NJ Geospatial Forum Partnership and Information Coordination Taskforce

Meeting – Wednesday, March 29, 2006



David KunzSussex Co.

Bob BerardoRSB

Janel BisacquinoBurlington Co.

Keith HollmanEssex Co.

Joan LederFairleigh Dickinson

Miyuki KawadaPassaic Co.

Elizabeth JohnsonNJ Turnpike



A. Chris

Trish LongCity of

Bill BishopCity of


Introductions by attendees

  • NJ Turnpike Authority is looking to partner with other agencies

Final review of tasks and goals for submittal to Executive Committee

  • Increase awareness of available projects
  • Discussion of the role of list serves

Help make people from different avenues aware of resources

Use them to sheppard people to the information on NJGIN

Recommended RSS feeds for NJGIN

  • Decision to increase the communication through all available means – announcements at regional meetings, post on appropriate list serves, etc.
  • Improve internal cooperation
  • Dave Kunz has an example of a resolution

It is county-focused but could add non-profits and universities

General Discussion

  • Create a new GIS Resource Guide
  • Start developing it as an electronic document
  • Find a way to deliver a printed form to reach people that are not as plugged in
  • Creating the guide will address all listed taskforce goals (Increase awareness of available projects, Improve internal cooperation, share technical skills, compile agency contacts lists and identify funding sources) except Identify roadblocks to sharing information affecting partnerships
  • Identify roadblocks to sharing information affecting partnerships
  • Suggest that NJGF clarify that membership in constituency groups must be by employment and that consultants interested in a particular constituency does not qualify for membership
  • Suggest that NJGF allow membership listing search by agency and that identification of agencies heads or point of contacts be added

Prioritization of tasks and goals and Timeline for completion of tasks

Taskforce members will look at the old GIS Research guide and assess how taskforce goals fit into it as well as make suggestions for improvements and changes by the next meeting

oDave Kunz will provide an electronic copy of old GIS Resource Guide on Sussex County’s website

oSuggest that NJGF host the old GIS Resource Guide to foment interest in the new one

oFormatting suggestion – separate chapters into different pamphlets

oReach out to agencies involved in original publication to help update and find interest/backing in printing new Guide; find a NJDEP liaison

oEducation section suggested – How to get an education in GIS in NJ

oTalk to other taskforces and constituency groups to find out what they have accomplished and to help write targeted sections of the new Guide

oSuggestion to look at iTeam FGDC prioritization for each state

oChapter suggestion – identification of who uses what GIS platform/program, what data formats and what coordinate systems (Federal government and military especially should not be forgotten; use military grid square, not datum)

Next Meeting – Wednesday, May 10, 2006