Spring Meeting 20133 April, 2013
Meeting called to order 1930hrs.
No attendance from general membership.
Bob Grodeska - new organic material testing, stage 2 that will start at end of 2013. Bob asked if we should drain the tank completely. Yes and to clean out.
CCR report can be emailed but we need to make sure all residents get it, must be
Two members arrived and we preformed a flag salute and moment of silence for our troops.
Jim read fall meeting notes and was accepted by Jeanne Moran.
Generator purchase 24k. Loan 36 @ $400
Tank repair- We need to look at draining so we can clean inside
Chris Basile, water warden- update on system. Changed meter at tank for recalibration which is a state requirement. Hydrant at 8 Woods Edge seeping waiting on call back from company for estimate. Hydrant flushing will start as soon as it gets warmer and be completed by 5/20/13.
Finance report- started out by Jim stating 17% of all residents are delinquent!
Two of our CD’s have been turned into cash flow money market. The other CD’s will be locked down in 3 month increments to secure generator loan.
Questions? What is left on loan? 7 years left of payments, but 9 years of loan. Last two years are prepaid. Jim accepted report and seconded by Chris Basile.
Third party notification was sent out with no response.
Sign updated- town contractor hit our sign and we are in the process of replacing.
Superfund next meeting Thursday 4/25 at 7pm in municipal building.
Lawyer update- we are waiting to hear back from lawyer. Amendments to non-member serving on board/Meeting meals/Water shutoff/ BPU info.
Floor Opened to questions- date for rt206 completion July 2013.
Planning board meeting for changes to CVS/Lockwood area, including new Quick Check with gas.
Jim made motion to adjourn at 2051hrs seconded by Jeanne and Chris Basile.