MINUTES - NM Cancer Council, Executive Committee
August 18, 2009, 3:00-5:00pm, NMCancerCenter
Attendees / EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS:Susan Baum(NM DOH Chronic Disease Prevention & Control Bureau), Barbara Damron (Damron Oncology Consulting), Blaire Larson* (Cancer Services of NM), Bernadette Lujan* (PLTC), Barbara McAneny (NM Oncology Hematology Consultants), Fran Robinson* (San Juan Regional Cancer Center), Melanie Royce* (UNM Cancer Center), Susie Trujillo* (Gila Regional Medical Center), Tresa VanWinkle*(CAPPED), Robyn Viera (UNM Cancer Center, Cancer Epidemiology & Prevention). *Participation via conference call.OTHER PARTICIPANTS:Christine Brown(NMDOH Comprehensive Cancer Program), Dorine Conley (NMDOH Comprehensive Cancer Program), Paul Sanchez (NM Oncology Hematology Consultants).
agenda item:
/welcome and introductions
Discussion / Robyn Viera welcomed everyone and announced her new position as Chair-Elect of the NM Cancer Council. Introductions were made by everyone present. Robyn announced new EC members Susan Baum and Dava Gerard and welcomed them to the Committee.agenda item:
/Robyn Viera
Discussion / Robynconfirmed that everyone had received and reviewed the minutes from the 6/16/2009 meeting. The minutes were approved with no changes. Action items were reviewed to ensure that all activities are moving forward.agenda item:
Discussion / Paul Sanchez reviewed the Member Directory project currently underway in the PR workgroup. Paul explained that the Directory will focus on EC members and that bios and photos will be placed on the website and packets will be developed.The issue of designated representatives will be tabled and placed on October’s agenda when an EC member can be present to discuss the issue.
Conclusions / No objections were made and the Member Directory project will move forward.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Take the feedback from EC regarding the Member Directory back to the PR workgroup / Robyn Viera/Paul Sanchez / 9-18-2009
Place the issue of designated representatives on the agenda for the October EC meeting. / Dorine Conley / 10-13-2009
agenda item:
/robyn viera
Discussion / Committee members reviewed two new member applications submitted by Cancer Institute Foundation and Touch Science Education Network. Not enough information is available at this time to make a decision and both organizations will be contacted to provide supplement backup and support to their original application. In addition, two new members were accepted as part of existing organizations: Ashwani Rajput, MD from UNMCancerCenter and Cindy Kratzke from NMSU.Conclusions / The EC would like additional information from the Cancer Institute Foundation and the Touch Science Education Network prior to voting. The Membership Application will be updated in the future to include a space for organizations to provide more comprehensive information.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Send an email to TSEN requesting a letter of intent in regards to seeking Council membership / Dorine Conley / 8-31-2009
Contact Corinne Collins, explain that the Practice might be a better fit with the Council and ask if they would be willing to submit an application for the Practice rather than for the Foundation. / Robyn Viera / 8-31-2009
Update the Membership Agreement to include a space for applicants to describe their intent in seeking Council membership and update the check boxes to better represent categories that organizations may fall under / PR Workgroup / 10-13-2009
agenda item:
/workgroup business
/robyn viera
Discussion /- Workgroup charters were reviewed. Several workgroups are still in the process of finalizing their charters.
- Language for the membership disclaimer was reviewed and a change was suggested.
- EC members reviewed the core deck of slides for the NMCC presentation. Several suggestions were made.
- Mary Ann Buckley called in to the meeting to discuss the potential start-up of a Rural Workgroup.
Conclusions /
- Since a quorum had not been reached at this point in the meeting, final EC approval of the workgroup charters was delayed until the October meeting. This will give all workgroups an opportunity to submit their final charter.
- One change was suggested for the Membership Roster disclaimer and a recommendation made to get legal review of the statement.
- More work will be done to the core deck of slides before the template is finalized. Any additional comments from EC members may be emailed to Robyn Viera at
- EC members gave positive feedback to Mary Ann regarding the idea of a Rural workgroup. Direction was given to Mary Ann in setting up a structure for the workgroup and laying out the next steps for her to receive EC approval for the new workgroup.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
1. Receive final charters from all workgroups and add EC review of charters to the October agenda / Dorine Conley / 10-13-2009
2. Make change to the membership roster disclaimer and submit to DOH legal/Candice for review. / Dorine Conley / 8-31-2009
3. Report back to PR workgroup about feedback on core deck of slides and make changes as requested / Robyn Viera / 9-18-2009
Action items (cont’d) / Person responsible / Deadline
4. Email workgroup documents to Mary Ann Buckley / Dorine Conley / 8-21-2009
4. Mary Ann was asked to enlist a potential Chair and EC Liaison for the Rural Workgroup and present to EC / Mary Ann Buckley / 10-13-2009
4. Mary Ann will draft a mission statement, goals and activities proposed by the Rural Workgroup / Mary Ann Buckley / 10-13-2009
agenda item:
/Update on 2009 council priorities
/ec liaisons
Discussion / Barbara McAneny reported on the short-term and long-term goals in implementing survivor care plans. Robyn Viera informed the EC of the dates for upcoming CRC workgroup meetings and the White Paper Retreat. Christine Brown gave an update on Evaluation efforts.Conclusions / The Survivorship Workgroup may conduct a survivor needs assessment in order to identify gaps in resources and support services. The workgroup will network with the ACC workgroup and PR workgroup in order to collect information and data from Council organizations. The CRC Workgroup needs input from Council members regarding the White Paper and Council members will give feedback into the process at upcoming meetings and the retreat. The Evaluation of the Council and Cancer Plan is in the second phase of completion and members received a new survey to be completed by 8-21-2009.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
The Survivorship and CRC workgroups will move forward any action items at their upcoming meetings. An update will be provided at the October EC meeting. / EC Liaisons / 10-13-2009
Send an email to the Council reminding them of the deadline for completing the current evaluation / Dorine Conley / 8-19-2009
agenda item:
/dorine conley
Discussion / EC Member gifts were presented to Susan Baum and Barbara McAneny. A certificate from the Council was presented to Dr. McAneny in recognition of her generosity in donating meeting space to the Council.Conclusions / None at this time
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
EC member gifts not distributed by the October meeting will be mailed/delivered to EC members / Dorine Conley / 10/31/2009
agenda item:
/member announcements and updates
/ec members
Discussion / The NM Cancer Center is sponsoring the Duke City Marathon on October 18. Opportunities are available for sponsorships and exhibit tables at a health fair that will take place during the event. Members are invited to participate. For additional information, please contact .The next EC Meeting date has changed to October 13 from 3:00-4:30 p.m.
adjournment / Several items will be deferred to the October Executive Committee Meeting. Robyn Viera adjourned the meeting at 5:00 p.m.