The 22nd Annual Buckwheat Field Day.” David Jones from Jones’ Farm (Seneca County) has many decades of experience raising buckwheat. He has one of the most advanced buckwheat operations, typically raising 100 acres each year. David has developed consistently good yields and high seed quality. This field day will include ideas on fertility management, pollinators, and harvesting technique. The field day is free and open to the public. NOFA-NY is co-sponsoring this event with Cornell University, Birkett Mills and Seedway Inc.
· Wednesday, August 24, 3-6pm. “Marketing a Diverse Farm from Pricing to Production.” Participants will take a walk with Dennis Lepel of Lakestone Family Farm (Ontario County) to see how he markets his diverse farm from production to pricing. Dennis grows a wide variety of vegetables, produces pasture-raised eggs and chickens marketed through local farm markets and his CSA. His pasture-raised broilers are processed on-site and sold as whole birds and prepackaged cuts to maximize profitability. Joining him will be John Wilhelm from the BCS shop in Hector, NY, to demonstrate BCS attachments that may be useful to increase efficiencies. Registration fee: $15/person or $25 for two or more people/farm. Sponsored by NOFA-NY through funding from USDA-AMS FMPP Marketing grant.
· Wednesday, August 31, 10am-2:30pm. “Grass-Based Milk Production!” NOFA-NY and Organic Valley invite participants to learn how to make milk with a no-grain feed ration. Host Mark Yoder from Yoder Farm (Madison County) will provide a tour of his pasture setup and share his insights on maintaining milk production and animal health in a grass-fed dairy production system. Organic Valley Ruminant Nutritionist Silvia Abel-Caines will share her research and practical experience on how to balance high-forage diets for optimal animal health, milk production and milk nutritional profile. Registration is $15/person or $25/farm, and lunch is provided. Sponsored by Organic Valley. OV members receive complimentary registration; use OVmember code when registering.
Pre-registration is available online at or by calling Jill at the NOFA-NY office (585) 271-1979 x512. Complete event descriptions are at: