NJHS T-Shirt Contest
We are looking for a new design for our 2012-2013 NJHS members. Any member may submit a drawing to be considered. If your design is selected, you will receive your T-shirt for FREE!
You must include in your design:
v  A Ram (our school’s mascot)
v  A torch (NJHS symbol)
v  The words CDMS and NJHS
The rest is up to you! Designs should be drawn on white paper.
Please submit your design to Mrs. Milbrand in room 503 no later than Monday, September, 2013 / NJHS T-Shirt Order Form
Each T-shirt will have the CDMS NJHS logo that was designed by the contest winner!
The cost of the shirt will be $10.00
We encourage you to wear these shirts when you participate in NJHS activities throughout the year
Adult Shirt sizes (circle one)
Small Medium Large X-Large
Homeroom number ______
Make checks payable to CDMS NJHS
Orders due back by September 20, 2013
You may drop orders off to Mrs. Milbrand in room 503