NJDAA Executive Board Meeting Minutes
A. Call to Order:
Meeting was called to order at 9:55 AM by President Helene Pizzuta.
President Pizzuta gave greetings to Board members and guests and congratulated Dr. Breen on her election as President of the ADAA.
Motion 1 by Cathy Edwards with second by Kim McMahon to dispense with the reading of the Detal Assistants Pledge.
Minute Review Committee: Kim McMahon and Debralee Ike
B. Roll Call:
Present at meeting:
President – Helene Pizzuta
Vice-President –Patricia Steitz
Secretary – Cathy Edwards
Treasurer – Kim McMahon
Financial Secretary – DebraLee Ike
Immediate Past President – Helene Pizzuta
Atlantic/Cape May – No representative
Cumberland – No representative
Monmouth –Ocean DAS – No representative
Northern/Tri-County- Carolyn Breen was appointed representative for the meeting after a Motion 2 by Cathy Edwards and second by Kim McMahon. Motion passed.
Southern- Cheryl Kovacs
Committee Member – Dr. Karen Kulikowski
Guests – Greg Kulikowski, and Kristy Guarducci, Puja Patel, Edyta Chyclak, Krystina Lamorgese, Samantha Argentina- students from UMDNJ/SHRP Department of ADE
C. President’s Correspondence and Report: Helene Pizzuta: No correspondence
E. Financial Secretary: DebraLee Ike: Financial Secretary stated that the numbers listed below are those from the ADAA spreadsheet. There seems to be a discrepancy in those numbers when compared to past report numbers. Action 1 Debralee will check with the ADAA for an answer.
ADAA Membership Report as of October 2012
Active 351
Life 65
Student 41
Totals 457
E-Members 205
Total 662
F. Treasurer’s Report: Kim McMahon: Kim reported that she received a voided check back from Carolyn Breen for $350. That was the amount that NJDAA reimbursed Carolyn for her out of pocket expenses for the ADAA President’s Reception. Kim sent Cumberland County DAS the 2011 rebate amounts that were previously held due to their non-participation. Judy Zirkle is now leading that component and meetings are scheduled. All submitted delegate bills have been paid. Kim coordinated NYDAA, NJDAA and PADAA payments for the ADAA Presidents Reception. Margaret Farabaugh, CPA was contacted concerning a letter from the IRS stating that certain forms were not submitted. Margaret will contact the IRS for us.
Checking: as of 11/18//12 $ 6,812.97
Savings account as of 5/1/12 $10,896.63
Total $17,709.60
Morgan Stanley Account $13,938.00
G. Bills to be Presented: No bills were presented for payment
H. Council Reports:
Budget and Finance: No Report
Bylaws: Cathy Edwards: No Report
Legislation: Kim McMahon: Dr. Carolyn Breen presented a $500 check to the NJDHA at their annual conference for their legislative efforts. Chair McMahon asked the Board if they thought we should discontinue this practice since we might need the funds ourselves. The Board agreed that we should table this discussion until the January or March meeting. Kim Mcmahon has attended all State board of Dentistry meetings and stated at the last meeting she was identified as a NJDHA representative even though the question she answered was concerning DA functions. Motion3 by Carolyn Breen with a second by Cheryl Kovacs Action 2 for President Pizzuta and the Legislative Chair send a letter to the SBD with a copy to Governor Christie, Senator Lautenberg, ADAA and NJDA asking the Board for their support in adding a dental assistant to the Board. The second part of motion was to send a letter to NJDHA President Vicki Fedor and copy to NJDHA Legislative Chair Lauren Jaccodine for a letter of support to add a DA to SBD. Motion passed. Both letters should include our Mission Statement as an addendum. Motion 4 by Carolyn Breen and second by Cheryl Kovacs Action 3 for President Pizzuta and Educator Council Chair Pat Steitz to send a letter to the SBD asking for clarification on the RDA functions that are allowed by the SBD but are not on the DANB NJ RDA test. Motion passed.
Publicity and Public Relations: Pat Steitz: No Report
Publications: Cheryl Kovacs: Action 4 Cheryl will send postcards to all members in mid January with the date (April 20, 2013) for the next Annual Session, the date for the next Garden State Dental Conference and Expo and for members to view the website for any other info.
NJDA Garden State Expo Planning Committee Liaison: Kim McMahon: The profit from the Garden State Dental Conference and Expo meeting in June was $2533.33. The next GSDC and Expo will be 6/28 and 6/29 2013 in Long Branch.
Nominating: Patricia Steitz: Sandy Rodier has updated the nominating form. Pat will send the nominating form to Website Chair to put on the website. Nominations are due by 4/1/13.
Annual Session – Patricia Steitz/Judy Zirkle/Tara Harris: The NJDAA 2013 AS will be held in Clark at the Holiday Inn on April 20th. Action 5 Pat will contact Judy since the hotel deposit is probably due shortly. Pat will then contact Kim to get the check. The main speaker this year will be Janet Jacorino.
Student Table Clinics and Posters - Cheryl Kovacs: Action 6 Cheryl will send info to all the schools by mid January. Cheryl will use the updated list from Educator Council chair
Sponsorship- Helene Pizzuta and Debralee Ike:
ToothPiks – Cheryl Kovacs: Cheryl will decorate and coordinate. Lois Dondiego will help with ToothPiks.
Member Awards – Lois Dondiego: Lois requested the return of any outstanding awards.
Registration – DebraLee Ike: Debralee stated that the registration date should be changed. She will send the info to Website Chair.
Past President’s Council – Cathy Edwards: No Report
Auditing – Kim McMahon: Audit information is due shortly to the CPA
Educator’s Council: Pat Steitz: Chairman Steitz is working on updating the list of schools in NJ and will contact them to invite them to join the Educator Council and to attend AS. She will be sending applications with a January renewal date. The updated school list will be sent to Website Chair for placement on the NJDAA website. Treasurer McMahon stated that she received 5 checks for Educator’s Council membership this year.
Trustee’s Report: Sue Camizzi: No Report
Delegate Coordinator: Sandy Rodier/Kim McMahon: No Report
NJDA Website: Dr. Karen Kulikowski: Dr. Kulikowski stated that members should send her any info for the website.
I. New Business:
As per Cheryl Kovacs, Southern is reaching out to the members of Monmouth- Ocean. They hope to hold meetings alternately in the Southern are and the Monmouth-Ocean area. Action 7 Cathy Edwards will contact M-O past president and treasurer to complete the financial part of the merge and notify the ADAA of the merge.
AGENDA ITEM: Action 8 Carolyn Breen suggested board members review the strategic plan and discuss updating it at the January meeting.
AGENDA ITEM: Greater NY Dental Meeting – 2nd District will be sponsoring DA Day on Wednesday 11/28/12. All DA schools were invited to attend. Speakers for the presentation will include Kim McMahon, Robynn Rixse, Janet Hill and Lisa Borsimato. An E-Reader will be given to a participant. There will be an E-Reader to raffle at the ADAA booth also.
AGENDA ITEM: Give Kids A Smile Day is 2/1/13. Action 9 Carolyn Breen suggested that the Board come up with ideas on how to publicize NJDAA participation in GKS Day and discuss it at the January meeting. Motion 4 Made by Carolyn Breen and second by Kim McMahon that Action 10 President Pizzuta send a letter to Governor Christie notifying him of Children’s Dental Health Month in February and inviting him to one of the facilities where dental assistants will be volunteering on GKS Day or to Liberty Science Center. A copy of NJDAA’s mission statement should be included with that letter.
Cathy Edwards read an email from Dr. Wakim praising the SHRP dental assisting students that volunteered to assist at Rural Health Day at Warren County College and Kim McMahon as the NJDAA representative. Action 11 The Board directed Secretary Edwards to send thank you letters to ADAA/NJDAA members Missy Mack and Joanne Nudo for their participation and a letter to Dr. Wakim from the Zufall Health Center. Dr. Kulikowski was given a copy of the email to put a mention on the website.
Action 12 Cathy Edwards was directed by the Board to contact Ellen Schworn at Delta Dental to advise her to coordinate Liberty Science Center volunteers from SHRP with Dr. Kulikowski.
Motion 5 Made by Kim McMahon and second by Carolyn Action 13 to have Cathy Edwards investigate a new display board for the NJDAA. Motion passed
J. Unfinished Business:
Next Executive Board meeting will be a teleconference on January 16th 2013. Info on teleconference will be on the website. \
Meeting Adjourned: 11:45 AM
Action 1 Debralee Ike will check with the ADAA for an answer to the discrepancy in membership numbers that she noted.
Action 2 President Pizzuta and the Legislative Chair send a letter to the SBD with a copy to Governor Christie, Senator Lautenberg, ADAA and the NJDAS asking the board for their support in adding a dental assistant to the Board. Second part of motion was to send a letter to NJDHA President Vicki Fedor and copy to NJDHA Legislstive Chair Lauren Jaccodine for a letter of support to add a DA to SBD. Motion passed. Both letters should include our Mission Statement as an addendum.
Action 3 President Pizzuta and Educator Council Chair Pat Steitz to send a letter to the SBD asking for clarification on the RDA functions that are allowed by the SBD but are not on the DANB NJ RDA test.
Action 4 Cheryl will send postcards to all members in mid January with the date (April 20, 2013) for the next Annual Session, the date for the next Garden State Dental Conference and Expo and for members to view the website for info.
Action 5 Pat will contact Judy since the hotel deposit is probably due shortly. Pat will then contact Kim to get the check.
Action 6 Cheryl will send info to all the schools by mid January.
Action 7 Cathy Edwards will contact M-O past president and treasurer to complete the financial part of the merge and notify the ADAA of the merge.
Action 8 Carolyn Breen suggested board members review the strategic plan and discuss it at the January meeting.
Action 9 Carolyn Breen suggested that the Board come up with ideas on how to publicize NJDAA participation in GKS Day and discuss it at the January meeting.
Action 10 President Pizzuta to send a letter to Governor Christie notifying him of Children’s Dental Health Month in February and inviting him to one of the facilities where dental assistants s will be volunteering on GKS Day or to Liberty Science Center. A copy of NJDAA’s mission statement should be included with that letter.
Action 11 The Board directed Secretary Edwards to send thank you letters to ADAA/NJDAA members Missy Mack and Joanne Nudo for their participation and a letter to Dr. Wakim from the Zufall Health Center. Dr. Kulikowski was given a copy of the email to put a mention on the website
Action 12 to have Cathy Edwards investigate a new display board for the NJDAA. Motion passed
Submitted 11/21/12 for review to Debralee Ike and Kim McMahon. Received reviewed minutes and changes from KM and DI on 11/26/12. Submitted minutes to Board members 12/13/12.
Cathy Edwards
NJDAA Secretary