Report from North Eastern Region of NNCEE 4th October 2013

Darlington Julia Martin / North Tyneside Linda Whitehead
Durham Margot Bland, / Northumberland Angela Cunningham
Durham Wendy Curtis / Redcar & Cleveland Claire Foxton
Gateshead Sharon Napier, / Redcar & Cleveland Eunice Weedy
Hartlepool Elly Fox, / South Tyneside Russ Saunders
Middlesbrough Alice Gardner / Stockton Alice Gardner
Newcastle Fran Dow / Sunderland Sandra Thompson
North Tyneside Sue Everington

Our region meet each term:

Wednesday 21st November 2012 at Meadowell Centre, North Shields

Wednesday 20th March 2013 at Dryden Centre, Gateshead

Wednesday 3rd July 2013 at County Hall, Durham

next regional meeting Thursday 14th November at 10am for 10.30am start. Venue is Hartlepool

and as you see we vary the venue, in order to help travel arrangements for all.

Some of the items discussed

Job situation- Several LA’s have reduced staff, often adding Child Employment & Entertainment to already overstretched Attendance / Welfare Officers, so there is a stark reduction of knowledge, contacts and practices which leave a tremendous void for LA’s. …..whose Chief Executives etc. may not know there is a Statutory Responsibility on all LA’s to ensure this legislation is complied with.

Big Fat Gypsy Wedding A member reported that part of this show was filmed in and around their area but at no time had they been informed that it was happening. Was this a ‘fly on the wall’ type documentary or had the children actually been interviewed? In which case they should have had a performance licence. Although TV/film companies have to seek permission from local authorities when filming in their regions, there is no liaison within local authority departments informing them of this.

Chaperone Authorisation & Training. Nearly everyone did have a system of issuing chaperone licences and most also did chaperone training. There is information on NNCEE website regarding this and examples of training which can be downloaded.

It was confirmed that Teachers must be approved as Chaperones by their LA before they can legally supervise licensed children backstage. This was not purely due to the requirement for an enhanced CRB check (although it was acknowledged that some schools do not regularly re-check their staff) but because of the need for an awareness of performance regulations.

Model Agencies

Some agencies will change their schedules at the last minute and then say that another area would let them do this. Although this is not so, they do seem to play one area against the other.

Jimmy Saville Enquiry

The meeting briefly discussed the recent scandal of child abuse by the TV personality Jimmy Saville. It was agreed that this investigation was likely to lead to a considerable number of further allegations throughout the industry. In light of the proposed update of legislation, the publicity generated will help the argument for enhancing safeguarding arrangements, rather than relaxing them.

Ballet TheatreUK

No one present had any experience with this organisation. Everyone agreed to advise Elly if they became aware of any activity in their area.

Britian’s Got Talent

Elly had received a number of enquiries about BGT. She described how staff changes had led to a lack of communication.

CRB / DBS Changes

The meeting discussed the changes to the list permitted documents to confirm ID. DBS (formerly CRB) - LA’s no longer get copies of certificates. A portable DBS can be done for an individual for the cost of £13 a year. Changes wef 17/06/13. Specific wording must now be used in the space for ‘position applied for’ – CHILD WORKFORCE (first line) CHAPERONE (second line).

Little Ant and Dec

Margot and Sharon fed back to the meeting the background and current situation regarding ITV’s request for a ‘dispensation’ (their word not ours) for the boys to perfom after 7 o’clock on the live show. Both LA’s have issued licences for the daytime performances, but refused the ‘dispensation’ on the grounds it is not within the regulations. It has transpired that although it ‘appears’ the boys are performing after 7.00pm, Maisie McGuire (ITV) has stated, in writing, that these are in fact recorded performances that are broadcast as part of the live show.

Articles from NNCEE website and some forwarded to LA’s:-

General discussion about the articles, which were appreciated by members.

Licences abroad

Elly described a request for a performance at Euro Disney:-

  • Amateur group
  • One day performing
  • Going for a week
  • Accompanied by parents
  • Not being paid
  • School authorised absence
  • No DVD or filming

Advice has been taken from the legal department and the solicitor who advises Teesside Magistrates. No licence is required – the key issue is that they are not being paid, so will not have any ‘financial gain’ or ‘profit’.N.B. Any local court can issue a licence abroad but you may be directed to Westminster Magistrates Court (which used to be the only court where these licences could be issued).

Teen star

Linda Whitehead informed us Final is Sunday at the O2 arena. Parents were asked to buy 11 tickets and the prize is a recording contract. Children were not paid. One finalist from North Tyneside did not have a licence and local authority found out through Parent. Even though they have done previous shows and are aware of regulations. Organiser is called Chris Grayston.

Stagecoach Theatre Arts

Hartlepool are refusing licences for children if all documents are not received within 21 days notice with no exceptions, due to the franchisees continued failure to comply with this aspect of the legislation, causing LA’s scant time to issue the licences and chase up missing documents . Parents will be informed in writing as to why the licence is refused. It is hoped other LA’s will also adopt this practice as they also have complained about these problems.

Britain’s got Talent

One child was left alone by Parent without suitable chaperone.

A group of children taking part wearing Heeleys were then used by the Heeley company to advertise for them without licences. There were problems at premises which took place at Greenwich.

Cleveland Theatre Group

Lawrence Love of Cleveland Theatre Group admitted consensual sex withtwo 17 year old boys during court case. He was cleared of other allegations and given a suspended sentence.

Child Employment Fortnight

LA’s would still like to receive information / leaflets / poster etc even if they are unable to do any extra visits to employers. Posters etc can easily be sent to secondary schools, libraries, sure start and community centres, through the internal post.

It was noted from Hartlepool there has been a noticeable drop in employment permit applications, possibly because of rising costs of Newspapers and access to them online.

Nominations for Regional Chair

Elly Fox will continue as regional chair. Hurrah!

Update of Legislation

Tim Loughton – amendments to the Children & Families Bill have been debated in House of Common’s, Bill – no support. Bill will now go to House of Lords. We will be informed of developments in October. Current legislation is to be enforced in meantime.

Four day Rule

Linda - For clarification this is four days not four performances.

PHEW! you see we discuss lots of things. Sorry we can not make it to the AGM in person.

Hope the meeting goes well

Elly Fox

Regional Chair