September 28th, 2017
PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES- Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, October 12th, 2017. Please mark this date on your calendar. Conferences will be held 2:00-8:00 pm.
TWITTER- Please follow Waterford Elementary School on Twitter @WaterfordESOH – We will be tweeting out news and updates on a regular basis.
BOOK FAIR- The book fair will be the week of October 2nd, 2017. It will be held in the conference room across from the office. It be held in the Pre-K classroom
BOX TOPS- This year ALL money collected from Box Tops for Education will go directly into the W.E.S Technology Fund to purchase Chromebook computers and computer carts. Please save your Box Tops and turn them into the office! Keep up the great work saving!
W.E.S TECHNOLOGY FUNDRASIER- The Waterford Technology Fund’s Thirty-One Fundraiser was a huge success! We profited $2,268.74 in sale and $1,225.00 in donations! That is incredible! Thank you to the Waterford Community for helping us get off to a great start! In addition, The Waterford Elementary P.T.O had graciously decided to donate the remaining amount of money needed to purchase our first cart of computers! Thank you Waterford P.T.O! Your generosity and willingness to help our goal is profoundly appreciated! One cart of computers down… two to go! We will send home more information to follow.
P.T.O YANKEE CANDLE- P.T.O is selling Yankee Candles. Orders ae due October 2nd, 2017. Please make checks payable to Waterford P.T.O.
WATERFORD BAND BOOSTERS CHICKEN BBQ DINNER- The Waterford Band Boosters will sponsor their annual Chicken BBQ before the homecoming football game on Friday, October 6th from 4:00-7:00 pm (or until sold out) in the W.E.S. cafeteria. The menu includes chicken, baked potato, green beans, roll, pie, and drink. ½ dinners are $10 and ¼ chicken dinners are $8.00. Take-out orders are available. Take your family out to dinner!
WATERFORD XC INVITATIONAL- This Saturday, September 30th, 2017, there will be a Mile Fun Run for kids in Grades K-6 at the conclusion of the meet races at approximately 12:45 for anyone who would like to participate. The XC meet begins at 10:00 am for anyone who wants to come out and support our 5 Wildcat XC runners at the event.
DISMISSAL- Students will not be released to anyone other than a parent without a note or a call from the parent. We must have a note or call if they are to ride another bus (home with another student, daycare, etc.). If you wish to pick up your child after school, be on time. If we do not hear otherwise, your child will be put on the bus. If you need to pick you child up mid-day, you must come to the office to sign them out. Office personnel will get your child for you. For safety reasons, all doors are kept locked.
FALL PEP RALLY- Waterford Elementary students will be having a Fall Pep Rally for our fall sports and academics on Thursday, October 5th. The band will be playing and our students will be celebrated for their achievements this fall! Way to go Cats!
BUILDING BRIDGES TO CAREERS- The Washington County Building Bridges to Careers will be at Waterford Elementary on Friday, October 6th, 2017 to speak to our 7th/8th graders about their future career options!
NURSE NOTES- The Washington County Health Department will offer dental sealants for grades 2 and 6 on October 18th and 19th. Permission slips will be coming home soon. We would like all slips returned whether you check yes or no. Classes returning all slips will earn a popcorn party and be placed in a drawing for pizza or a Subway party. They will conduct follow-up screening on those students in grades 3 and 7 that received sealants last year. Call Mrs. Roe if you have any questions.